International Publications

1. Grassi L., Molinari S.: Family affective climate during the childhood of adult cancer patients. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 1987, 4: 53.62.

2. Grassi L., Molinari S.: Pattern of emotional control and psychological reactions to breast cancer: a preliminary report. Psychological Reports, 1988, 62: 727-732.

3. Grassi L., Rosti G., Albieri G., Marangolo M.: Depression and abnormal illness behavior in cancer patients. General Hospital Psychiatry, 1989, 11: 404-411

4. Grassi L., Rosti G., Lasalvia A., Marangolo M.: Psychosocial variables associated with mental adjustment to cancer. Psycho-Oncology, 1993, 2: 11-20.

5. Grassi L., Pavanati M., Bedetti A., Bicocchi R.: Analysis of psychiatric consultations in patients with HIV infection and related syndromes. AIDS Care, 7: S73-S77, 1995.

6. Grassi L.: Risk of HIV infection in psychiatrically ill patients. AIDS Care, 8: 105-118, 1996

7. Grassi L., Rosti G., Albertazzi L., Marangolo M.: Psychological stress symptoms before and after autologous bone marrow transplantation for solid tumors. Bone Marrow Transplantation, 17: 843-847, 1996.

8. Grassi L., Rosti G.: Psychiatric and psychosocial concomitants of abnormal illness behaviour in patients with cancer. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 1996, 65: 246-252.

9. Grassi L., Indelli M., Marzola M., Maestri A., Santini A., Piva E., Boccalon M.: Depression and quality of life in home care assisted cancer patients. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 1996, 12: 300-307.

10. Grassi L., Rosti G.: Psychiatric morbidity among long-term survivors of cancer. A six-year follow-up study. Psychosomatics, 1996, 37: 523-532.

11. Grassi L., Sighinolfi L.: Psychosocial correlates of quality of life in HIV-infected patients. AIDS Patient Care, 1996, 10: 296-298.

12. Grassi L., Indelli M., Maltoni M., Falcini F., Fabbri L., Indelli R.: Evaluation of different sources of quality of life in home care cancer patients Journal of Psychosocial Oncology 1996, 14: 31-45.

13. Grassi L., Rosti G., Albertazzi L., Marangolo M.: Depressive symptoms in autologous bone marrow transplant (ABMT) patients with cancer: an exploratory study. Psycho-Oncology, 1996, 5: 305-310

14. Grassi L., Caloro G., Zamorani M., Ramelli E.: Psychological morbidity and psychosocial variables associated with life-threatening illness: a comparative study of patients with HIV infection or cancer. Psychology, Health and Medicine 1997, 2: 31-41.

15. Grassi L., Malacarne P., Maestri A., Ramelli E.: Depression, psychosocial variables and occurrence of life events among patients with cancer. Journal of Affective Disorders, 1997, 44: 21-30

16. Giraldi T., Rodani M.G., Cartei G., Grassi L.: Psychosocial factors and breast cancer: a 6-year Italian follow-up study. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 1997; 66: 229-236

17. Grassi L.: Psychiatric implications of euthanasia and assisted suicide in terminally ill patients. New Trends in Experimental and Clinical Psychiatry, 1997 13: 127-132.

18. Grassi L., Magnani K.: Euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide in the context of HIV infection: GPs’ opinions and communication styles. Italian Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences 1998; 8: 29-32.

19. Grassi L., Righi R., Sighinolfi L., Makoui S., Ghinelli F.: Coping styles and psychosocial related variables in HIV-infected patients. Psychosomatics, 1998; 39: 350-359

20. Gallerani M., Grassi L., Ferrari F., Calò G., Manfredini R.: Electrocardiographic alterations as a result of acute intoxication with fluvoxamine and pipamparone. Clinical Drug Investigation, 1998; 15: 64-68

21. Grassi L., Righi R., Makoui S., Sighinolfi L., Ferri S., Ghinelli F: Illness behaviour, emotional stress and psychosocial factors among asymptomatic HIV-infected patients. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 1999; 68:31-38

22. Gala C., Rigatelli M., De Bertolini C., Rupolo G., Gabrielli F., Grassi L.: A Multicenter Investigation of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry in Italy. General Hospital Psychiatry, 1999; 21: 310-317

23. Grassi L., Magnani K., Ercolani M.: Attitudes toward euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide among Italian primary care physicians. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 1999; 17: 188-196

24. Grassi L., Peron L., Ferri S., Pavanati M.: HIV-related risk behavior among Italian psychiatric inpatients. Comprehensive Psychiatry 1999; 40: 126-130

25. Grassi L., Pavanati M., Cardelli R., Ferri S., Peron L.: HIV-risk behaviour and knowledge about HIV/AIDS among patients with schizophrenia. Psychological Medicine, 1999; 29: 171-179

26. Cantagallo A., Grassi L., Della Sala S.: Dissociative disorders after traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury 1999; 13: 219-228

27. Grassi L., Agostini M., Magnani K.: Attitudes of Italian doctors to euthanasia and assisted suicide for terminally ill patients. Lancet, 1999; 354: 1876-1877

28. Grassi L., Giraldi T. Messina E.G, Magnani K., Valle E., Cartei G.: Physicians’ attitudes and problems in truth-telling to cancer patients. Supportive Care in Cancer, 2000; 8: 40-45

29. Grassi L., Rasconi G.,. Pedriali A.,. Corridoni A., Bevilacqua M: Social support and psychological stress symptoms in primary care attenders Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 2000; 69: 95-100 [Abstract]

30. Grassi L., Gritti P., Rigatelli M., Gala C.: Psychosocial problems secondary to cancer: an Italian multicenter survey of consultation-liaison psychiatry in oncology. European Journal of Cancer 2000; 36: 579-585

31. Grassi L., Agostini M., Rossin P., Magnani K.: Medical students’ opinion of euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide in Italy. Archives of Internal Medicine 2000; 160: 2226-2227

32. Grassi L., Magnani K.: Psychiatric morbidity and burnout in medical profession: an Italian study of general practitioners and hospital physicians. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 2000; 69: 329-334.

33. Grassi L., Mondardini D., Pavanati M., Sighinolfi L., Serra A., Ghinelli F.: Suicide probability and psychological morbidity secondary to HIV infection: a control study of HIV-seropositive, Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)-seropositive and HIV/HCV-seronegative injecting drug users. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2001; 64: 195-202

34. Grassi L., Caraceni A., Beltrami E., Borreani C., Zamorani M., Maltoni M., Monti M., Luzzani M., Mercadante S., De Conno F.: Assessing delirium in cancer patients. The Italian versions of the Delirium Rating Scale (DRS) and the Memorial Delirium Assessment Scale (MDAS). Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 2001 21: 59-68.

35. Grassi L., Biancosino B., Pavanati M., Agostini M., Manfredini R.: Depression or hypoactive delirium? A report of ciprofloxacin-induced mental disorder in a patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics; 2001; 70: 58-59

36. Grassi L., Biancosino B., Righi R., Finotti L., Peron L.: Knowledge about HIV transmission and prevention: an Italian study of patients with psychiatric disorders. Psychiatric Services. 2001; 52: 679-681.

37. Biancosino B., Zanchi PL., Agostini M., Grassi L.: Suspected neuroleptic catatonia induced by clozapine. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 2001; 46: 458.

38. Manfredini R., Vanni A., Peron L., Grassi L.: Circadian variation in aggressive behavior among psychiatric inpatients. Chronobiology International 2001; 18: 503-511

39. Grassi L., Peron L., Marangoni M., Zanchi PL., Vanni A.: A five-year Italian survey of violent behavior in acute psychiatric in-patients. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 2001;104: 273-279.

40. Capuzzo M., Pinamonti A., Cingolati E., Grassi L., Bianconi M., Contu P., Gritti G., Alvisi R.:Analgesia, sedation and memory of intensive care. Journal of Critical Care 2001; 16: 83-89

41. Grassi L., Satriano J., Serra A., Biancosino B., Zotos S., Sighinolfi L., Ghinelli F.: Emotional stress, psychosocial variables and coping associated with Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) and HIV infections in Intravenous Drug Users. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 2002; 71: 342-349

42. Biancosino B., Facchi A., Marmai L., Grassi L.: Gabapentin treatment of impulsive-aggressive behaviour. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 2002; 47: 483-484.

43. Biancosino B., Marmai L., Facchi A., Rossi E., Grassi L.: Quetiapine may induce mania: A case report. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry,2003; 48: 349-350

44. Capuzzo M., Valpondi V., Cingolani E., De Luca S., Gianstefani G., Grassi L., Alvisi R.: Application of the Italian version of the Intensive Care Unit Memory tool in the clinical setting. Critical Care, 2004; 8: 48-55

45. Grassi L., Biancosino B., Marmai L., Righi R.: Effects of reboxetine on major depressive disorders in breast cancer patients: An open-label study. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 2004: 65: 515-520

46. Biancosino B., Barbui C., Pera V., Osti M., Rocchi D., Marmai L., Grassi L.: Patient opinions on the benefits of treatment programs in residential psychiatric care. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 2004;49: 613-620

47.  Grassi L., Rossi E., Sabato S., Cruciani G., Zambelli M.: Diagnostic Criteria for Psychosomatic Research (DCPR) and psychosocial variables in breast cancer patients. Psychosomatics 2004; 45:483-491

48.  Grassi L., Travado L., Gil Moncayo F.L, Sabato S., Rossi E., and the SEPOS Group: Psychosocial morbidity and its correlates in cancer patients of the Mediterranean area: findings from the Southern European Psycho-Oncology Study (SEPOS). Journal of Affective Disorders 2004; 83: 243-248

49.  Grassi L., Sabato S., Rossi E., Biancosino B., Marmai L: The use of the Diagnostic Criteria for Psychosomatic Research (DCPR) in oncology. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 2005;74:100-107

50.  Grassi L., Buda P., Cavana L., Annunziata M.A., Torta R., Varetto A.: Styles of coping with cancer: the Italian version of the Mini-Mental Adjustment to Cancer (Mini-MAC) scale. Psycho-Oncology 2005; 14: 115-124

51. Mangelli L., Fava G.A., Grandi S., Grassi L., Ottolini F., Porcelli P., Rafanelli C., Rigatelli M., Sonino N.: Assessing demoralization and depression in the setting of medical disease. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 2005; 66:391-394

52. Capuzzo M, Valpondi V, Cingolani E, Gianstefani G, De Luca S, Grassi L, Alvisi R.: Post-traumatic stress disorder-related symptoms after intensive care. Minerva Anestesiologica, 2005;71:167-179.

53. Biancosino B., Barbui C., Grassi L.: The Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale-Expanded Version as predictor of length of stay in a short- to medium-stay facility. Psychiatric Services 2005;56:755-756.

54. Capuzzo M, Landi F., Bassani A., Grassi L, Volta CA, Alvisi R.:Emotional and interpersonal factors are most important for patient satisfaction with anaesthesia. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica, 2005;49:735-742.

55.  Grassi L., Travado L., Gil F., Campos R., Lluch P., Baile W.: A Communication intervention for training Southern European Oncologists to recognize psychosocial morbidity in cancer patients. I - Development of the model and preliminary results on physicians’ satisfaction. Journal of Cancer Education, 2005; 20: 79-84

56.  Grassi L.: Psychopathology and psychiatirc disorders among breast cancer patients. Minerva Psichiatrica 2005; 46:105-117

57. Travado L., Grassi L., Gil F., Ventura C., Martins C. and the Southern European Psycho-Oncology Study (SEPOS) Group: Physician-patient communication among Southern European cancer physicians: The influence of psychosocial orientation and burnout. Psycho-Oncology 2005; 14: 661-670

58. Gil F. Grassi L., Travado L., Tomamichel M., Gonzales JR: Use of Distress and Depression Thermometers to measure psychosocial morbidity among Southern European cancer patients. Supportive Care in Cancer 2005;13:600-606.

59. Biancosinio B., Barbui C., Marmai L., Donà S., Grassi L.: Determinants of antipsychotic polypharmacy in psychiatric inpatients: prospective study. International Clinical Psychopharmacology 2005;20:305-309

60. Trombelli L., Scapoli C., Tatakis D.M., Grassi L.: Modulation of Clinical Expression of Plaque-Induced Gingivitis. Effects of Personality Traits, Social Support and Stress. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2005;32: 1143–1150.

61. Mangelli L.,Fava G.A., Grassi L., Ottolini F., Paolini S., Porcelli P., Rafanelli C.,RigatelliM., Sonino N.: Irritable mood in Italian patients with medical disease. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 2006; 194:226-228.

62.  Grassi L., Biancosino B., Vanni A., Peron L., Marmai L., Kotrotsiou V., Marangoni C., Barbui C.: Violence in psychiatric units: A 7-year Italian study of persistently assaultive patients. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 2006; 41:698-703.

63. Biancosino B., Rocchi D., Donà S., Marmai L., Grassi L.: Efficacy of a Short-term Psychoeducational Intervention for Persistent Nonorganic Insomnia in Severely Mentally ill Patients. A pilot study. European Psychiatry 2006; 21: 460-462

64. Nosé M., Ciprian A., Biancosino B., Grassi L., Barbui C.: Efficacy of pharmacotherapy against core traits of borderline personality disorder: meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. International Clinical Psychopharmacology 2006; 21: 345-353

65. Bosisio M, Caraceni A, Grassi L; Italian Delirium Study Group.: A descriptive study of the phenomenology of delirium in cancer patients as described by the Memorial Delirium Assessment Scale (MDAS) and the Delirium Rating Scale (DRS). Psychosomatics 2006;47:471-478.

66. Giraldi T, De Vanna M, Malagoli M, Tuveri G, Sutto K, Schillani G, Grassi L. Mental Adaptation to Cancer, Depression and Blood Platelet Monoamine Oxidase Activity in Breast Cancer Patients. Anticancer Research 2007; 27: 1715-1719

67.  Grassi L, Mangelli L, Fava GA, Grandi S, Ottolini F, Porcelli P, Rafanelli C, Rigatelli M, Sonino N. Psychosomatic Characterization of Adjustment Disorders In The Medical Setting. Some Suggestions for DSM-V. Journal of Affective Disorders 2007; 101:251-254.

68. Biancosino B., Barbui C, Marmai L, Fagioli F., Sabatelli C., Grassi L: Relationship between self-reported and observer-reported ratings for psychopathology in psychiatric inpatients. Psychopathology 2007;40:418-423

69. Grassi L.: Bereavement in families with relative dying of cancer. Current Opinions in Supportive and Palliative Care 2007; 1:43–49.

70. Giraldi T., De Vanna M., Malagoli M., Tuveri G., Sutto K., Schillani G., Grassi L.: Mental Adaptation to Cancer, Depression and Blood Platelet Monoamine Oxidase Activity in Breast Cancer Patients. Anticancer Research 2007; 27:1715-1719

71. Barbui C, Bruno Biancosino B, Esposito E, Marmai L, Donà S, Grassi L: Factors associated with antipsychotic dosing in psychiatric inpatients: a prospective study. International Clinical Psychopharmacology 2007, 22:221–225

72. Schillani G, Capozzo MA, Aguglia E, De Vanna M, Grassi L, Conte MA, Giraldi T.: 5-HTTLPR polymorphism of serotonin transporter and effects of sertraline in terminally ill cancer patients: report of eleven cases. Tumori, 2008;94:563-567

73. Garcia-Cebrian A, Bauer M, Montejo AL, Dantchev N, Demyttenaere K, Gandhi P, Grassi L, Monz BU, Perahia DG, Quail D, Tylee A. Factors influencing depression endpoints research (FINDER): study design and population characteristics. European Psychiatry, 2008;23:57-66

74. Bauer, M., Monz, B.U., Montejo, A.L., Quail, D., Dantchev, N., Demyttenaere, K., Garcia-Cebrian, A., Grassi L., Perahia, D.G.S., Reed, C., Tylee, A.: Prescribing patterns of antidepressants in Europe: results from the Factors Influencing Depression Endpoints Research (FINDER) study. European Psychiatry 2008;23:66-73

75. Reed C, Monz B.U., Perahia D.G.S., Gandhi P., Bauer M, Dantchev N., Demyttenaere K., Garcia-Cebrian A, Grassi L., Quail D., Tylee A., Montejo A.L.: Quality of life outcomes among patients with depression after 6 months of starting treatment: results from FINDER. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2009;113:296-302.

76. Grassi L, Sabato S, Rossi E, Marmai L, Biancosino B: Affective syndromes and their screening in cancer patients with early and stable disease: Italian ICD-10 data and performance of the Distress Thermometer from the Southern European Psycho-Oncology Study (SEPOS). Journal of Affective Disorders, 2009;114:193-199

77. Nosè M, Accordini S, Artioli P, Barale F, Barbui C, Beneduce R, Berardi D, Bertolazzi G, Biancosino B, Bisogno A, Bivi R, Bogetto F, Boso M, Bozzani A, Bucolo P, Casale M, Cascone L, Ciammella L, Cicolini A, Cipresso G, Cipriani A, Colombo P, Dal Santo B, De Francesco M, Di Lorenzo G, Di Munzio W, Ducci G, Erlicher A, Esposito E, Ferrannini L, Ferrato F, Ferro A, Fragomeno N, Parise VF, Frova M, Gardellin F, Garzotto N, Giambartolomei A, Giupponi G, Grassi L, Grazian N, Grecu L, Guerrini G, Laddomada F, Lazzarin E, Lintas C, Malchiodi F, Malvini L, Marchiaro L, Marsilio A, Mauri MC, Mautone A, Menchetti M, Migliorini G, Mollica M, Moretti D, Mulè S, Nicholau S, Nosè F, Occhionero G, Pacilli AM, Pecchioli S, Percudani M, Piantato E, Piazza C, Pontarollo F, Pycha R, Quartesan R, Rillosi L, Risso F, Rizzo R, Rocca P, Roma S, Rossattini M, Rossi G, Rossi G, Sala A, Santilli C, Saraò G, Sarnicola A, Sartore F, Scarone S, Sciarma T, Siracusano A, Strizzolo S, Tansella M, Targa G, Tasser A, Tomasi R, Travaglini R, Veronese A, Ziero S.: Rationale and design of an independent randomised controlled trial evaluating the effectiveness of aripiprazole or haloperidol in combination with clozapine for treatment-resistant schizophrenia. Trials 2009 May 15;10:31.

78. Costantini A., Baile W.F., Costantini M., Marchetti P., Ziparo V., Lenzi R., Grassi L.: Overcoming Cultural Barriers to Giving Bad News: Feasibility of Training to Promote Truth-Telling to Cancer Patients. Journal of Cancer Education, 2009; 24: 180-185

79. Biancosino B., Marmai L., Zotos S., Peron L., Marangoni C., Vanni A., Magri V., Grassi L.: Factors related to admission of psychiatric patients to medical wards from the General Hospital Emergency Department: A 3-year study of urgent psychiatric consultations. International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine, 2009; 39: 133-145

80. Biancosino B., Delmonte S., Grassi L., Santone G., Preti A., Miglio R., De Girolamo G.Violent Behaviour in Acute Psychiatric Inpatient Facilities: A National Survey in Italy. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 2009; 197: 772-782

81. Grassi L, Rossi A, Barraco A, Study Group IF.: Factors Influencing Depression Endpoints Research (FINDER): Baseline results of Italian patients with depression. Annals of General Psychiatry, 2009; 29;8(1):14.

82. Capozzo MA, Schillani G, Aguglia E, De Vanna M, Grassi L, Conte MA, Giraldi T.: Serotonin transporter 5-HTTLPR polymorphism and response to citalopram in terminally ill cancer patients: report pf twenty-one cases. Tumori, 2009; 95: 479-488

83. Micheli A, Sanz N, Mwangi-Powell F, Coleman MP, Neal C, Ullrich A, Travado L, Santini LA, Grassi L, De Lorenzo F, Costa A, Dangou JM, Bisanti L, Seniori Costantini A, Abu-Rmeileh N, Kamal M, Federico M, Saracci R, Rennert G, Stefanini A, Cavalli F, Cazap E, Redmond K, O'Reilly S, Muti P, Casali P, Gatta G, Ferrari A, Koifman S, Bah E, Pastore G, Barr R, Lombardo C, Frazzingaro C, Ciampichini R, Baili P; ICCC-3 Session B Group. International collaborations in cancer control and the Third International Cancer Control Congress. Tumori, 2009;95:579-596

84. Demyttenaere K, Verhaeghen A, Dantchev N, Grassi L, Montejo AL, Perahia DG, Quail D, Reed C, Tylee A, Bauer M.: "Caseness" for Depression and Anxiety in a Depressed Outpatient Population: Symptomatic Outcome as a Function of Baseline Diagnostic Categories. Primary Care Companion of the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 2009;11:307-331

85. Brancaleoni G, Nikitenkova E, Grassi L, Hansen V.: Seasonal affective disorder and latitude of living. Epidemiologia e Psichiatria Sociale,2009;18:336-343.

86. Grassi L., Sabato S., Rossi E., Biancosino B., Marmai L.: Effects of Supportive-Expressive Group therapy in breast cancer patients with affective disorders. A pilot study. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 2010; 79: 39-47

87.  Grassi L., Travado L., Gil F., Sabato S., Rossi E., Tomamichel M., Marmai L., Biancosino B., and the SEPOS Group: Hopelessness and related variables among cancer patients in the Southern European Psycho-Oncology study (SEPOS).  Psychosomatics, 2010; 51: 201-207

88. Biancosino B, Marmai L, Marchesini F, Bertasi R, Targa G, Bivi R, Cucchi A, Grassi L.: Patient opinions on the helpfulness of external rehabilitative activities in residential psychiatric care: a pilot study. Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health, 2010; 6: 16-19

89. Biancosino B., Picardi A., Marmai L., Biondi M., Grassi L.: Factor structure of he Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale in unipolar depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2010; 124: 329-334

90. Grassi L., Rossi E., Cobianchi M., Aguiari L., Capozzo M., Martinis E., Nanni M.G., Lelli G., Schillani G., Biancosino B., Giraldi T.: Depression and serotonin transporter (5-HTTLPR) polymorphism in breast cancer patients. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2010; 124: 346-350

91. Demyttenaere K., Reed C, Quail D., Bauer M., Dantchev N., Montejo A.L., Monz B., Perahia D., Grassi L.: Presence and predictors of pain in depression: Results from the FINDER study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2010; 125: 53-60

92. Caruso R., Barraco A., Rossi A., Grassi L.: The Factors Influencing Depression Research (FINDER) study: final results of Italian patients with depression. Annal of General Psychiatry, 2010; 9:33

93. Travado L., Grassi L, Gil F, Martins C, Ventura C, Bairradas J; Southern European Psycho-Oncology Study Group. Do spirituality and faith make a difference? Report from the Southern European Psycho-Oncology Study Group. Palliative and Supportive Care, 2010; 8:405-413

94. Schillani G, Martinis E, Capozzo MA, Era D, Cristante T, Mustacchi G, Conte MA, DE Vanna M, Grassi L, Giraldi T.: Psychological response to cancer: role of 5-HTTLPR genetic polymorphism of serotonin transporte. Anticancer Research, 2010; 30: 3823-3826

95. Galuppi A, Turola MC, Nanni MG, Mazzoni P, Grassi L.: Schizophrenia and quality of life: how important are symptoms and functioning? International Journal of Mental Health and Systems. 2010; 8:31

96. Grassi L., Nanni M.G., Caruso R.: Emotional distress in cancer: screening policy, clinical limitations, and educational needs. Journal of Medicine and the Person, 2010; 8: 51-59

97. Mitchell AJ, Chan M, Bhatti H, Halton M, Grassi L, Johansen C, Meader N.: Prevalence of depression, anxiety, and adjustment disorder in oncological, haematological, and palliative-care settings: a meta-analysis. Lancet Oncology, 2011; 12: 160-174

98. Lenzi R, Baile WF, Costantini A, Grassi L, Parker PA.: Communication training in oncology: results from intensive communication workshops for Italian oncologists. European Journal of Cancer Care, 2011; 20:196-203

99. Schillani G, Capozzo MA, Era D, DE Vanna M, Grassi L, Conte MA, Giraldi T.: Pharmacogenetic of escitalopram and mental adaptation to cancer in palliative care: report of 18 cases. Tumori, 2011; 97:358-361

100. Barbui C, Accordini S, Nosè M, Stroup S, Purgato M, Girlanda F, Esposito E, Veronese A, Tansella M, Cipriani A, nsella M, Losavio T, Barbui C, Cipriani A, Nosè M, Percudani M, Stroup S, Accordini S, Aldini F, Appino MG, Artioli P, Barale F, Barbui C, Beneduce R, Berardi D, Bertolazzi G, Biancosino B, Bisogno A, Bivi R, Bogetto F, Boso M, Bozzani A, Bucolo P, Casale M, Cascone L, Ciammella L, Cicolini A, Cipresso G, Cipriani A, Colombo P, Dal Santo B, De Francesco M, Di Lorenzo G, Di MunziO W, Erlicher A, Esposito E, Ferrannini L, Ferrato F, Ferro A, Fragomeno N, Fricchione Parise V, Frova M, Gardellin F, Garzotto N, Giambartolomei A, Girlanda F, Giupponi G, Grassi L., Grazian N, Grecu L, Guerrini G, Laddomada F, Lazzarin E, Lintas C, Malchiodi F, Malvini L, Marchiaro L, Marsilio A, Mauri MC, Mautone A, Menchetti M, Migliorini G, Mollica M, Moretti D, Mulè S, Nicholau S, Nosè F, Nosè M, Occhionero G, Pacilli AM, Pecchioli S, Percudani M, Petrosemolo P, Piantato E, Piazza C, Pontarollo F, Purgato M, Pycha R, Quartesan R, Rillosi L, Risso F, Rizzo R, Rocca P, Roma S, Rossattini M, Rossi G, Rossi G, Sala A, Santilli C, Saraò G, Sarnicola A, Sartore F, Scarone S, Sciarma T, Siracusano A, Strizzolo S, Tansella M, Targa G, Tasser A, Tomasi R, Travaglini R, Valentini C, Veronese A, Ziero S.: Aripiprazole versus haloperidol in combination with clozapine for treatment-resistant schizophrenia in routine clinical care: a randomized, controlled trial. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 2011; 31:266-273

101. Grassi L., Rossi E., Caruso R., Nanni M.G., Pedrazzi S., Sofritti S., Sabato S.: Educational intervention in cancer outpatient clinics on routine  screening for emotional distress: an observational study. Psycho-Oncology, 2011; 20: 669-674

102. Guidi J., Fava G.A., Picardi A., Porcelli P., Bellomo A.,  Grandi S., Grassi L., Pasquini P., Quartesan R., Rafanelli C., Rigatelli M., Sonino N.: Subtyping depression in the medically ill by cluster analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2011; 132:383-388.

103. Guaiana G.,  Andretta M.,  Griez E., Biancosino B.,  Grassi L.: Sales of antidepressants, suicides and hospital admissions for depression in Veneto Region (Italy) from 2000 to 2005: an ecological study. Annals of General Psychiatry; 2011, 10:24,1-7

104.Fava G.A., Guidi J., Porcelli P., Rafanelli C., Bellomo A., Grandi S., Grassi L., Mangelli L.,Pasquini P., Picardi P., Quartesan R., Rigatelli M., Sonino N.: A cluster analysis derived classification of psychological distress and illness behavior in the medically ill. Psychological Medicine, 2012; 42: 401-407.

105. Grassi L., Giraldi T.: Psycho-oncology: integrating science into clinical care. Neuropathological Diseases, 2012; 1:1-5

106. Caruso R., Morelli A.C., Nanni M.G., Biancosino B., Grassi L.: Psychiatric disorders related to cancer: prevalence, etiology and recognition. Neuropathological Diseases, 2012; 1:7-39

107. Grassi L., Giraldi T.: Intervention in Psycho-Oncology: from treating cancer patients and their families to training health professionals in psychosocial aspects of cancer care. Neuropathological Diseases, 2012; 1: 125-129

108. Grassi L. , Travado L.:Developing a psycho-oncology program in cancer settings. Experiences from Southern Europe: the models of Ferrara and Lisbon. Neuropathological Diseases, 2012; 1: 161-178

109. Mitchell A.J., Meader N., Davies E., Clover C., Crater G., Loscalzo M., Linden W., Grassi L., Johansen C.; Carlson L., Zabora J.: Meta-Analysis of Screening and Case Finding Tools for Depression in Cancer: Evidence based Recommendations for Clinical Practice on behalf of the DCC Consensus Group. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2012; 140: 149-160

110. Porcelli P., Fava G.A., Rafanelli C., Bellomo A., Grandi S., Grassi L., Pasquini P., Picardi P., Quartesan R., Rigatelli M., Sonino: Anniversary reactions in medical patients. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 2012: 200: 603-606

111. Sirri L., Fava G.A:, Guidi J.,  Porcelli P., Rafanelli C., Bellomo A., Grandi S., Grassi L., Pasquini P., Picardi A., Quartesan R., Rigatelli M., Sonino N.: Type A Behaviour: a reappraiasl of its characteristics in cardiovascular diseases. International Journal of Clinical Practice 2012; 66: 854-861.

112. Barraco A, Rossi A, Nicolò G; EPHAR Study Group, Rossi N.B,, Bertolazzi G., Cappellari L., Cardelli R., Carfagna L., D'Allio G., D'Arco A., Del Curatolon V., De Paoli G., Destro E., Erlicher A., Ferillo E., Ferrario T., Ferrero A., Ferrua R., Fontana P., Francobandiera G., Garonna F., Fuzzi M., Tito P., Gianfelice C., Governanti N., Grassi L., Lazzerini F., Nuvoli G., Antonio P., Mancosu P., Mauri M., Meduri M., Molrlicchio A., Di Giuseppe B., Nano D., Nicolo G., Nicotera M., Lancia U., Rizzo G., Saviotti F., Scaramella A., Cesarano M., Tribastone G., Vittorio C., Veltro F., Venuta M., Vivona G., Randone A., Serrano M., Zarrillo M.: Description of study population and analysis of factors influencing adherence in the observational Italian study "Evaluation of Pharmacotherapy Adherence in Bipolar Disorder" (EPHAR). CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics, 2012; 18: 110-118

113. Grassi L., Watson M and on behalf of the IPOS Federation of Psycho-Oncology Societies’ co-authors: Psychosocial care in cancer: an overview of psychosocial programmes and national cancer plans of countries within the International Federation of Psycho-Oncology Societies. Psycho-Oncology, 2012: 21: 1027-1033

114. Schillani G., Era D.,  Cristante T., Mustacchi G., Richiardi M., Grassi L.,  Giraldi T.: 5-HTTLPR polymorphism and anxious preoccupation in early breast cancer patients. Radiology and  Oncology, 2012: 46:321-327

115. Grassi L., Caruso R., Nanni M.G.: Somatization and somatic symptom presentation in cancer: a neglected area. International  Review of Psychiatry 2013; 25: 41-51

116. Grassi L., Johansen C.,  Annunziata M.A., Capovilla E., Costantini A., Gritti P.,  Torta R., Bellani M., on behalf of the Italian Society of Psycho-Oncology Distress Thermometer Study Group Coauthors: Screening for distress in cancer patients:  a multicentre nationwide study in Italy. Cancer; 2013;119:1714–1721

117. Caruso R., Biancosino B., Borghi C., Marmai L.,  Kerr I.,  Grassi L.:  Working  with the 'difficult' patient: the use of a contextual cognitive-analytic therapy based  training in improving team function in a routine psychiatry service setting. Community Mental Health Journal, 2013; 49(6):722-7.

118.  Andreas S.,  Härter M.,  Volkert J.,  Hausberg M.,  Sehner S.,  Wegscheider K.,  Rabung S.,  Ausín B.,  Canuto A.,  Da Ronch C.,  Grassi L., Hershkovitz Y.,  Lelliott P.,  Munoz M.,  Quirk A.,  Rotenstein O.,  Belen Santos-Olmo A.,  Shalev A.,  Siegert J.,  Weber K.,  Wittchen H.U.,  Koch U.,  Schulz H.: The MentDis_ICF65+ study protocol: prevalence, 1-year incidence and symptom severity of mental disorders in the elderly and their relationship to impairment, functioning (ICF) and service utilisation. BMC Psychiatry, 2013; 13:62

119. Breibart W., Bultz B.D., Dunn J., Grassi L., Watson M.: 2012 Presidents Plenary International Psycho-Oncology Society: future directions in psycho-oncology. Psycho-Oncology, 2013; 22: 1439-1443

120. Grassi L.: Quam bene vivas referre: curing and caring in psycho-oncology. Psycho-Oncology; 2013; 22:1679-1687

121. Porcelli P., Guidi J.,  Sirri L., Grandi S.,  Grassi L.,  Ottolini F., Pasquini P., Picardi A.,  Rafanelli C.,  Rigatelli M.,  Sonino N., Fava G.A.: Alexithymia in the medically ill. Analysis of 1190 patients in gastroenterology, cardiology, oncology and dermatology. General Hospital Psychiatry, 2013; 35:521-527

122. De Giorgi A, Fabbian F, Piazza G, Faccini A, Menegatti AM, Storari A, Grassi L, Manfredini R. Acute renal failure secondary to suicidal behavior: a systematic minireview of case reports referred to the ED. American Journal of  Emergency Medicine, 2013; 31:1283-1284

123. Caruso R., Grassi L., Nanni M.G., Riba M.: Psychopharmacology in psycho-oncology. Current Psychiatry Reports, 2013; Sep;15(9):393.

124. Caruso R, Grassi L, Biancosino B, Marmai L, Bonatti L, Moscara M, Rigatelli M, Carr C, Priebe S.: Exploration of experiences in therapeutic groups for patients with severe mental illness: development of the Ferrara group experiences scale (FE- GES). BMC Psychiatry 2013 Oct 1;13(1):242.

125. Grassi L., Nanni M.G.: Beyond psychiatric classification in oncology: psychosocial dimensions in cancer and implications for care.Psycho-Oncologie, 2013; 7:235-242

126. Grassi L., Caruso R., Hammelef K., Nanni M.G. Riba M.: Efficacy and safety of pharmacotherapy in cancer-related psychiatric disorders across the trajectory of cancer care: a review. International Review of Psychiatry; 2014; 26: 44–62

127.Donovan K.A., Grassi L., McGinty H.L., Jacobsen P.B.: Validation of the Distress Thermometer worldwide: state of the science. Psycho-Oncology, 2014;23: 2418250

129. Nanni M.G., Biancosino B., Grassi L.: Pre-loss symptoms related to risk of complicated grief in caregivers of terminally ill cancer patients. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2014; 160:87-91

129. Bultz BD, Cummings GG, Grassi L, Travado L, Hoekstra-Weebers J, Watson M.: 2013 President's plenary international psycho-oncology society: embracing the IPOS standards as a means of enhancing comprehensive cancer care. Psychooncology 2014;23:1073-8

130. Valentini V, Abrahamsson PA, Aranda SK, Astier A, Audisio RA, Boniol M, Boomo L, Brunelli A, Bultz B, Chiti A, De Lorenzo F, Eriksen JG, Goh V, Gospodarowicz MK, Grassi L, Kelly J, Kortmann RD, Kutluk T, Plate A, Poston G, Saarto T, Soffietti R, Torresin A, van Harten WH, Verzijlbergen JF, von Kalle C, Poortmans P. Still a long way to go to achieve multidisciplinarity for the benefit of patients: commentary on the ESMO position paper. Annalos of Oncology 2014;25:1863-5.

131. Grassi L., Mitchell A-J., Otani M., Caruso R., Nanni M.G., Hachizuka M., Takahashi K., Yamamoto S., Akiyama T. Riba M.: Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry in the General hospital. The experience of UK, Italy and Japan. Current Psychiatry Reports 2015 Jun;17(6):44.

132. Castelli L, Tonello D, D'Agata F, Caroppo P, Baudino B, Zotta M, Cauda S, Pinessi L, Mortara P, Grassi L, Bisi G, Torta R.: The Neurobiological Basis of the Distress Thermometer: A PET Study in Cancer Patients. Stress and Health, 2015;31(3):197-203.

133. Grassi L., Caraceni A., Mitchell A-J., Nanni M.G.,  Berardi M.A., Caruso R., Riba M.: Management of Delirium in Palliative Care: a review. Current Psychiatry Reports, 2015 Mar;17(3):550.

134. Nanni M.G., Caruso R., Mitchell A-J., Meggiolaro E., Grassi L.: Depression in HIV infected patients: a review. Current Psychiatry Reports, 2015 Jan;17(1):530.

135. Wittchen HU, Strehle J, Gerschler A, Volkert J, Dehoust MC, Sehner S, Wegscheider K, Ausìn B, Canuto A, Crawford M, Da Ronch C, Grassi L, Hershkovitz Y, Munoz M, Quirk A, Rotenstein O, Santos-Olmo AB, Shalev A, Weber K, Schulz H, Härter M, Andreas S.: Measuring symptoms and diagnosing mental disorders in the community: the test-retst reliability of the CIDS65+. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatry Research 2015; 24(2): 116129

136.Grassi L, Caruso R, Sabato S, Massarenti S, Nanni MG, The UniFe Psychiatry Working Group Coauthors: Psychosocial screening and assessment in oncology and palliative care settings. Frontiers in Psychology, 2015;5:1485.

137. Costantini A., Grassi L., Picardi A., Brunetti S., Caruso R., Nanni M.G., Bonetti L., de Feudis R., Barni S., Marchetti P.: Awareness of cancer, satisfaction with care, emotional distress and adjustment to illness: an Italian multi center study. Psycho-Oncology 2015;24(9):1088-96.

138 Chambers SK,  Grassi L, Hyde MK, Holland J., Dunn J.: Integrating Psychosocial Care into Neuro-oncology: challenges and strategies. Frontiers in Oncology, 2015; 5:41

139. Rubin G, Berendsen A, Crawford SM, Dommett R, Earle C, Emery J, Fahey T, Grassi L, Grunfeld E, Gupta S, Hamilton W, Hiom S, Hunter D, Lyratzopoulos G, Macleod U, Mason R, Mitchell G, Neal RD, Peake M, Roland M, Seifert B, Sisler J, Sussman J, Taplin S, Vedsted P, Voruganti T, Walter F, Wardle J, Watson E, Weller D, Wender R, Whelan J, Whitlock J, Wilkinson C, de Wit N, Zimmermann C. The expanding role of primary care in cancer control. Lancet Oncology, 2015;16(12):1231-72

140. Grassi L, Berardi MA, Ruffilli F, Meggiolaro E, Andritsch E, Sirgo A, Caruso R, Juan Linares E, Bellé M, Massarenti S, Nanni MG; IOR-IRST Psycho-Oncology and UniFE Psychiatry Co-Authors. Role of Psychosocial Variables on Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting and Health-Related Quality of Life among Cancer Patients: A European Study. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 2015;84(6):339-47

141Grassi L.: Communicating Anticancer Treatment Cessation and Transition to Palliative Care: The Need for a Comprehensive and Culturally Relevant, Person-Centered Approach. Cancer. 2015 Dec 1;121(23):4104-7

142. Meggiolaro E, Berardi MA, Andritsch E, Nanni MG, Sirgo A, Samorì E, Farkas C, Ruffilli F, Caruso R, Bellé M, Juan Linares E, de Padova S, Grassi L. Cancer patients' emotional distress, coping styles and perception of doctor-patient interaction in European cancer settings. Palliat Support Care. 2016 Jun;14(3):204-11

143. Grassi L, Fujisawa D, Odyio P, Asuzu C, Ashley L, Bultz B, Travado L, Fielding R; IPOS Federation of Psycho-oncology Societies' coauthors. Disparities in psychosocial cancer care: a report from the International Federation of Psycho-oncology Societies. Psychooncology. 2016 Oct;25(10):1127-1136

144. Rasmussen V, Turnell A, Butow P, Juraskova I, Kirsten L, Wiener L, Patenaude A, Hoekstra-Weebers J, Grassi L; IPOS Research Committee.: Burnout among psychosocial oncologists: an application and extension of the effort-reward imbalance model. Psychooncology. 2016 Feb;25(2):194-202

145. Grassi L, Nanni MG.: Demoralization syndrome: New insights in psychosocial cancer care. Cancer. 2016 Jul 15;122(14):2130-3.

146. Caruso R, Nanni MG, Riba MB, Sabato S, Grassi L.: The burden of psychosocial morbidity related to cancer: patient and family issues. Int Rev Psychiatry. 2017 Oct;29(5):389-40

147. Grassi L, Meggiolaro E, Berardi MA, Sirgo A, Colistro MC, Andritsch E, Montesi A, Bertelli T, Farkas C, Caruso R, Sabato S, Massarenti S, Linarez EJ, Nanni MG.: Beliefs about medicines, doctor-patient relationship, and coping among European patients with cancer. Psychooncology. 2017 Feb;26(2):282-285.

148. Grassi L, Mezzich JE, Nanni MG, Riba MB, Sabato S, Caruso R.: A person-centred approach in medicine to reduce the psychosocial and existential burden of chronic and life-threatening medical illness. Int Rev Psychiatry. 2017 Oct;29(5):377-388

149. Caruso R, Nanni MG, Riba M, Sabato S, Mitchell AJ, Croce E, Grassi L.: Depressive spectrum disorders in cancer: prevalence, risk factors and screening for depression: a critical review Acta Oncol. 2017 Feb;56(2):146-155. d

150. Caruso R, GiuliaNanni M, Riba MB, Sabato S, Grassi L.: Depressive Spectrum Disorders in Cancer: Diagnostic Issues and Intervention. A Critical Review Curr Psychiatry Rep. 2017 Jun;19(6):33. doi: 10.1007/s11920-017-0785-7..

151. Carta MG, Preti A, Portoghese I, Pisanu E, Moro D, Pintus M, Pintus E, Perra A, D'Oca S, Atzeni M, Campagna M, Pascolo EF, Sancassiani F, Finco G, D'Aloja E, Grassi L.: Risk for Depression, Burnout and Low Quality of Life Among Personnel of a University Hospital in Italy is a Consequence of the Impact One Economic Crisis in the Welfare System? Clin Pract Epidemiol Ment Health. 2017 Oct 13;13:156-167.

152. Travado L, Bultz BD, Ullrich A, Asuzu CC, Turner J, Grassi L, Jacobsen P.: 2016 President's Plenary International Psycho-Oncology Society: challenges and opportunities for growing and developing psychosocial oncology programmes worldwide. Psychooncology. 2017 Sep;26(9):1231-1238.

153. Grassi L, Nanni MG, Rodin G, Li M, Caruso R.: The use of antidepressants in oncology: a review and practical tips for oncologists. Annals of Oncology 2018 Jan 1;29(1):101-111

154. Grassi L, Spiegel D, Riba M.: Advancing psychosocial care in cancer patients. F1000Res. 2017 Dec 4;6:2083. doi: 10.12688/f1000research.

155. Travado L, Breitbart W, Grassi L, Fujisawa D, Patenaude A, Baider L, Connor S, Fingeret M.: 2015 President's Plenary International Psycho-oncology Society: psychosocial care as a human rights issue-challenges and opportunities. Psychooncology. 2017 Apr;26(4):563-569.

156. Andreas S, Schulz H, Volkert J, Dehoust M, Sehner S, Suling A, Ausín B, Canuto A, Crawford M, Da Ronch C, Grassi L, Hershkovitz Y, Muñoz M, Quirk A, Rotenstein O, Santos-Olmo AB, Shalev A, Strehle J, Weber K, Wegscheider K, Wittchen HU, Härter M.: Prevalence of mental disorders in elderly people: the European MentDis_ICF65+ study. Br J Psychiatry. 2017 Feb;210(2):125-131

157. Grassi L, Costantini A, Caruso R, Brunetti S, Marchetti P, Sabato S, Nanni MG.: Dignity and Psychosocial-Related Variables in Advanced and Nonadvanced Cancer Patients by Using the Patient Dignity Inventory-Italian Version. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2017 Feb;53(2):279-287

158. Grassi L, Costantini A, Kissane D, Brunetti S, Caruso R, Piazza G, Marchetti P, Sabato S, Nanni MG.: The factor structure and use of the Demoralization Scale (DS-IT) in Italian cancer patients Psychooncology. 2017 Nov;26(11):1965-197

159. Nanni MG, Caruso R, Sabato S, Grassi L.: Demoralization and embitterment. Psychologial Trauma. 2018 Jan;10(1):14-21.

160. Volkert J, Andreas S, Härter M, Dehoust MC, Sehner S, Suling A, Ausín B, Canuto A, Crawford MJ, Da Ronch C, Grassi L, Hershkovitz Y, Muñoz M, Quirk A, Rotenstein O, Santos-Olmo AB, Shalev AY, Strehle J, Weber K, Wegscheider K, Wittchen HU, Schulz H.: Predisposing, enabling, and need factors of service utilization in the elderly with mental health problems. Int Psychogeriatr. 2017 Dec 4:1-11. doi: 10.1017/S1041610217002526. [Epub ahead of print]

161. Volkert J, Härter M, Dehoust MC, Schulz H, Sehner S, Suling A, Wegscheider K, Ausín B, Canuto A, Crawford MJ, Da Ronch C, Grassi L, Hershkovitz Y, Muñoz M, Quirk A, Rotenstein O, Santos-Olmo AB, Shalev AY, Strehle J, Weber K, Wittchen HU, Andreas S.: Study approach and field work procedures of the MentDis_ICF65+ project on the prevalence of mental disorders in the older adult European population. BMC Psychiatry. 2017 Nov 16;17(1):366. doi: 10.1186/s12888-017-1534-5.

162. Volkert J, Härter M, Dehoust MC, Ausín B, Canuto A, Da Ronch C, Suling A, Grassi L, Munoz M, Santos-Olmo AB, Sehner S, Weber K, Wegscheider K, Wittchen HU, Schulz H, Andreas S. The role of meaning in life in community-dwelling older adults with depression and relationship to other risk factors. Aging Ment Health. 2017 Nov 8:1-7. doi: 10.1080/13607863.2017.1396576. [Epub ahead of print]

163. Canuto A, Weber K, Baertschi M, Andreas S, Volkert J, Dehoust MC, Sehner S, Suling A, Wegscheider K, Ausín B, Crawford MJ, Da Ronch C, Grassi L, Hershkovitz Y, Muñoz M, Quirk A, Rotenstein O, Santos-Olmo AB, Shalev A, Strehle J, Wittchen HU, Schulz H, Härter M.: Anxiety Disorders in Old Age: Psychiatric Comorbidities, Quality of Life, and Prevalence According to Age, Gender, and Country. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2017 Sep 5. pii: S1064-7481(17)30447-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jagp.2017.08.015. [Epub ahead of print]

164. Testoni I, Sansonetto G, Ronconi L, Rodelli M, Baracco G, Grassi L.: Meaning of life, representation of death, and their association with psychological distress. Palliat Support Care. 2017 Aug 9:1-9. doi: 10.1017/S1478951517000669. [Epub ahead of print]