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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

Students will acquire a knowledge of subject-specific English relating to the field of Mathematics. They will study morphosyntactic elements at a linguistic level equivalent to B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference, and will learn lexis, phrases and functions relevant to the field of Mathematics. There will also be the opportunity to approach reading scientific texts in English, and to develop passive awareness of grammar and specific vocabulary.


Students should have a level of English equivalent to A2 on the Common European Framework of Reference.

Course programme

The course is divided into two parts, the first of which consists of 24 hours of grammar lessons at level B1 of the European Framework of Reference, whilst the other 24 hours will cover specific English relating to Mathematics. This latter part will focus on the main topics of mathematical language helping the student to acquire specialised vocabulary, develop reading and aural comprehension skills when faced with technical and scientific terms and learn structures and functions commonly used in the field.
The grammar part of the course covers the following points:
Determiners, Quantifiers and Articles
Present Tenses
Past Tenses
Future Tenses
Adjectives and Adverbs
Comparatives and Superlatives
Relative Pronouns and Relative Clauses
The Passive
Conditional Clauses (zero, first, second and third)
Direct and Indirect Speech

The subject-specific English lessons will cover the following points:
Lesson 1: Numbers and simple mathematical operations
Lesson 2: Large numbers
Lesson 3: Fractions, decimals, percentages
Lesson 4: Measurements
Lesson 5: Further measurements
Lesson 6: Interactive – feedback, risoluzione problemi e esercitazioni dei contenuti di lezioni 1 – 5
Lesson 7: Shapes
Lesson 8: Further shapes and geometry
Lesson 9: Algebra and equations
Lesson 10: Common mathematical symbols
Lesson 11: Progress Test
Lesson 12: Interactive – feedback, risoluzione problemi e esercitazioni dei contenuti di lezioni 7 – 11
Lesson 13: Visual data (graphs, bar charts)
Lesson 14: Presenting data in tables and diagrams
Lesson 15: Proportion and ratio
Lesson 16: Probability
Lesson 17: Maths and computers
Lesson 18: Interactive – feedback, risoluzione problemi e esercitazioni dei contenuti di lezioni 13 – 17
Lesson 19: Problem solving
Lesson 20: Work of early mathematicians
Lesson 21: Language for study and research
Lesson 22: Presenting and understanding information at an international conference
Lesson 23: Mock Exam (simulazione esame)
Lesson 24: Interactive – feedback finale, risoluzione problemi e esercitazioni dei contenuti di lezioni 19 – 23

Didactic methods

The course will be divided in two parts: 24 hours of grammar at B1 level which will be recorded as video-lessons and can be viewed using the e-learning platform, and which will be accessible to students who log in using their UNIFE credentials; 24 hours of subject-specific classes held by native speaker teachers focussing on English for Specific Purposes (ESP). The ESP part of the course will either consist in a cycle of asynchronous lessons or in a cycle of face-to-face lessons depending on the Covid-19 rules at the moment. In both cases, students will be able to ask for clarification and feedback on points covered, as well as put into practice the language that has been introduced in the previous lessons. The lessons present the technical language and functions in a variety of ways including analysis of technical / scientific texts from which field-specific lexis will be extrapolated and examined.

Learning assessment procedures

Exams may be carried out either remotely (Moodle Platform) or in presence depending on the regulatory and/or epidemiological context.
The final exam will focus both on the grammar part and the lexis/structures part of the course. It will consist of 15 questions relating to the grammar points studied in the video-lessons followed by 16 questions relating to the topics covered in the ESP lessons.
Each question is worth one point, and leaving the answer blank counts as a mistake in the same way as an incorrect answer.
The score in “trentesimi” is calculated by adding up the total number of correct answers given.

AFTER PASSING THE WRITTEN EXAM, the student can either record the written exam's mark, or take an ORAL EXAM with the supervisor of the course who will GIVE THE FINAL MARK AND RECORD IT. The oral exam consists in the reading comprehension of a short scientific text dealing with mathematics. NO MATHEMATICAL KNOWLEDGE WILL BE TESTED.

Reference texts

For the grammar module:
Reader available online on the unife site (in the reserved area- login required)
For the ESP module:
Didactic material will be provided online.