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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

Provide the students with a general overview of Spanish literature of the Spanish Golden Age (16th and 17th Centuries). Equipping students with adequate skills to analyze and comment on literary texts (poetry, fiction and drama) of the 16th and 17th Centuries.


Owning a B2 level of Spanish language.

Course programme

Overview of the Spanish Golden Age literature through reading an anthology of texts. The topics are:
1. The Dialogue of Renaissance rinascimentale: "Diálogo de la lengua" by Juan Valdés.
2. Chivalry Books: "Amadís de Gaula".
3. Introduction to the Baroque Short Novel: "El licenciado Vidriera".
4. "Don Quijote de la Mancha"
5. San Juan de la Cruz's Poetry: “Noche oscura del alma” e “Cántico espiritual”.
6. Góngora's Poetry.
7. Quevedo's Poetry.
6. Lope de Vega's Theatre: "Los comendadores de Córdoba"

Didactic methods

Frontal lectures on all the course’s topics (20 hours) and commentary of the texts (10 hours).

Learning assessment procedures

Written exam, divided into three parts:
1. Specific questions on the topics of the course;
2. Theoretical development of one of the topics of the course;
3. Commentary of a text.
Duration: 2 hours.

Reference texts

L. Gentilli - G. Mazzocchi - J. Sepúlveda, Antologia della letteratura spagnola. Vol. 2: I Secoli d'Oro, Milano, LED.
C. Alvar - R. Navarro - J.-C. Mainer, Storia della letteratura spagnola, Torino, Einaudi (Vol. I, Parte seconda).