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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

-Knowledge and understanding:
Knowledge of imaging methods in their technical aspects, with particular regard to the use of radiographic techniques in dentistry.
-Knowledge and understanding applied: Knowledge radiological anatomy of planar and tomographic methods, with particular regard to the oral cavity. Acquisition of the ability to understand diagnostic procedures that involve the correct and appropriate use of imaging techniques in dentistry. Knowledge of the fundamental principles of clinical radiation oncology oral and head and neck segment.
-Making judgments:
critical evaluation of the position of national and international organizations on the subject of "technology assessment".
-Communication skills:
critical analysis of the interface between doctor and patient in the use of diagnostic imaging methods as a complement to dental clinics activities.
Learning skills:
knowledge of how to access and consultation of the scientific societies guidelines regarding the appropriateness in diagnostic imaging.


Knowledge of the basic in Radiation Physics and interaction with matter; knowledge of normal human anatomy; knowledge of eukaryote cell biology, expecially of DNA and the cell cycle of the animal cell.

Course programme

Diagnostic radiology.
• Technical Standards and methodical, radiological devices (planar imaging, computed tomography, magnetic resonance, ultrasound, gamma camera, positron emission tomography, angiography), contrast media.
• The structured radiology report: prescriber-referring communication.
• Appropriateness in Diagnostic Imaging
• Radiological Clinical methodology: the diagnostic pathways in dentistry.
• Multiparametric radiological anatomy of the oral cavity, the skull and head and neck compartment.
• The radiological fundamental semeiology in dentistry.
• Recall of physical radiation and their interactions with matter
• Elements of radiotherapy

Didactic methods

Lectures, simulation of clinical cases in the classroom, discussion of clinical cases in small groups in radiology.

Learning assessment procedures

Oral exam with a duration of between thirty and forty five minutes. The exam is divided into three parts, each of which is assigned a score from 0 to 10, the sum of which constitutes the final mark out of thirty.
The first part focuses on the methodological expertise of the tools used in diagnostic imaging (ultrasound scan, X-ray, computed tomography, magnetic resonance, angiography, Gamma Camera, Positron Emission Tomography).
The second part concerns the knowledge of the appropriateness issues with diagnostic-instrumental orientation of simulated clinical cases already processed in the course of exercises.
The third part, which takes place in front of the true diagnostic monitor, is an assessment of the practical ability to recognize: 1) the mode or method used, 2) any projections or sections and, 3) a radiographic analysis of the anatomy. On the student's request the examination can be performed in English.

Reference texts

Renato Nessi, Luca Viganò, Radiologia Odontostomatologica per odontoiatri, medici e studenti, Piccin Ed.