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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

Modulo: 52700 - SICUREZZA SUI LUOGHI DI LAVORO (mutua dall'attività formativa SICUREZZA SUI LUOGHI DI LAVORO - 52700 del CdS TECNICHE DI RADIOLOGIA MEDICA, PER IMMAGINI E RADIOTERAPIA (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Tecnico di radiologia medica) - 1063)
Capability of the evaluation of an analogue image quality by using its objective characterizing parameters and understanding of the possibilities offered by the digital image. Knowledge of the physical principles of the usual methods used in morphologic and functional investigations for health purposes by external energy fields and of the nature of the physical quantities observed. Understanding of the radiobiological and clinical bases of the radiotherapy and of the procedures to implement them.
To revive and deepen basic knowledge in the field of radiobiology applied to health professions sciences. Moreover to introduce basic principles of radiation protection that can be divided into occupational radiation protection, which is the protection of workers; medical radiation protection, which is the protection of patients; and public radiation protection, which is protection of individual members of the public and of the population as a whole. The types of exposure, as well as government regulations and legal exposure limits are different for each of these groups and are discussed separately during the course.

Knowledge of fundamental principles of risk prevention in the workplace concentrating on risks of health workers: biological, ergonomic and psycho-social hazards and risks.
Knowledge and application of the individual and general preventive strategies.

Understanding the main causes and mechanisms of disease, and the protective and/or pathogenetic role of the defense mechanisms of the organism (immune system, inflammation)

Modulo: 53113 - PREVENZIONE DEI RISCHI DA AGENTI RADIANTI NEGLI AMBIENTI DI LAVORO (mutua dall'attività formativa RADIOPROTEZIONE - 53298 del CdS TECNICHE DI RADIOLOGIA MEDICA, PER IMMAGINI E RADIOTERAPIA (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Tecnico di radiologia medica) - 1063)
Capability of the evaluation of an analogue image quality by using its objective characterizing parameters and understanding of the possibilities offered by the digital image. Knowledge of the physical principles of the usual methods used in morphologic and functional investigations for health purposes by external energy fields and of the nature of the physical quantities observed. Understanding of the radiobiological and clinical bases of the radiotherapy and of the procedures to implement them.
To revive and deepen basic knowledge in the field of radiobiology applied to health professions sciences. Moreover to introduce basic principles of radiation protection that can be divided into occupational radiation protection, which is the protection of workers; medical radiation protection, which is the protection of patients; and public radiation protection, which is protection of individual members of the public and of the population as a whole. The types of exposure, as well as government regulations and legal exposure limits are different for each of these groups and are discussed separately during the course.

Knowledge of fundamental principles of risk prevention in the workplace concentrating on risks of health workers: biological, ergonomic and psycho-social hazards and risks.
Knowledge and application of the individual and general preventive strategies.

Understanding the main causes and mechanisms of disease, and the protective and/or pathogenetic role of the defense mechanisms of the organism (immune system, inflammation)


Modulo: 52700 - SICUREZZA SUI LUOGHI DI LAVORO (mutua dall'attività formativa SICUREZZA SUI LUOGHI DI LAVORO - 52700 del CdS TECNICHE DI RADIOLOGIA MEDICA, PER IMMAGINI E RADIOTERAPIA (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Tecnico di radiologia medica) - 1063)
Basic notions of physics, chemistry and biology. Basic notions of anatomy, biochemistry and physiology. Knowledge of the bases of the dynamics, heat, sound and electromagnetic waves, atomic physics. Knowledge of the basic in Radiation Physics and interaction with matter. Knowledge of eukaryote cell biology, expecially the cellular cycle.

Modulo: 53113 - PREVENZIONE DEI RISCHI DA AGENTI RADIANTI NEGLI AMBIENTI DI LAVORO (mutua dall'attività formativa RADIOPROTEZIONE - 53298 del CdS TECNICHE DI RADIOLOGIA MEDICA, PER IMMAGINI E RADIOTERAPIA (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Tecnico di radiologia medica) - 1063)
Basic notions of physics, chemistry and biology. Basic notions of anatomy, biochemistry and physiology. Knowledge of the bases of the dynamics, heat, sound and electromagnetic waves, atomic physics. Knowledge of the basic in Radiation Physics and interaction with matter. Knowledge of eukaryote cell biology, expecially the cellular cycle.

Course programme

Modulo: 52700 - SICUREZZA SUI LUOGHI DI LAVORO (mutua dall'attività formativa SICUREZZA SUI LUOGHI DI LAVORO - 52700 del CdS TECNICHE DI RADIOLOGIA MEDICA, PER IMMAGINI E RADIOTERAPIA (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Tecnico di radiologia medica) - 1063)
Interaction of ionisation radiation with matter: cross section and attenuation coefficient; interaction of photon with matter, stopping power, interaction of charged particles with matter. Fundamentals od Radioactivity.
Radiation protection: definition and historical references. Concepts of Absorbed dose, Equivalent dose and Effective dose. Main government regulations and lows in the field of radiation protection. The principles of radiation protection: justification, optimization and dose limitation. Risks arising from the use of radioactive substances. Occupational radiation protection standards and limits. Professionals responsible for managing radiation protection. Radiation protection areas. Technical devices for radiation protection in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine. Radiation protection of patients. Quality assurance and quality controls. The TSRM and the optimization: methods of dose reduction and the Good Practices concept. Radiation protection in pregnancy and lactation. Radiation protection of the population: the Radioecology. Rules governing the disposal of solid and liquid radioactive waste. Radiation protection in the field of scientific research.

Occupational Medicine Legislation of our country. Occupational injury and occupational diseases. Effects of professional exposure to biological agents. The manual handling risk: the legislation; outline of anatomy, physiology and pathology, MAPO index. Preventive strategies.

Cellular injury: Mechanisms of injury at the cellular level, and patterns of tissue injury: reactive oxygen species (ros) and hypoxia. different types of cell death: apoptosis, authophagy and necrosis
Environmental factors in disease: physical injury, chemical injury, obesity and diet deficiencies
Inflammation: acute and chronic inflammation
Neoplasia. Neoplastic disease, with illustrations of benign and malignant processes and their pathologic consequences. epidemiology, microscopic and macroscopic properties, molecular basis, oncogenes and tumor-suppressor genes, neoplasia as multistage process.
Pathophysiology of cardiovascular system
Image properties : intensity, luminous level, minimum separable, contrast, modulation transfer function, analogical and digital image.
X-ray apparatuses : X-ray tube, X-ray tube case, power supply circuits, high voltage cables, control board, X-ray tube aging.
Image intensifier: geometric magnification and penumbra, intensifier components, image reading, display and recording.
Radiographic cassette: components, film structure, latent image, sensitometric curve, effects of the treatment parameters, radiographic film, intensification screens, memory phosphors, grids.
Conventional and computer assisted tomography: depth of a foreign body, conventional stratigraphy, CT, iteration, convolution, retroproiection, technological progresses, helicoidal volumetric tomography.

Modulo: 53113 - PREVENZIONE DEI RISCHI DA AGENTI RADIANTI NEGLI AMBIENTI DI LAVORO (mutua dall'attività formativa RADIOPROTEZIONE - 53298 del CdS TECNICHE DI RADIOLOGIA MEDICA, PER IMMAGINI E RADIOTERAPIA (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Tecnico di radiologia medica) - 1063)
Interaction of ionisation radiation with matter: cross section and attenuation coefficient; interaction of photon with matter, stopping power, interaction of charged particles with matter. Fundamentals od Radioactivity.
Radiation protection: definition and historical references. Concepts of Absorbed dose, Equivalent dose and Effective dose. Main government regulations and lows in the field of radiation protection. The principles of radiation protection: justification, optimization and dose limitation. Risks arising from the use of radioactive substances. Occupational radiation protection standards and limits. Professionals responsible for managing radiation protection. Radiation protection areas. Technical devices for radiation protection in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine. Radiation protection of patients. Quality assurance and quality controls. The TSRM and the optimization: methods of dose reduction and the Good Practices concept. Radiation protection in pregnancy and lactation. Radiation protection of the population: the Radioecology. Rules governing the disposal of solid and liquid radioactive waste. Radiation protection in the field of scientific research.

Occupational Medicine Legislation of our country. Occupational injury and occupational diseases. Effects of professional exposure to biological agents. The manual handling risk: the legislation; outline of anatomy, physiology and pathology, MAPO index. Preventive strategies.

Cellular injury: Mechanisms of injury at the cellular level, and patterns of tissue injury: reactive oxygen species (ros) and hypoxia. different types of cell death: apoptosis, authophagy and necrosis
Environmental factors in disease: physical injury, chemical injury, obesity and diet deficiencies
Inflammation: acute and chronic inflammation
Neoplasia. Neoplastic disease, with illustrations of benign and malignant processes and their pathologic consequences. epidemiology, microscopic and macroscopic properties, molecular basis, oncogenes and tumor-suppressor genes, neoplasia as multistage process.
Pathophysiology of cardiovascular system
Image properties : intensity, luminous level, minimum separable, contrast, modulation transfer function, analogical and digital image.
X-ray apparatuses : X-ray tube, X-ray tube case, power supply circuits, high voltage cables, control board, X-ray tube aging.
Image intensifier: geometric magnification and penumbra, intensifier components, image reading, display and recording.
Radiographic cassette: components, film structure, latent image, sensitometric curve, effects of the treatment parameters, radiographic film, intensification screens, memory phosphors, grids.
Conventional and computer assisted tomography: depth of a foreign body, conventional stratigraphy, CT, iteration, convolution, retroproiection, technological progresses, helicoidal volumetric tomography.

Didactic methods

Modulo: 52700 - SICUREZZA SUI LUOGHI DI LAVORO (mutua dall'attività formativa SICUREZZA SUI LUOGHI DI LAVORO - 52700 del CdS TECNICHE DI RADIOLOGIA MEDICA, PER IMMAGINI E RADIOTERAPIA (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Tecnico di radiologia medica) - 1063)
Formal teaching consists of frontal lectures on all the course’s topics proposed and direct comparison with students through dialogue and questions to realize the level of understanding of the various topics covered. Some modules also provide for the execution of practical exercises.

Modulo: 53113 - PREVENZIONE DEI RISCHI DA AGENTI RADIANTI NEGLI AMBIENTI DI LAVORO (mutua dall'attività formativa RADIOPROTEZIONE - 53298 del CdS TECNICHE DI RADIOLOGIA MEDICA, PER IMMAGINI E RADIOTERAPIA (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Tecnico di radiologia medica) - 1063)
Formal teaching consists of frontal lectures on all the course’s topics proposed and direct comparison with students through dialogue and questions to realize the level of understanding of the various topics covered. Some modules also provide for the execution of practical exercises.

Learning assessment procedures

The exam will be held by means of a multiple choice test, with an allocated time of 45 minutes. The questions will be 32, with four answers proposed, of wich only one is exact. The evaluation criteria are: plus 1 point (+1) for each single correct answer; minus half point (-0,5) for each single wrong answer; no point (0) for each single missing answer.
A final score of "31" points or more implies the evaluation "cum laude". These evaluation criteria are reported in the test sheet along with the compilation instructions.

Multiple choice quizzes: 16 questions with 4 possible responses (only one exact). Score: right response: 2 points; wrong response: -1; no response: 0 point. Exam lenght: 20 minutes.

Reference texts

Modulo: 52700 - SICUREZZA SUI LUOGHI DI LAVORO (mutua dall'attività formativa SICUREZZA SUI LUOGHI DI LAVORO - 52700 del CdS TECNICHE DI RADIOLOGIA MEDICA, PER IMMAGINI E RADIOTERAPIA (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Tecnico di radiologia medica) - 1063)
Lecture notes and other teaching materials provided by the teacher.
Martinenghi C., Fossati V., Radiobiologia, Ed. Raffaello Cortina, Milano
Orecchia R., Lucignani G., Tosi G., Elementi di Radiobiologia Clinica e Radioprotezione, Ed. Archimedica 2001
Slides provided in electronic format at the end of the course by the teacher.
Lecture notes in electronic form provided by the teacher at the end of the course

Files of Presentations in pdf.

Rubin, Patologia, Casa Ed. Ambrosiana
Pontieri Russo Frati, Patologia Generale, Piccin Ed.
Stevens Lowe Scott, Patologia, Ambrosiana

Modulo: 53113 - PREVENZIONE DEI RISCHI DA AGENTI RADIANTI NEGLI AMBIENTI DI LAVORO (mutua dall'attività formativa RADIOPROTEZIONE - 53298 del CdS TECNICHE DI RADIOLOGIA MEDICA, PER IMMAGINI E RADIOTERAPIA (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Tecnico di radiologia medica) - 1063)
Lecture notes and other teaching materials provided by the teacher.
Martinenghi C., Fossati V., Radiobiologia, Ed. Raffaello Cortina, Milano
Orecchia R., Lucignani G., Tosi G., Elementi di Radiobiologia Clinica e Radioprotezione, Ed. Archimedica 2001
Slides provided in electronic format at the end of the course by the teacher.
Lecture notes in electronic form provided by the teacher at the end of the course

Files of Presentations in pdf.

Rubin, Patologia, Casa Ed. Ambrosiana
Pontieri Russo Frati, Patologia Generale, Piccin Ed.
Stevens Lowe Scott, Patologia, Ambrosiana