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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Annualità Singola

Training objectives

Acquisition of the four language skills (comprehension and written and oral production) on an intermediate level.
Consolidation of the linguistic skills acquired in the first year of the degree course.
Final objective: Level B1/B2 of the European Framework.
Preparation for the B2 certificate of the Goethe Institut.


Level A2/B1 of the European Framework of reference for languages
German I

Course programme

Lectures (professor) 1st term:
The course envisages an introduction to a selection of linguistic sectors, esp. phonetics, syntax, semantics, pragmatics.

Language study (1st and 2nd term), taught by a mother-tongue language trainer:
The lessons of language study (lettorato) consist of reading texts of current affairs with reference to German culture (press articles, interviews, reports etc.); reading of individual literary texts (short stories or extracts from longer works); extension of lexis; written composition; revision and development of basic grammar, introduction to more complex grammar structures.
Grammar topics lead towards level B2 of the European Framework.
Conversation will be part of the course program and consist in dialogues and discussions, role-play and exercises in listening comprehension.

Didactic methods

Interactive and frontal lessons, practical exercises, individually and in groups (in part with mother-tongue trainers)

Learning assessment procedures

Written and oral exam
Those who cannot attend class will have access to the didactic material in order to be able to work at home. For further information, please contact the professor/tutor.
There will be a partial exam during the lesson at the end of each semester.

Reference texts

Di Meola, Claudio: La linguistica tedesca. Unintroduzione con esercizi e bibliografia ragionata. Roma, Bulzoni: 2014 (3. Aufl.)

Gaeta, Livio: Lineamenti di grammatica tedesca. Roma, Carocci: 2017
Nied Curcio, Martina: La lingua tedesca. Aspetti linguistici tra contrastività e interculturalità. Roma, UniversItalia: 2016

Language study:
Anne Buscha, Susanne Raven, Gisela Linthout: Erkundungen, Deutsch als Fremdsprache B2, (Editore Schubert Verlag)
Gabriel, G.: Üben wir Deutsch 2. Ferrara: Volta la carta: 2017
Lehr- und Übungsbuch der deutschen Grammatik - H. Dreyer, R. Schmitt (Editore Max Hueber)