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PHYSIOLOGY (Partizione A)

Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

The purpose of the course is to convey the basic knowledge of cellular physiology, necessary to understand the functioning of the different systems of the human body. This would allow understanding the genesis of the physiopathological phenomena that originate from the dysfunction of the homeostatic processes.


Although there are no prerequisites, it is better that the student possesses the following knowledge base: physics, chemistry and biochemistry

Course programme

The course consists of frontal lectures focused on: basic concepts of physiology, membrane transports, the internal environment and homeostasis, cell signalling, surface and intracellular receptors, the endocrine system, the kidney, the nervous system, muscle, blood and circulation.

Didactic methods

The course comprises 64 hours of lecture that are held on a weekly basis in classroom with the aid of Power Point slides, computer simulations, movies and digital animations, and of 9 hours of supervised lab work (3 sessions of 3 hours each) in the Physiology lab.

Learning assessment procedures

The exam objective is to assess how much the student achieved the training objectives described above. The exam is a multiple-choice written test with questions focused on the lecture arguments. The evaluation is expressed in marks out of thirty (minimum score: 18).

Reference texts

1)Fisiologia e biofisica delle cellule, a cura di V. Taglietti e C. Casella – Edises, 2015
2)Berne & Levy: Fisiologia. (Casa Editrice Ambrosiana)
3)D’Angelo et al.: Fisiologia. (edi. ermes)
4)Monticelli: Fisiologia (CEA)
5)Rhoades & Pflanzer: Fisiologia umana (EdiSES)
6)Sherwood: Fondamenti di Fisiologia umana. (Piccin)
7)Sherwood: Fisiologia umana. Dalle cellule ai sistemi (Zanichelli)
8)Silverthorn: Fisiologia umana - Un approccio integrato. (Pearson)
9)Stanfield: Fisiologia. (EdiSES
10)Thibodeau & Patton: Anatomia e Fisiologia. (Elsevier)
11)Zocchi et al.: Principi di Fisiologia. (EdiSES)

All the Power point presentations, the mathematical simulations, the movies and the digital animation will be provided to the students