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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

Modulo: 28137 - MICROBIOLOGIA
The student, at the end of the Microbiology course, must have acquired knowledge regarding the composition, structure and biological cycle of Bacteria, Viruses and Mycetes. The student will know the bases of the diagnostic procedures used in Microbiology and the mechanisms by which the microorganisms can cause the diseases. Furthermore, the student will understand the interactions between microorganisms and host, with particular attention to the bases of the bacterial, viral and mycetes pathogenesis, and to the immune response of the host. In addition, the student will know the principles of bacterial genetics related to the bacterial pathogenicity and acquisition of resistance to antibacterial drugs, the host defense mechanisms, and the damage mechanisms of the main human pathogens. The student will know the mechanism of action of the main antibacterial drugs and the molecular mechanisms responsible for the drug resistance. The student also will know the structural and biological characteristics of the human pathogen listed in the course program.

On completion of the course it is expected that the student will have acquired the following items:
- a knowledge and application of epidemiological methodology in order to analyze, understand and assess the problems of health and dental care of special interest among individuals, and communities
- an understanding of the principles, rules, organization and management involved in the provision of healthcare services in Italy
- the ability to identify and analyse the factors influencing health status, methodologies and interventions methods to promote and protect health status, with special reference to oral health, among individuals and communities
- a knowledge of the principles and methods aimed to prevent communicable diseases and the measures to prevent the infection-related risk in dentistry
- a knowledge of the host-pathogen interaction
- an understanding of the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of different infectious diseases of interest in general dentistry practice.


Modulo: 28137 - MICROBIOLOGIA
Basic knowledge of biology, chemistry, mathematics and statistics. knowledge of cell biology, biochemistry and molecular biology related to: structure and function of cell components, structure and synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids, and molecular and cellular bases of the innate and acquired immune response. Basic knowledge about epidemiology and demography.

Basic knowledge of biology, chemistry, mathematics and statistics. Basic knowledge about epidemiology and demography.

Course programme

Modulo: 28137 - MICROBIOLOGIA
General bacteriology: principles of bacterial taxonomy. Composition and structure of the bacterial cell. Bacterial metabolism, energy production and biosynthetic processes. Bacterial reproduction. Spore production. Bacterial culture. Genetic recombination processes. Bacterial pathogenesis, virulence and toxigenicity. Bacterial toxins. Host defenses: antigens and antibodies. Serological reactions. Chemotherapics and antibiotics. Drug resistance.
Special bacteriology: Staphylococcus. Streptococcus. Pneumococcus. Neisseria. Corynebacterium. Enterobacteriaceae. Vibrio. Bacillus. Clostridium. Mycobacterium. Borrelia. Leptospira. Mycoplasma. Rickettsia. Chlamydia. Actinomiyces. Anaerobes.
General virology: chemical composition and structure of viruses. Virus classification. Viral replication strategies. Virus colture and titration. Virus pathogenesis and virus-derived diseases. Host anti-viral defenses. Interferons and anti-viral drugs.
Special virology: Herpesvirus. Adenovirus. Parvovirus. Papillomavirus. Polyomavirus. Orthomyxovirus. Paramyxovirus. Picornavirus. Hepatitis viruses. Retrovirus. AIDS. Prions.
General mycology: general features of human pathogenic mycetes, their mechanism of action and anti-mycetes drugs.
Special micology: Dermatofiti. Hystoplasma. Cryptococcus. Sporotricum. Candida. Aspergillus.
Principles of disinfection and sterilization. Immunology applied to microbiology. Vaccines and sera.

1. Epidemiology
The evolution of diseases and their relationships with individual characteristics, social and environmental features. Proportions and rates, incidence, prevalence, mortality, case fatality.
The notion of risk and diseases-related causes.
Epidemiological studies. Indicators of oral health.
2. Ethical principles of health care systems.
The most important models of health care systems. The role of the National State, Regions and Local Healthcare Units (LCU).
The healthcare assistance .
Models to provide dental care. Organization and competencies of Hospitals and LCU.
Goals and functions of the LCU Department of Prevention.
Dental Surgery Local Unit (DSLU): functional requirements and organizational policies.
3. Prevention, health promotion, the Community- Medicine/Dentistry
The concepts of health and disease, natural history and social history of health concept, the factors (biological, environmental, lifestyle, health care system-related ) influencing the health of the individual and the general population
The different levels and models in prevention practice. Secondary prevention, screening studies.
The behavioural risk factors related to lifestyle (diet, smoking and/or alcohol attitude, physical inactivity). Health education: characteristics and models of proceedings. The health-related communication.
4. Hygiene And Prevention of Infection Risk
Epidemiology and general prevention of infectious diseases: sources and modes of transmission, epidemiological characteristics of infectious diseases outbreaks in the population. Interventions to prevent and control the communicable diseases: notification, quarantine measures, diagnostic tests, sterilization, disinfection, disinfestations. Immunization prophylaxis. Types of vaccines and their application. Strategies and procedures to control infection in dental health care. Sterilization and disinfection practices in DSLUs.
5. Infectious Diseases
The interaction forms between host and microorganisms. Immunology and immune response: an overview. Description of the septic status. Definition of contagious infectious disease. Clinical-epidemiological characteristics and taxonomy of the principal infectious diseases. Isolation ward practices.
6. Infection-related complications in Dental practice. Local infectious diseases in the oral cavity. Retropharyngeal abscesses. Sinusitis, orbital abscesses, otitis and mastoiditis.

Didactic methods

Modulo: 28137 - MICROBIOLOGIA


Learning assessment procedures

The final grade is a weighted average of the marks obtained in each of the two tests.
Oral test, including about 3 questions on different topics, in a total time of about 30 minutes, in which the exposition precision and clarity, the connection ability and the communication skills will be evaluated.
Oral test, including about 3 questions on different topics, in a total time of about 30 minutes, in which the exposition precision and clarity, the connection ability and the communication skills will be evaluated.

Reference texts

Modulo: 28137 - MICROBIOLOGIA
La Placa, Principi di microbiologia medica, Ed. Esculapio
Harvey, Champe, Fisher, Le basi della microbiologia, Ed. Zanichelli
Murray, Rosenthal, Pfaller, Microbiologia medica, Ed. EMSI

Montagna, Castiglia, Liguori, Quarto, Igiene in Odontoiatria, Monduzzi Ed., Bologna
Barbuti , Bellelli, Fara, Giammanco, Igiene, Monduzzi Ed., Bologna
Checcacci, Meloni, Pelissero, Igiene, Casa Ed. Ambrosiana, Milano
Marinelli, Liguori, Montemarano, D'Amora, Igiene, Medicina Preventiva e Sanità Pubblica - Piccin Editore, Padova