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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo semestre (primi anni)

Training objectives

The main goal of the course consists in providing to the students the basis for understanding models useful in Pharmacoeconomy knowing how to use optimally drug and costs, in respect of the patient's health.
In addition, the principal classes of drugs, both in clinical and in preclinical trials, are presented with costs and benefits of Generic and Biotechnological drugs.
The main acquired knowledge will be:
-the ability to analyze the models useful in Pharmacoeconomy as a fundamental moment in the application of a treatment protocol
- Costs and consequences of therapy with traditional and biotechnological drugs
The basic acquired abilities (that are the capacity of applying the acquired knowledge) will be:
- to analyze the programme of research and development of new drugs
- to assess the correct performance and choice of pharmacoeconimic tests
-to examine critically the new types of alternative medicines on the market


Good knowledge of pharmacology.

Course programme

Pharmacoeconomy: Research, development and costs of new drugs in drug development and research perspectives.
Drug development and Research - toxicity in preclinical phase- toxicity in clinical trials- Research toxicity: Prous Science Integrity
Economic and social health
Costs and consequences of therapy
Pharmacoeconomic studies:
Analysis of cost minimization. Cost- effectiveness. Cost-utility analysis. Cost-benefit analysis. Generic Drugs

Didactic methods

The course is organized through frontal lectures on all the course’s topics.

Learning assessment procedures

The aim of the exam is to verify at which level the learning objectives previously described have been acquired.
One test (16 multiple choice questions) based on all the topics covered in the course with the aim of evaluating how deeply the student has studied the subject and how he is able to understand the basic topics analyzed.
Each question is worth 2 points if correct; wrong answer or no answer 0 points; limited to 16 correct answers match score of 30/30 cum laude; 9 correct answers match score of 18/30 .
Time for the text is 1 hour.

Reference texts

Reference texts
Teacher’s handouts
Specific topics can be further developed in the following texts.
Rossi F, Cuomo V, Riccardi C. Farmacologia: principi di base e applicazioni terapeutiche. Edizioni Minerva Medica 2011