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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Annualità Singola

Training objectives

The achievement of a linguistic proficiency in Spanish Language up to the CEFR C1 level. Give learners an 'academic competence', enabling them to comment a literary text in Spanish. Stimulate a contrastive reflection about Spanish and Italian grammar. Provide a solid basis of history of the Spanish language. After completing the course, the student will be able to understand a wide range of complex texts and recognize implicit meaning. He/She can express him/herself fluently and spontaneously and use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes. He/She can produce clear, well-structured and detailed texts on complex subjects.


Having passed "Lingua spagnola II" exam.

Course programme

The course consists of two annual modules:
a) a module of grammar and translation;
b) a module of History of the Spanish Language.

The course will corroborate the skills acquired in the previous two years; students will also receive an adequate training in the translation from Italian to Spanish. In the grammar part, special attention will be paid to the following issues: use of “por” and “para”; verbs with prepositions (revision); verbs that change their meaning when used with a pronoun; use of the “dative of interest”; comparison of the four past tenses of the indicative; future and conditional; revision of the subjunctive; complex sentences: conditionals, temporal, concessive, causal, final, consecutive, modal and comparative; indirect style; passive constructions with “ser” and “estar”; gerund and participle; verbal periphrasis; idioms. Within this part of the course, special attention will be paid to the conversation classes about socio-cultural and current issues; furthermore, some lessons will be devoted to American Spanish.

The module of History of Spanish Language proposes a diachronic study of the Spanish language from its origins to the present day, with particular attention to the birth of the Castilian and its evolution during the Middle Ages and the Siglos de Oro.

Didactic methods

The course includes lectures with student participation and exercises. The History of Spanish Language part (30 hours) will be devoted to the study of the main stages of development of Spanish language while the lessons of the mother-tongue teachers will deepen the reading and understanding of texts, writing, oral comprehension and expression and translation.

More information and teaching materials will be upload in Google Classroom (code: h42kzoq). Further materials for non-attending students will be provided in the Classroom.

Learning assessment procedures

Students can choose two types of assessment: a final examination in an official date (from june) or two partial exams (mid-Dicember and mid-May). The examination will be held as follows:

a) A final examination in an official date, consisting of a written test and an oral exam.
The written test consists of some grammar exercises (between 2 and 4), a written composition (350 words), a text to be translated from Italian into Spanish (12-15 lines), some questions (between 4 and 6) about the History of Spanish Language program. The written composition will have a minimum length of 350 words and must respect the subject required; the morphological and spelling correction, the use of the grammatical structures studied during the course and the consistency and cohesion of the text will be evaluated in this part. The use of a dictionary is allowed only for the translation test. The student will have access to the oral exam only after passing both parts of the written test (Grammar and History of Language); the oral exam will focus on the mandatory reading books and texts about austral Spanish. The written test will be passed (18/30) if the student shows a sufficient language proficiency in the written composition and translation, answers correctly to at least 60% of the theoretical questions about the History of Spanish Language and completes correctly at least 60% of the grammar exercises.

b) Two partial tests at the end of each semester (generally in mid-December and in mid-May), with a final oral exam.
The contents of each part correspond to the grammatical topics and the History of Spanish Language program studied in the corresponding semester: the first test consists of some grammar exercises (between 2 and 4), a written composition (300 words), a text to be translated from Italian into Spanish (12-15 lines), some questions about the History of Spanish Language program of this semester (between 2 and 4); the second part consists of some grammar exercises (between 2 and 4), a written composition (350 words), a text to be translated from Italian into Spanish (12-15 lines), some questions about the History of Spanish Language program of the second semester (between 2 and 4). The use of a dictionary is allowed only for the translation test. The student will have access to the oral exam only after passing both parts (Grammar and History of Language) of the two partial tests; the oral exam will focus on the mandatory reading books and the texts about austral Spanish. The tests will be passed (18/30) if the student shows a sufficient language proficiency in written composition and translation, answers correctly to at least two of the theoretical questions about the History of Spanish Language and completes correctly at least 60% of the grammar exercises.

More information will be provided in "Lingua spagnola 3" Classroom, code: h42kzoq

Reference texts

For the Grammar and Translation module:
Nuevo Sueña 4 - Libro del alumno (ISBN: 9788469827963)
Nuevo Sueña 4 - Cuaderno de ejercicios (ISBN: 9788469827970)

For the History of Spanish Language module:
Compulsory text for attending and not attending students
Rafael Lapesa, Historia de la lengua española, Madrid, Gredos, 2014; in particular: cap.1, pp. 25-43; cap. 4, pp. 102-113; cap. 5, pp. 117-127; cap. 7, pp. 150-153 e 166-170; cap. 9, pp. 208-217; cap. 11, pp. 252-258; cap. 13, pp. 330-351; cap. 14, pp. 352-357 e 360-364.

Javier Medina López, Historia de la lengua española I. Español medieval, Madrid, Arco Libros, 2003, in particular: pp. 17-22; 29-34; 44-57.
(These texts will be provided by the teacher)

Reading Books (choose one):
Fernando Aramburu, Patria
Javier Cercas, El impostor
Alicia Giménez-Bartlett, Donde nadie te encuentre
Carlos Luis Zafón, El juego del ángel

Recommended diccionary
Laura Tam, Grande dizionario di spagnolo, Hoepli.