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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

The course aims to introduce students the study of the evolutionary processes of the coasts. The course provides the basic knowledge of the coastal formation and evolution processes. Through the analysis of the natural and anthropogenic factors the aspects responsible of the coastal physical instability will be exposed.

Furhter, interventions and solutions that can be put in place to defend against erosion and coastal flooding will be presented. Finally the course will be provided to the students elements regarding on integrated coastal management and spatial marittime use policies. The understanding of this particular environment, the pressures and forces acting on their dynamics will provide students with a technical-scientific knowledge indispensable for proper integrated coastal management in the framework of European principles and directives


For a better understanding of the concepts covering the course, the student needs to have acquired knowledge on the basic concepts of Physical Geography, Geomorphology and Geology.

Course programme

The course illustrates a series of topics that can be grouped in the following subjects:

6 hours- characteristics of the sea (wave motion, currents, sea level change);

4 hours - classification of the coast, of the deltas, of the estuaries and lagoons;

4 hours - morphological and sedimentological characteristics of beaches and seafloors

4 hours - sedimentary budget of a beach;

4 hours - natural and anthropic causes of coastal erosion;

10hours - typology of the hard protection structures (passive and active) and low-impact interventions;

3 hours - monitoring;

8 hours - studied cases.

5 hours – Integrated costal zone mangement and spatial marittime planning

Didactic methods

The course is conducted through lectures on the topics of the course program. Each topic is illustrated through the presentation and analysis of study cases that are discussed with the participation of the students.

Learning assessment procedures

In order to verify the level of achievement of the learning objectives two different types of examination are proposed:

• an oral exam on the topics covered during the course;

• an oral examination with the presentation of an elaboration regarding the geomorphological structure and management practice of a coastal stretch in agreement with the student

Reference texts

Teacher material used during the lessons with some further material provided by the teacher.

Pranzini E. – “La forma delle coste”. Zanichelli