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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Annualità Singola

Training objectives

Students will reach B1-level knowledge of French. At the end of the course, students will be able to understand the main points of clear messages in standard language on familiar topics that they normally face at home, at school, and in their spare time; they will be able to deal with many situations that may arise while travelling to a French-speaking region; they can produce simple and coherent texts on topics that are familiar or interesting to them; they can describe experiences, dreams, hopes, ambitions, briefly explain their opinions and projects. Students will acquire a good knowledge of the phonological and morphological system of the French language.


Solid knowledge of Italian, since all lessons of the theoretical module will be given in Italian.

Course programme

The contents of the lecturers' module concern the didactic units of the reference manual aimed at introducing the grammatical and cultural elements of the French language. The contents of the theoretical module will provide an introduction to French phonetics and morphology, from a contrastive perspective. Chapters from the book "Dans le jardin des mots" by Jacqueline de Romilly (mandatory for all students), that will be read and analysed during the second semester, will allow students to improve on their lexical knowledge. Students who chose French as their third language (12 credits) will also attend some introductory lessons on lexicology and lexicography.
Students who do not attend lessons are required to study the suggested texts (see bibliography below). However, recordings of past lessons will be made available as a didactic support, at the end of the course.

Didactic methods

Lessons held by the titular teacher (in Italian, so as to allow beginners to fully understand the topics that will be dealt with) + lessons held by native language teachers.
Both modules are interactive and should be attended, as far as possible, by both beginners and advanced students.
All course
materials and information will be uploaded on Google Classroom (access
code for the theoretical module: kwsvsag; lettorato gruppo 1A: uqknexm; lettorato gruppo 1B: kvz5e6a; lettorato gruppo 1C: kzwyaef). For more information about the partition into groups, see below.

Learning assessment procedures

The final exam consists of three written tests and an oral test:
1) Grammar test;
2) Comprehension and writing;
3) Theoretical test (topics: phonetics, morphology, chapters from "Dans le jardin des mots").
4) Oral exam (after successful completion of the written tests): oral description of a picture; reading test (a written text and short sentences in the International Phonetic Alphabet); questions on lexicology (only for Language students who chose French as their third language and Philosophy students, 12 credits).

Mid-course tests will be organised (attending students only). First test
(December): 1) grammar (Part 1). Second
test (May): 1) grammar (Part 2); 2) comprehension and writing; 3) Theoretical test. If
both tests are successfully completed, students will be admitted to the oral test.

Reference texts

Reference manual (MANDATORY for all students): Marie-Noelle Cocton, Luca Giachino, Carla Baracco, Pas à pas, nuova edizione, Zanichelli, 2020 (vol. 1).

Suggested texts for the theoretical module :
- Jacqueline de Romilly, Dans le jardin des mots, Le Livre de Poche (MANDATORY);
- M. Léon, P. Léon, La prononciation du français [2e édition], Paris, A. Colin, 2019;
- H. Huot, La morphologie. Forme et sens des mots du français [2e édition], Paris, Armand Colin, 2005 (chapters II, V, VI, VII, VIII);
- A. Niklas-Salminen, La lexicologie [2e édition], Paris, Armand Colin, 2015 (chapters 3-5) (12 credits only).

Suggested grammar manual: F. Bidaud, Grammaire du français pour italophones, Torino, UTET, 2020 (including the exercises: Exercices de grammaire française pour italophones).

Further materials will be provided by the teacher through Classroom.