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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

Increase knowledge on mammography method. To acquire theoretical and practical skills. Improve interpersonal skills with clients.

Modulo: 53380 - TIROCINIO
The student must be able to perform the main radiographic incidences and projections, basic radiology and contrast investigations, know the different procedural techniques of diagnostic imaging and techniques for carrying out investigations in Computed Tomography must know the general principles of information technology and computer applications in the radiological area, with reference to the archiving of images, reports and data of clinical and health interest. (HIS-RIS-PACS)


Knowledge of radiological equipment for mammographic investigations. Knowledge of anatomy and pathophysiology of the mammary district.

Modulo: 53380 - TIROCINIO
Knowledge of basic X-ray diagnostic techniques. In-depth human anatomical-physiological knowledge and safety standards.
It is also necessary to have passed the examination of:
-professional training activities 1 year
-all 2nd year courses
-Computer science and statistics applied to radiological sciences
- Biological sciences in radiology

Course programme

Mammography screening regional program.
Verification of initial skills possessed by the student. Deepening of the theoretical and practical skills in clinical mammography and screening which provide:
acceptance of the patient and the complete medical history,
execution stages of the investigation mammography,
evaluation of iconographic result.
These rounds will follow the discussion and further development of radiographic techniques and feedback on professional lab.

Modulo: 53380 - TIROCINIO
The traineeship takes place in health facilities associated with S.S.N. mainly University Hospital and AUSL of Ferrara and province.
There is the possibility of being able to carry out an hourly share of the hours of professional training activities in the area of origin by agreeing on the execution of external internship projects with the Director of Educational Activities.

In particular, the second-year internship takes place in a traditional Radiology and diagnostic CT and MRI in order to:
Expand knowledge of radiological techniques acquired in the first year of study and training in the use of the X-ray equipment and Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging, an observational training course takes place at the latter diagnostics.
The student will practice in the realization of the main impacts and radiographic views and experience the different procedural imaging techniques.
The student will develop the methods of diagnostic use of radiation, and will apply the main radiation protection standards.
The student will acquire the skills to control the functionality of the equipment.
Manage the quality control of the image and of the equipment.
Interact with others involved in the diagnostic work, with patients and with the internship tutor respecting the organizational hierarchy and the perspective of team work.
Treat patient safety. Describe the characteristics of contrast media used in radiology correlating usage patterns and specific radiological examinations. Comply at all times the code of ethics. Also learn all RX investigation techniques so-called "special" and diagnostics with the use of contrast media.
An indispensable prerequisite to access the MRI diagnostics having followed the MRI Safety course and producing the certificate of passing the test.

Didactic methods

Lectures, practical laboratory operating with work in small groups and technical demonstration with direct execution and discussion of the case.

Modulo: 53380 - TIROCINIO
In the individual health facilities the student is accompanied by an internship guide, qualified and experienced TSRM professional, and assigned to a specific radiological equipment. The placement of students in diagnostic rooms is defined on the basis of the training objectives to be pursued and the specific skills of professional interest.
Simulation activities in educational workshop with anthropomorphic dummy. Classroom meetings.

Learning assessment procedures

Written formulated as multiple choice questions, with 20 questions (weighing 1 point if correct), 5 open questions (weighing max 2 point), consistent with the main contents of the workshop program. The expected time is 60 minutes. To pass the test you must score 18 points.
Through continuous evaluations of the tutors TSRM professionals report. The boards analyze and evaluate in addition to practical skills and technical and methodological skills acquired also other components, such as behavioral and relational aspects.
The evaluations of those teaching modules is included in in trainig acitivities - 2rd year, II semester

Reference texts

U.Veronesi, Senologia oncologica, Masson 1999
J. Nori, M. Bazzocchi, Senologia: stato dell’arte, Idelson-Gnocchi 2003
Protocollo diagnostico terapeutico dello screening per la diagnosi precoce dei tumori della mammella della Regione Emilia-Romagna 2008 3° edizione

Modulo: 53380 - TIROCINIO
F. Mazzuccato, Anatomia radiologica. Tecnica e metodologia propedeutiche alla diagnostica mediante immagini, Editrice Piccin
R. Passariello, G. Simonetti, Elementi di Tecnologia Radiologica, Editrice Idelson Gnocchi
R. Passariello,G. Simonetti, Compendio di Radiologia, Ed. Idelson Gnocchi
A. Moss, G. Gamsu, H, Genant, Computed Tomography of the Body with magnetic resonance imaging, Vol I, II, III, Saunders Editor
G. Gavelli, A. Lentini, Guida alla diagnostica per Immagini con le tecniche computerizzate, Vol. I, II, III, IV Editrice Piccin
O. Wegener, La tomografia computerizzata di tutto il corpo, Blackwell Editor
M. Prokop, M. Galanski, Tomografia computerizzata, Ed. Masson