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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

This course has as goal to teach the student the current knowledge of the etiologic, epidemiological, pathogenetic, clinical, diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive aspects of some of the main emerging contagious infectious diseases as COVID 19, pulmonary tuberculosis, vector borne disease and HIV infection, both in the general population and health personnel:
classic method and practical method with the chance to attend the HIV / AIDS Section of the University Hospital of Ferrara.
The course also provides the student a complete picture of clinical trials in order to raise awareness in the new generation of healthcare professionals about the importance of research in Medicine, with also the chance to attend the Experimental Center of UOC of Infectious Diseases.
At the end of the course students will:
- know how to recognise, diagnose and treat emerging infectious diseases treated during the course (HIV, Covid 19, pulmonary tuberculosis, arbovirosis), know how to interpret the main laboratory data and instrumental investigations, identify the role of gender differences, be able to illustrate patients the salient aspects of the various pathologies by suggesting to them the correct lifestyles to keep.
- know how to manage and implement traditional and innovative methods in the prevention of HIV disease,
- know how to recognize risk situations and apply all post-exposure strategies to avoid HIV infection in everyday practice
- know how to apply all pre-exposure preventive strategies and educate patients
- be able to participate in HIV education and prevention campaigns
- be able to manage/take part in a national or international clinical trial


Knowledge of semeiotics, clinical microbiology, general pathology e clinical pharmacology.

Course programme

COVID 19: from the onset of the infectious disease in China to the creation of the vaccine; a thorough study of the clinical story of SARS-CoV2 infection, by virological, epidemiological, pathogenetic, clinical (imaging included) and diagnostic features to current therapies and prevention with particular emphasis on active chemoprophylaxis.

Pulmonary tuberculosis: etiology, including forms MDR and XDR, epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical aspects, X-ray and microbiologic diagnostic, therapy of classic and MDR forms, chemoprophylaxis and latent tubercular infection.

Vector borne disease: current epidemiology, emergent etiology, pathogenesis, clinical aspects, diagnostic, therapy and prevention.

HIV Infection, from theory to practice: last news about diagnosis and therapy. Approach to the patient: importance of HIV counselling and personalized therapy
HIV prevention for healthcare workers and citizens: pre-exposure (PREP) and post-exposure (PEP) prophylaxis. HIV Vaccine development.

Clinical research in emerging infectious disease: the key role of clinical trials in the need to have reliable diagnostic tests, effective treatments and safe prevention tools available whithin shortest possible time. Analysis of different types of clinical trials, management and results up to the approval and effective use of the "concept" under study. Practical examples (HIV disease, COVID, Ebola Virus Disease etc.)

Didactic methods

Formal teaching with clinical cases presentation from personal observation.
Practise, with the chance to attend HIV/AIDS Section and the Experimental Center of UOC of Infectious Diseases.

Learning assessment procedures

A 20 minutes oral examination will be performed, with 2 questions about course topics. The state of knowledge of the subject, the clarity and the ability to apply the acquisitions to clinical practice will be evaluated. Passing score required: 18 out of 30.

Reference texts