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Information about graduation

[Esame di laurea, scadenze e informazioni sulle sedute di laurea - Italian version]


Esami di Laurea in Fisica/Physics (LM) del 9 giugno 2022

Sessione straordinaria A.A. 2020-2021

Commissione esaminatrice


1. P. Lenisa                             -Presidente

2. F. Petrucci                           -Membro effettivo

3. C. Malagù                           -Membro effettivo

4. L Pagano                             -Membro effettivo

5. G. Ciullo                             -Membro effettivo

6. M. Moretti                           -Membro effettivo

7. C. Guidorzi                         -Membro effettivo – Segretario

Membri supplenti: Luca Tomassetti (Presidente Supplente), Isabella Garzia (membro supplente), F. Spizzo (Segretario Supplente).


Gli esami in oggetto avranno luogo in presenza presso l’aula C412 del Dipartimento di Fisica e Scienze della Terra, presso il Polo Scientifico Tecnologico, alle ore 09:00 del giorno 09 GIUGNO 2022.

La durata della presentazione è di 20 minuti. La candidata è invitata a caricare la presentazione in .ppt o .pdf su una chiavetta USB in modo da poterla caricare sul PC a disposizione in aula.



A seguito dell’aggiornamento dei protocolli COVID, nella prossima sessione di Laurea non sarà più necessario il tracciamento degli invitati alla discussione dei candidati.
Rimangono comunque attive le norme di comportamento elencate di seguito:
- il limite di invitati per ogni candidato è innalzato a 20;
- tutte le persone che accedono al dipartimento dovranno indossare la mascherina FFP2;
- l’accesso ai locali del Dipartimento dei candidati e dei relativi invitati sarà di uno per volta. Gli altri attenderanno il proprio turno nel giardino antistante il dipartimento e verranno opportunamente convocati al momento della discussione.




Graduation Sessions:

A.A. 2020-21:

  • giovedì 15 luglio 2021
  • giovedì 23 settembre  2021
  • giovedì 16 dicembre  2021
  • giovedì 24 marzo  2022



Sessione straordinaria a.a. 2020/2021: GIOVEDI’ 09 GIUGNO 2022


Date degli esami di Laurea a.a. 2021 - 2022.

Sessione Estiva


Sessione Autunnale


Sessione Invernale


Sessione Straordinaria




The “laurea” (graduation) exam

As a preparation to the final exam the student will start, choosing the most appropriate methods and techniques,  his (her) own independent project of  scientific research and of critical assessment of an advanced topic, so upgrading his/her knowledge of that field as well as the skills acquired during the LM course.

The final exam of the LM (“laurea”, i.e. graduation exam) course consists in a public presentation and discussion of a thesis aimed at proving the candidate’s acquired capabilities of understanding problems and issues in research and of developing original solutions; the research may be also done within a training stage at other institutions or firms and working on a topic suggested by one or more teachers.

The selection of the thesis topic and the writing of the thesis will be performed in collaboration with and under the supervision of an advisor chosen by the student: the name of the advisor and the title of the thesis (that has to briefly summarize the topic the thesis deals with) have to be approved, at least one month before the thesis discussion, by the Consiglio del Corso di Studi (CCS). Within the same deadline the Consiglio di Corso di Laurea, on request by the supervisor, has to nominate a referee.

The thesis shall be the record of an experimental or theoretical scientific research activity, carried on independently by the student and featuring an original or innovative  approach to the topic, compatible with the educational objective of the Master Degree in Physics.

The thesis may be written in English, when authorized by the CCS. In such case an abstract in Italian is needed.

From the students matriculated in the academic year 2011-2012 onwards, the thesis must be written and presented in English (abstract in Italian is needed).


  • Ecco il link del servizio web per la richiesta, da parte dei laureandi, di accedere al Dipartimento:




Application for the graduation exam

The procedures to apply for graduation may be completed entirely on-line (starting from the graduation session of July 2016) for Master’s Degree students (LM) only.

There is no need to present any printed form to the Students Secretariat Office (Segreteria Studenti).

The new procedures to apply for graduation is the following:

  • Student must submit on-line application for graduation at least 30 days before the graduation session (the exact deadline can be found at Bacheca Appelli di Laurea (select “Physics and Earth Science Department”) and pay the graduation fee.
  • Student must complete all the required exams and  at least 13 working days before the graduation exam (again, the exact deadline can be found at Bacheca Appelli di Laurea (select “Physics and Earth Science Department”).
  • No later than seven working days before the degree exam: Student must upload final dissertation (Tesi di Laurea) in electronic format (PDF)
  • No later than five working days before the degree exam: the student’s advisor must approve the final version of the dissertation (please note: the version approved by the advisor is the final one and will be uploaded in the student’s full educational curriculum).

The version of dissertation to upload must be final, as it will be saved in the electronic student folder containing the student’s full educational curriculum. For information and instructions, please refer to the following web page: Guida alla presentazione della domanda di Laurea (only in Italian).


Payment of university fees

The students that get the degree within the March extraordinary session do not have to pay the university fees for registration to the following academic year. For more information, please refert to the following web page.


Thesis preparation

A thesis that does not comply the following standards will not be accepted:

  • At least 25 lines per page, (footnotes not included);
  • A4 paper


Final mark

The final exam is evaluated 45 credits, and consists in the public discussion of the thesis.

The examination committee evaluates the scientific maturity of the candidate on the basis of the results obtained and presented in the thesis, and of the curriculum of studies. The  mark is in fractions of 110, with the possibility in outstanding cases of a “cum laude” mark. The numeric value of the mark is computed by adding to the weighted mean of the votes in the exams a grade, max. 8 points, for the thesis work, with the numeric result capped at 110. The addition “cum laude” can only assigned by unanimous decision of the Commission when the exams weighted  average is higher than 103.

The student can be admitted to the final exam only after having attained the number of credits fixed by the “Course Regolament”, credits that have to be properly  distributed among the different scientific disciplinary areas as indicated in the “School regulations and Program”.



The credits assigned for the final assessment (45 cfu) are divided between two separate activities:

The credits for the research project may be assigned based on the following situation:

- Research project carried out abroad (through the Erasmus program or other agreement for education abroad): the Students Secretariat Office (Segreteria Studenti) will take care of the transcripts, after due validation by the competent educational structure.

- For students who need to certify that they meet the minimum number of credits required to maintain the ER-go benefits: students should ask their advisor to record the research project before the ER-go deadlines (or, in any case, before the deadline to file the application for the final assessment)

- For students without any particular need: the Students Secretariat Office (Segreteria Studenti) will take care of the transcripts for both activities when validating the personal folder (required to obtain the degree)


The diploma of the  “Ferrara School of Physics” rewards students of the master degree in Physics who have attended an international program with excellent results, demonstrating proficiency in the use of the English language in a science oriented context.

The diploma certifies the ability of the degree holder to work in an international research team. The following requirements are necessary to obtain the diploma of the Ferrara School of Physics:

  • Having obtained a bachelor degree with a minimum mark of 100/110;
  • Possess an average mark across exams in the master degree equal to 28/30 or larger;
  • Having passed exams in the master degree for at least 30 credits in a foreign language;
  • Having a knowledge of the English language at B2 level (or equivalent);
  • Write the master degree dissertation in English, on topics relevant in an international context, with evaluation, review or reference letter by a foreign professor (it is also acceptable to have a foreign professor as co-advisor);
  • Obtain the master degree with a maximum delay of one year.

Title of the dissertations of last a.y.