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Academic year and teacher
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Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

The aim of the course is to improve the linguistic and literary knowledge of Homeric poems. In particular, the purpose of the course is to learn the most significant aspects of Homeric epic: language, performance, style, textual transmission, and exegesis.
The course also aims to analyze the influence of the Epos on the Greek novel of the imperial age.


Ancient Greek language (first level).
A basic preparatory Greek course will be held in the first semester for anyone without prior knowledge of the Greek language to have access to the second semester course.
All the information about this course will be available on the classroom: mqgsfj6

Course programme

- Homeric language; the other dialects of ancient Greece and indo-european language. Mycenaean language.
-Form and structure of the Homer's epic poetry.
- Some selected passages of books 1-12 of the Iliad's will be examined under a linguistic, historical and literary perspective.
- The history of texts tradition and history of Homeric scholarship.
- Reading of selected passages from Chariton's novel and others Greek novels comparing the narrative structures and language of Epos.

Didactic methods

Translation exercises.
Traditional lectures as well as “discussion and feedback” of case study presentations.

Learning assessment procedures

Final oral exam evaluates students' knowledge of the language, translation skills and the history of the literature of the archaic and imperial ages.

Reference texts

1. Reference texts
- West M.L. (ed.), Homerus. Ilias, vol. I, De Gruyter Berlin/New York 2011.
- Caritone d'Afrodisia, Il romanzo di Calliroe, Roncali R. (a cura di), Rizzoli BUR 1996.
A detailed program will be delivered during the course.

2. Required texts:
- Cassio A.C. (a cura di), Storia delle lingue letterarie greche, Firenze, Le Monnier 2008 (capp. 1, 2, 3,4).
- Ercolani A., Omero. Introduzione allo studio dell'epica greca arcaica, Roma, Carocci 2006.
- Villar F., Gli Indoeuropei e le origini dell'Europa, trad. it. Bologna, Il Mulino 1997, cap. XVI, pp. 547-567 I greci.

3. The chapters focusing on archaic literature and the literature of imperial age from one of the following handbooks:
Guidorizzi G., Letteratura greca. Da Omero al secolo VI d.C., Milano, Mondadori 2019; Porro A.-Lapini W., Letteratura greca, Bologna, Il Mulino 2017; Montana F.- Montanari F., Storia della letteratura greca. Dalle origini all'età imperiale, Roma-Bari, Laterza 2010.

4. For beginners following the basic Greek course this grammar book is strongly recommended:
Michelozzo F., Nuovi itinerari alla scoperta del greco antico, Firenze University Press 2006.

5. Further readings:
- Aloni A, La lingua dei Greci, Roma 2011
- Barry B. Powell, Omero, trad. it., Il Mulino 2006.
- Havelock E.A., Cultura orale e civiltà della scrittura. Da Omero a Platone, trad. it. Laterza 1973.
- Scialunga M., Introduzione allo studio della filologia classica, Alessandria 2003.
- Weil S., L'Iliade o il poema della forza, trad. it. Rubini F., Asterios Editore, Trieste 2021.