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Academic year and teacher
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Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

- Knowledge of the main phases of the history and the development of the discipline/matter and the ecdotic method

- Knowledge of the different types of textual tradition and of the transmission of Latin and Greek texts (especially of the authors and the works proposed during the lessons)

- Knowledge and ability to use the main philological research tools (including digital resources and databases)

- Knowledge and understanding of philological terminology, types and methods of a critical edition

- To improve ecdotic skills starting from concrete case studies proposed during the lessons

- To develop a critical personal judgement/opinion in the philological reading of a classical text, orienting oneself in the choice between variants and errors and applying the knowledge acquired during the course

- To be able to explain the main characteristics of the transmission of the texts presented during the course and outline the history of the textual tradition

- To be able to identify and discuss critical-textual problems on the basis of the examples presented during the lessons

- To be able to give a philological-literary analysis of a text with its historical-cultural context


- Knowledge of Latin language and literature

- Elementary knowledge of Greek language and literature (students who do not have basic skills of Greek will be provided with teaching support material to attend the course and to prepare the exam)

Course programme

The course aims to give the basis of ecdotic method with a focus on the history of the direct and indirect tradition of Latin and Greek texts, starting from the philological reading and analysis of selected passages.

The first part of the course concerns basic notions of the history of the discipline and of textual criticism.

The second part concerns the reading and philological commentary on the texts, focusing on the analysis of some passages from: Lucretius, De rerum natura (selection especially from book I); Seneca, Naturales Quaestiones (in particular from books: I; IVa and IVb); Ausonius, Epigrammata (selection and comparison between Ausonius and Martial’s poems); Claudian, Carmina minora (including also verses from the Greek Gigantomachia); Anthologia Latina; Anthologia Graeca.

The selection permits to consider different literary forms in poetry and in prose (didactic poem, epigram; scientific-philosophical treatise), with a focus on the relationship between Greek and Latin literature. For this specific aspect, the focus will be on the epigrammatic genre and its evolution.

Didactic methods

Lessons based, in particular for the first part of the course, on the explanation of the ecdotic method starting from examples of textual tradition and from the case studies.

For the second part, the lessons will focus on the linguistic and philological-literary analysis of selected passages and will also include pratical applications and seminars with the active participation of the students.

The video-recording of the lessons will be active (on Google Classroom code bgix32q).

Learning assessment procedures

Exam (oral): in which the student will be asked to be able to read, translate and comment in a linguistic-philological way on the texts studied during the course and part of the examination programme.
The aim is to test the student’s knowledge of the main arguments of the course and to assess the student’s theoretical, linguistic-literary skills and critical opinion.

Reference texts

Examination texts for the first part of the course:

Paolo Chiesa, Elementi di critica testuale, Bologna, Pàtron Editore, 2002.

Fabio Stok, I classici dal papiro a internet, Roma, Carocci Editore, 2012: only chap. 3 (La ricezione dei classici dall’Antichità al Medioevo).

Examination texts for the second part of the course:

Text Reading Editions:

The passages for the exam will be indicated during the lessons. All Latin and Greek texts analysed and commented during the course will be available in teaching materials with didactic support contents.

- C. Bailey, Titi Lucreti Cari De rerum natura libri sex, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1947 (available in teaching materials)

- P. Parroni, Seneca, Ricerche sulla natura, Milano, Fondazione Lorenzo Valla, Mondadori Editore, 2002

- R.P.H. Green, The Works of Ausonius, Oxford, Clarendon, Press, 1991 (available in teaching materials)

- J.B. Hall, Claudii Claudiani, Carmina, Leipzig, G.B. Teubner, 1985 (available in teaching materials)

- F. Bücheler, A. Riese, Anthologia Latina, sive Poesis latinae supplementum, Leipzig, G.B. Teubner, 1894-1926 (available in teaching materials)

- A.S. Gow, D.L. Page, The Greek Anthology, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1965 (available in teaching materials)

Reference studies for the analysis of the texts:

L. Piazzi (a cura di), Lucrezio. Le leggi dell’universo (la natura, Libro I), Venezia, Marsilio, 2011: only the Introduction and the pages of commentary on the passages analysed during the course

P. Parroni, Seneca, Ricerche sulla natura, Milano, Fondazione Lorenzo Valla, Mondadori Editore, 2002: only the Introduction and the pages of commentary on the passages analysed during the course

R.P.H. Green, The Works of Ausonius, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1991: only the Introduction and the pages of commentary on the passages analysed during the course (available in teaching materials)

M. Spallone, Il Par. Lat. 10318 (Salmasiano): dal manoscritto altomedievale ad una raccolta enciclopedica tardo-antica, «IMU» 25, 1982, pp. 1-71 (text available in teaching materials)

A. Cameron, The Greek Anthology from Meleager to Planudes, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1993 (only chapters available in teaching materials)

All didactic contents available in teaching materials are part of examination programme.

Non-attending students have to contact the teacher and have to add to the programme also: T. Braccini, La scienza dei testi antichi. Introduzione alla filologia classica, Firenze, Le Monnier Università, 2017 or: P. Trovato, Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Lachmann's Method. Revised Edition, Milano, Libreria Editrice Universitaria, 2017.