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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

Modulo: 000035 - ANATOMIA UMANA
The Human Anatomy aims to give the student the knowledge of general anatomy and anatomy of the stomatognathic apparatus, in an overall view that includes organs and apparatuses and loco-regional relationships.

Knowledge and understanding:
At the end of the course the student will:
- know the main histological techniques.
- know the body distribution of tissues; to be able to correlate cellular activities and the structural and ultrastructural organization of cells and tissues with their main functional activities.
- know the microscopic organization of oro-dental tissues in detail.
- acquire histological and embryological terminology as a basis for the critical interpretation of the morphological knowledge.
- know the events underlying the development processes: from cell proliferation, molecular induction processes and cell differentiation, morphogenesis.
- understand the main processes through which tissue organization takes place during embryonic development and differentiation.
- recall the main steps that lead to the development of the apparatus and the human organism.
- know the general organization of anatomy loco-regional relationships of organs, in particular of the first region of the alimentary tract.

Applying knowledge and understanding:
At the end of the course the student will have developed the ability to:
- demonstrate the ability of observation and identification of tissues;
- know the main morphogenetic and histogenetic developmental alterations;
- recognize, describe and analyze the organ or apparatus within the region in which it is located.

The course of Histology and Anatomy I consists of two modules. The Histology and Embryology module aims to provide theoretical and practical knowledges about organization and body distribution of tissues. Furthermore, the module aims to provide theoretical and practical knowledge about embryonic development and differentiation.

Knowledge and understanding:
At the end of the course the student will:
- know the main histological techniques.
- know the body distribution of tissues; to be able to correlate cellular activities and the structural and ultrastructural organization of cells and tissues with their main functional activities.
- know the microscopic organization of oro-dental tissues in detail.
- acquire histological and embryological terminology as a basis for the critical interpretation of the morphological knowledge.
- know the events underlying the development processes: from cell proliferation, molecular induction processes and cell differentiation, morphogenesis.
- understand the main processes through which tissue organization takes place during embryonic development and differentiation.
- recall the main steps that lead to the development of the apparatus and the human organism.

Applying knowledge and understanding:
At the end of the course the student will have developed the ability to:
- demonstrate the ability of observation and identification of tissues;
- know the main morphogenetic and histogenetic developmental alterations;


Modulo: 000035 - ANATOMIA UMANA
Human Anatomy module:
Specific prerequisites not needed. Useful basic knowledge about the mammalian cell structure, the organization of tissues and the mechanisms regulating cell communication.

Basic knowledge of chemistry and biology

Course programme

Modulo: 000035 - ANATOMIA UMANA
GENERALITIES: References planes and section. Anatomical position. Body regions and body cavity. Generality of bones and joints. Generalities of muscles, tendons.
SPINE: general and specific characteristics, joints and ligaments of the vertebrae. Intrinsic and extrinsic muscles. Movements and curvatures of the vertebral column. Relationship with spinal cord and meninges.
CRANIUM: generality of neurocranium and splanchnocranium.
CHEST: skeleton, joints, intrinsic and extrinsic muscles (thoracoappendicular muscles). Back muscles. Thoracic diaphragm and movements of the chest wall (mechanics of breathing).
PELVIS: pelvis bones, abdominal wall muscles.
RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: upper and lower tracts, lungs. Pleura.
CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: heart and pericardium. Arterial system and venous system (pulmonary and systemic circulation). Aorta and its branches Inferior and superior vena cava. Azygos vein system.
DIGESTIVE SYSTEM: oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestine. Liver, pancreas, gallbladder. Peritoneum, meso and oments.
URINARY SYSTEM: kidneys, renal lodge and contents, ureters, bladder, urethra. Adrenal glands.
REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM: Female: uterus, Fallopian tubes and ovaries; external genital organs.
Male: testis, epididymis, vas deferens, spermatic cord, prostate and other accessory glands; external genital organs.
Pelvic floor and perineum (male and female).

Relationship between the splanchnocranium and neurocranium bones. Cranial and exocranial fossae. Overview of external and middle ear. Orbital cavities. Structure of maxillary and mandible bone, alveolar processes. Morphology of temporomandibular joints (ATM). Muscles producing movements of mandible. Oral cavity and related structures (palate, tongue), salivary glands, tonsil. Vascularization of the head.

Overview of the spinal cord and spinal nerves. Brainstem and of cranial nerves. General organization of cerebellum, thalamus, hypothalamus. Cerebral cortex and main sensory and motor areas. Basal ganglia, limbic system. Sensory and motor pathways (pyramidal and extrapyramidal). Detailed knowledge of V, VII, IX, X, XI and XII cranial nerves. Orthosympathetic and parasympathetic innervation of the head and neck. Trigeminal tract. Gustatory tract. Neuro-Endocrine apparatus.

Methods and tools of investigation for the observation of cells, tissues.
Epithelial tissue. Classification of lining epithelia. Membrane specializations. Intercellular junction systems. General properties of exocrine and endocrine glands. Classification of the exocrine glands.
Connective tissue. Molecular composition and functions of the extracellular matrix. Cell matrix adhesion. Basal membranes. Cellular components and characteristics of connective tissues as such: mesenchyme, loose and dense fibrillar connective tissues, reticular connective tissue, adipose tissue. Characteristics of hyaline, fibrous and elastic cartilage. Histogenesis of cartilage. Characteristics of non-laminar and lamellar bone tissue. Ossification. Blood and its components. Hematopoiesis.

Muscle tissue. Characteristics of skeletal, cardiac and smooth muscle. Mechanisms of muscle contraction.
Neuromuscular junctions.
Nervous tissue. Characteristics of neurons and glial cells. Chemical and electrical synapses.
Microscopic organization of enamel, dentine, dental pulp, cementum, periodontal ligament, alveolar bone, oral mucosa and salivary glands.
Ovulation and spermatogenesis. Fertilization and implantation. Events of the first four weeks of embryonic development. Germinal disc formation. Development of the following apparatuses: digestive, cardiovascular, urinary, genital, integumentary, nervous, skeletal and muscular. Development of face structures.

Didactic methods

Modulo: 000035 - ANATOMIA UMANA
The course provides frontal lectures, guided exercises of macroscopic anatomy on anatomical models, human and animal preparations, on-line lessons. Online tutorials, on the Moodle Certified platform, will provide insight into some of the topics discussed in the frontal lessons and indicated by the teacher at the beginning of the course.

The course provides frontal lectures and on-line lessons. Online tutorials, on the Moodle Certified platform, will provide insight into some of the topics discussed in the frontal lessons and indicated by the teacher at the beginning of the course.

Learning assessment procedures

The learning verification will be carried out by a written exam, lasting 40 to 90 minutes, without the use of notes or books or personal multimedia support, in the presence of the teachers. The test will be formulated with multiple-choice questions (5 multiple-choice) relating to all the educational goals. No penalty for wrong answers or not given. The verification will also take into account the practical part. The questions of Histology and Embryology module will be prepared in order to verify the knowledge acquired about tissue organization and about the main steps that lead to the development of tissues and apparatus of the human organism, also with the use of images. The questions of Anatomy module will be prepared in order to verify the anatomical knowledge acquired by the student from a systematic and topographical point of view.
For both modules, a minimum score of 18 out of 30 will be required to pass the exam. The maximum grade, equal to 30 cum laude, is obtained by those who, answering the questions correctly, will reach 95% of the maximum score; the minimum grade, equal to 18, is obtained by those who, answering the questions correctly, will reach 60% of the maximum score.
The questions may have the same weight, or a different weight based on the complexity of the question and on the particular knowledge that is verified.
The final grade will derive from a weighted average of the Histology and Embryology and Anatomy modules.

Reference texts

Modulo: 000035 - ANATOMIA UMANA
Text book (1 choice):
Barbatelli G. et al., Anatomia umana Fondamenti con istituzioni di Istologia, Edi-Ermes.
Tortora GJ et al., Principi di anatomia umana, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana.
Anatomia Orale di Sicher, E. Lloyd Dubrul, Edi-Ermes

Atlas (1 choice):
F.H. Netter, Atlante di Anatomia Umana, Casa Editrice EDRA.
Prometheus, Atlante di Anatomia, Casa Editrice Edises.
Anatomia Umana, Atlante, Anastasi, Gaudio, Tacchetti, Casa Editrice Edi-Ermes.

Text book (1 choice):
Monesi, Istologia, Piccin Ed.
Maraldi and Tacchetti, Istologia Medica, Edi-Ermes.

Atlas (1 choice):
J.B. Kerr, Atlante di Istologia funzionale, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana.
Atlante di istologia. Con correlazioni funzionali e cliniche. Dongmei Cui. Piccin Ed.


Barbieri M., Carinci P., Embriologia, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana..