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Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

Modulo: 011142/1 - ANATOMIA UMANA (mutua dall'attività formativa ANATOMIA UMANA - 015113/1 del CdS FISIOTERAPIA (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Fisioterapista) - 1052)
The principal goal of this course is the acquisition of a basic anatomical knowledge to understand the functions of the human body in health condition. In particular the course will permit the acquisition of knowledge about the mechanisms that allow individual cells, tissues and organs to perform their specific functions within the human organism by the identification of the different components in the systems and the establishment of their physical and functional relationships. Therefore, at the end of the course the student will be able to recall the basic concepts to discuss the correlations between the structures of the human body and its functions. The students will also acquire the necessary basic medical terminology for the professional opportunities provided by the degree course.

Modulo: 26835 - ISTOLOGIA
HISTOLOGY: The course aims to provide knowledge and understanding of the structure, organization and function of cells and tissues in the human body. At the end of the course, the student should be able to describe microscopic and ultrastructural structure of cells in the different tissues and to correlate them with physiological functions in the tissues. Further, the student has to acquire and use histological terminology as a basis for the critical interpretation of the morphological knowledge.

MODULE BASIC ANATOMY: The principal goal of this course is the acquisition of a basic anatomical knowledge to understand the functions of the human body in health condition. In particular the course will permit the acquisition of knowledge about the mechanisms that allow individual cells, tissues and organs to perform their specific functions within the human organism by the identification of the different components in the systems and the establishment of their physical and functional relationships. Therefore, at the end of the course the student will be able to recall the basic concepts to discuss the correlations between the structures of the human body and its functions. The students will also acquire the necessary basic medical terminology for the professional opportunities provided by the degree course.
MODULE NEUROANATOMY: The course aims to provide a basic knowledge of the structure of the human nervous system, with an in-depth study of the functional anatomy of the integrated systems involved in cognitive functions.
MODULE HISTOLOGY: The course aims to provide knowledge and understanding of the structure, organization and function of cells and tissues in the human body. At the end of the course, the student should be able to describe microscopic and ultrastructural structure of cells in the different tissues and to correlate them with physiological functions in the tissues. Further, the student has to acquire and use histological terminology as a basis for the critical interpretation of the morphological knowledge.


Modulo: 011142/1 - ANATOMIA UMANA (mutua dall'attività formativa ANATOMIA UMANA - 015113/1 del CdS FISIOTERAPIA (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Fisioterapista) - 1052)
Adequate knowledge of cytology and biology. Basic principles of physics, chemistry and medical biochemistry.

Modulo: 26835 - ISTOLOGIA
Basic elements of biology and statistics. First principles of physics, chemistry and medical biochemistry.

Basic elements of biology and statistics. First principles of physics, chemistry and medical biochemistry.

Course programme

Modulo: 011142/1 - ANATOMIA UMANA (mutua dall'attività formativa ANATOMIA UMANA - 015113/1 del CdS FISIOTERAPIA (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Fisioterapista) - 1052)
General architecture of the human body: cells, tissues, organs, systems.
Tegumentary system: the skin.
Cardiovascular system: heart, blood vessels and blood circulation.
Lymphatic system: lymph, lymphoid organs, lymphatic vessels and lymphatic circulation.
Respiratory system: respiratory tract, lungs and respiratory mechanics.
Digestive system: oral cavity, alimentary canal, and related glands (salivary glands, liver and pancreas).
Urinary system: kidney, urinary tract.
Locomotor system: bone, appendicular and axial skeleton.
Nervous system: nervous tissue, spinal cord, brain, midbrain, brainstem, cerebellum, brief references to the peripheral nerves.

Modulo: 26835 - ISTOLOGIA
General structure of the cell. Stem cells and cell differentiation
EPITHELIAL TISSUE: cytological characteristics of the epithelia. Morphofunctional polarity: apical, lateral and basal surface specializations. Epithelia: classification structure, location and function. Outline of the glandular epithelia.
CONNECTIVE TISSUE: structural organization. Cells and extracellular matrix (collagen, elastic and reticular fibers, glycoproteins and proteoglycans). Location and functions. Loose and dense connective tissues. Adipose tissue.
CARTILAGE TISSUE: chondrocytes and extracellular matrix. Hyaline, elastic and fibrous cartilage. Articular cartilage.
BONE TISSUE: osteoblasts, osteocytes and osteoclasts. Extracellular matrix: composition and function. Spongy and compact bone T. The osteon. Primary and secondary bone T.
BLOOD: composition: plasma and corpuscular elements. Morphological characteristics and main functions of the corpuscular elements.
MUSCLE TISSUE: structure, ultrastructure and functions. The striated muscle fiber, the myofibril, the sarcomere. The contraction of the muscle fiber. Cardiac striated muscle T.: the cardiac fiber. The intercalary discs. Smooth muscle T.: the smooth muscle cell.
NERVOUS TISSUE: structure, location and function. Neuron and nerve fiber. Myelin sheath. Glial cells. Nerve structure: epineurium, perineurium, endoneurium. Synapses. Neuromuscular junction. Anterograde and retrograde axon transport. Main stages of embryonic development

Development of the central nervous system. Encephalic vesicles. Ventricular system. Spinal and cranial meninges. Meningeal spaces. Cerebrospinal fluid and its circulation. Coroid plexuses and arachnoid granulations. Meninges and brain vessels. Blood supply of the central nervous system. Brain morphology. Forebrain and Brainstem: morphology and general organization. Sensory pathways. Main motor pathways. Brain cortex. Layers and areas of the cortex. Hippocampal formation and its interconnections. Parahippocampal gyrus and cingulate gyrus. Fornix. Anterior commissure. Papez circuit. Amigdaloid body and its interconnections. Limbic thalamus and its relationship with the prefrontal cortex. Hypothalamus and its projections to the autonomic nervous system and the endocrine system. Main connections involved in physiological, behavioural and psychological responses mediated by the limbic system.

Didactic methods

Modulo: 011142/1 - ANATOMIA UMANA (mutua dall'attività formativa ANATOMIA UMANA - 015113/1 del CdS FISIOTERAPIA (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Fisioterapista) - 1052)
The course of human anatomy is organized as lectures (24 hours) using the following teaching supports: Power Point presentations and anatomical models of human body parts and human organs.

Modulo: 26835 - ISTOLOGIA
Lessons using Power Point presentations

Lessons and practical exercises.
The course of human anatomy is organized as lectures (24 hours) using the following teaching supports: Power Point presentations and anatomical models of human body parts and human organs.

Learning assessment procedures

The final grade of the integrated course is given by the weighted average of the scores of the partial tests, each compared to the corresponding training credits.

Reference texts

Modulo: 011142/1 - ANATOMIA UMANA (mutua dall'attività formativa ANATOMIA UMANA - 015113/1 del CdS FISIOTERAPIA (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Fisioterapista) - 1052)
One of the following texts together with an atlas of Human Anatomy (at the student's choice):
Martini, Anatomia Umana, EdiSES
Saladin, Anatomia Umana, Piccin
Ambrosi, Anatomia dell’uomo, Edi-Ermes
Tortora, Principi di Anatomia Umana, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana
McKinley, Anatomia Umana, Piccin
Marieb, Elementi di anatomia e fisiologia dell’uomo, Zanichelli
Hansen JT, NETTER’S Anatomia da colorare, Piccin

Modulo: 26835 - ISTOLOGIA
Elementi di Istologia e cenni di embriologia, a cura di A Filippini, Ed. Piccin, Padova.
Basi Biologiche dell’attività psichica. F. MANGIA. Ed. Piccin, Padova.

Hendelman, Atlante di Neuroanatomia Funzionale, Casa Ed. Ambrosiana