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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

Knowledge. The course will provide detailed knowledge on the following subjects:
- the main reasons of Europe's historical evolution in the modern age through the relationship with other cultures.
- the main characteristics of european colonialism and the most relevant historical studies on it; analyzed through geographical, economical, political, religious and cultural concepts.
Skills. Be able to:
- Identify and interpret the Renaissance values on which the european civilization is based.
- In a diachronic perspective, analyze the dynamic and mutual interaction with other civilizations, especially the ancient islamic world, the Jewish world and the new american world.



Course programme

- Methodological themes: an overview on historiography and the developement of the idea of europe.
- Europe in the Renaissance: the political context, diplomacy, First and Second Italian Wars, the clashes against the turks, religious wars, relationships with the Jewish.
- Discovering new worlds: geographical discoveries, colonialism models, slavery.
- Text analysis.

Didactic methods

Lessons uploaded on platform (2 or 3 every week).
Deepening meeting live (every Thursday, 10.15-11.45 am, Polo degli Adelardi).

Learning assessment procedures

Oral test: Check of aware of the content of the books in bibliography and of skill to analyze documents examined during the lectures.
Written test (only first exam session, January 2021): Check of aware of the content of the books in bibliography and of skill to analyze documents examined during the lectures.

Reference texts

The exam has to be prepared on the following books.
1. Europe and New World
- D. Abulafia, La scoperta dell’umanità. Incontri atlantici nell’età di Colombo, il Mulino, Bologna 2010, pp. 454.
Choose among:
- M. Donattini, Dal Nuovo Mondo all’America. Scoperte geografiche e colonialismo (secoli XV-XVI), Carocci, Roma 2004
- L.A. Lindsay, Il commercio degli schiavi, il Mulino, Bologna 2011, pp. 186.
2. Others Worlds in Europe
- A. Tallon, L’Europa del Cinquecento. Stati e relazioni internazionali, Carocci, Roma 2013, pp. 317.
Choose among:
- G. Ricci, Appello al turco. I confini infranti del Rinascimento, Viella, Roma 2011, pp. 182.
- M. Caffiero, Storia degli ebrei nell’Italia moderna. Dal Rinascimento alla Restaurazione, Carocci, Roma 2014, pp. 256.