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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

The course's main objective is to provide students with a detailed overview of the methodologies used for the excavation and documentation of archaeological sites and materials. The course also aims at providing students with the necessary knowledge in order to interpret, from an interdisciplinary perspective, data spanning from the literature to the different techniques of analysis.
The ultimate goals of teaching are two:
- Provide students with the means to independently understand the scientific publications on various aspects of archaeology
- Provide students with the necessary knowledge to be able to program the various interventions required as part of an archaeological excavation and for the analysis of excavated materials.



Course programme

The course will address in detail the different methods applied in all steps of the documentation and analysis of archaeological sites and materials.
Specifically, the following topics will be covered:
- Excavation methodologies and documentation of found materials;
- Methodologies of stratigraphic documentation and principles of stratigraphy;
- 2D and 3D surfaces methods of relief and documentation of excavated materials (GIS foundations);
- Dating methods
-Construction of a database for data collection
- Cultural Heritage Legislation and organization of the Ministry of Culture
- How to make and manage the bibliography (computer programs for bibliographic management)

Didactic methods

Lectures in which the topics covered by the textbook will be examined in depth; workshops in which examples of a practical approach to the study of archaeological materials will be made. The lessons will be availables in FAD modality.

Learning assessment procedures

The examination will be oral. The student must also present a paper of maximum 3 pages concerning the study of one of the topics covered in class; in the writing the use of the bibliography and the correctness of the bibliographic citations within the text will be evaluated in a particular way.

Reference texts

Colin Renfrew, Paul Bahn (2015). Archeology Essentilas 3rd Edition.

(from chapter 1 to 8 and chapt.11; ppt