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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

The course provides students with the concepts necessary for understanding the shape and structure of the human body in its macroscopic and microscopic aspects.
The main training objective is the acquisition by the students of the information needed to identify the structural composition of the systems that co-exist in the human body, the ability to define unequivocally their location and to correlate the structure of each system to the related function.

The student:
- Knows the correct terminology needed to localization of anatomical structures in space
- Knows the cytological and histological basis of the organs that make up the systems studied
- Knows the structure of the organs that compose the systems studied
- Knows the structural relationships between the organs of an apparatus
- Knows the relationship between structure and function of the systems studied

The student:
- Knows how to properly use the terminology necessary to localize anatomical structures in the body
- Knows how to properly indicate the cytological and histological components of the organs that make up the systems studied
- can detail the structure of the organs that compose the systems studied
- Can explain the structural relationships between the organs of an apparatus
- Can explain the relationship between structure and function of the systems studied


Although not a binding request prior training, knowledge of the basics of physics, chemistry, cytology and histology are recommended in order to better understand the topics that will be covered during the course.

Course programme

The course will open with an introductive lesson about the meaning of the term "Anatomy". This lesson will also define the human body organizational levels and will focus on the essential terms for an anatomical structure placement.
Hence, we will examine in detail the following systems, taking up, where necessary, the specific histological basics. In particular, the following will be treated:
- Integumentary system: skin and skin appendages.
- Skeletal system: bone tissue, axial and appendicular skeleton, joints.
- Cardiovascular system: heart, vessels and blood circulation.
- Lymphatic system: lymph, lymphatic organs, vessels and lymphatic circulation.
- Respiratory system: respiratory tract, lungs and respiratory mechanics.
- Digestive system: oral cavity, alimentary canal and annexed glands (salivary glands, liver
and pancreas).
- Urinary system: kidney, urinary tract.
- Nervous system: nervous tissue, spinal cord, telencephalon, diencephalon, brainstem,
cerebellum; brief notes about the sensory and locomotor apparatus.

Didactic methods

The course of human anatomy is organized as lectures (48 hours) using the following teaching supports: Power Point presentations and anatomical models of human body parts and human organs. In addition to the lectures, further activity will allow microscopic analysis of organs/tissues that structure the systems studied by using histological preparations (8 hours). Few lectures will be dedicated to the 3D Anatomy by using specific dedicated software and instrumentations. The teacher-student dialogue for further explanations and information on the topics will be stimulated all over the duration of the course.

Learning assessment procedures

The exam will test the level of knowledge and depth of the topics reached by a student. The questions mainly serve to assess the acquisition of knowledge of the structure/function relationships of the tissues, organs and systems treated during the course. The evaluation will be expressed as thirtieths (minimum level 18). The exam will permit to evaluate the achievements of the objectives in term of knowledge and understanding.
The exam is written and it consists of 33 multiple choice questions that cover all topics of the program. Each question has 5 answers of which only one is correct. Each correct answer has a value of 1 point. Answer left blank or wrong has a value of 0 point. The exam duration is 40 minutes.
To pass the exam the student must obtain a minimum score of 18. If the score is less than 18, the student must repeat the test.

Reference texts

Martini, Anatomia Umana, EdiSES
Ambrosi, Anatomia dell’uomo, Edi-Ermes
Saladin, Anatomia Umana, Piccin
Tortora, Principi di Anatomia Umana, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana
McKinley, Anatomia Umana, Piccin
Marieb, Elementi di anatomia e fisiologia dell’uomo, Zanichelli
Kapit, Colorare l’anatomia, Piccin

Human anatomy, atlas.