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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

The environmental geology will allow the students to better understand the relationship between man and the physical space he lives, the materials with which he interacts and the variations induced in the territory evolution.

The course aims to explain the various geological aspects that are at the basis of the human activities and their interactions with the geological environment. It intends to provide the basic knowledge for the territorial use management.

At the end of the course students will have acquired sufficient skills to perform environmental impact assessment, evaluate the consumption of natural resources and to identify the most suitable areas for the intervention project in agreement with the regulations.


Knowledge in Geomorphology, Geology, Applied Geology and Hydrogeology

Course programme

Lectures, on all subjects, carried out with on-screen presentations and work on the blackboard; Students are involved on the discussion to verify their understanding of the topics covered. The course includes 48 acres of lectures as described below:

2 hours – environment and environmental ethic concepts

8 hours Water resource and use – Hydraulic budget, hydraulic supplies and needs; management of the hydraulic resources, studied cases.

8 hours Mining activities – Typology of caves and extraction techniques; planning of the extraction activities; reclaiming of the caves; studied cases.

8 hours Discharges / landfills – discharges typology, criteria for the opening of new discharges; old discharges management; monitoring; studied cases.

6 hours Slope instability – versant consolidation; hydraulic-forest “organization”; hazard / risk classification and zonation; monitoring; studied cases.

4 hours Environmental Risk – Risk definition; elements of risk; acceptability and mitigation of risk; studied cases.

12 hours Environmental Impact Assessment - The E.I.A within the decision-making process; impacts identification and assessment; alternative solutions elaboration; compensating measures; consultation methods; studied cases.

Didactic methods

The course is conducted through lectures on the topics of the course program. Each topic is illustrated through the presentation and analysis of study cases that are discussed with the participation of the students

Learning assessment procedures

In order to verify the level of achievement of the learning objectives two different types of examination are proposed:

• an oral exam on the topics covered during the course;

• an oral examination with the presentation of an elaboration regarding E.I.A. on the thematic covered during the course in agreement with the student

Reference texts

Presentation materials used in class integrated with notes provided by the teacher.