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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

The aim of the course is to provide the student physics education methods and knowledge finalized to the high school learning objectives. At the end of the course, the student has to be able to project teaching units, to use learning strategies through traditional and modern teaching methodologies, to use different codes and channels of communication, to perform didactic experiments, know how to address the data anylysis and model tests, to be able to evaluate knowledge and skills of the pupils.


Basic knowledge of Physics. Basic Knowledge in Mathematics.

Course programme

During the course, some part of Classical and Modern Physics will be taking into account, analysing traditional and innovative teaching methodologies. The crucial points of arguments treated in high school, both in the first two years, and in the last three years of the scientific high school:
-Experimental Methods, Physics quantities, measurements, data analysis, model verifications (20 h)
- Mechanics, Fluids, Thermodynamics (12 h)
-Electromagnetism, optics (12 h)
- Modern Physics (16 h)

The arguments for the various levels and categories of the high schools will be addressed, with high space Physics Laboratory: features of teaching Physics in lab, different types of lab and educational technologies.
The course provides practice activities for all the arguments aforementioned, thanks to the execution of dedicated didactic experiments, but with appropriate skills for data analysis and discussion of the results.
It will be tried to deal with different instruments (from simple instrumentation and easily accessible, or home made, to educational kits, professional instrumentation commonly available also in school laboratories) in order to compare the educational potentialities.

Didactic methods

Lectures and practice activities, with acquisition, presentation and data analysis.

Learning assessment procedures

The exam consists of writing two learning units, and corresponding laboratory reports on experimental activity and data collected during the course.
One for the first two years in which physics is tackled in secondary schools, the other for the final three years of scientific high schools.
The student will then have to present two presentations to clarify how he would speed up teaching activities with students.

Reference texts

Handouts and material will be provided by the teacher, included manuals of the didactic kits available.

High school texts of various types and levels for critical consultation and content analysis.

For further information, it is advisable to refer to academic texts already available to students from previous courses.

Here are some indications as examples:

- for further information on the measurement, uncertainties and data analysis:
-> G. Ciullo – Introduzione al Laboratorio di Fisica – (Springer-Verlag Italia, 2014, Milano);

- for further information on Physics topics:
-> D. Halliday, R. Resnick, J. Walker - Fondamenti di Fisica - Meccanica – Onde -Termodinamica – Elettromagnetismo – Ottica (C.E.A, 2015, Milano) 7a edizione,
-> D. Halliday, R. Resnick, J. Walker - Fondamenti di Fisica – Fisica Moderna (C.E.A, 2015, Milano) 7a edizione;

- for further information on research in physics education and teaching:
-> U. Besson - Didattica della Fisica (Carocci Editore, 2015, Bari),
-> A. B. Arons - Guida all'insegnamento della Fisica (Zanichelli, 1992, Bologna).