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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

Acquisition of knowledges of clinically oriented anatomy about head (oral region, temporomandibular joint, nose), neck, torax, vertebral column, abdomen, bony pelvis, scrotum and its contents: descriptive (shape, position, relationships), topographic and sistemic anatomy. Development of skills to anayize simple clinical cases anatomy related.


Histology and Embryology knowledges.

Course programme

Generalities, anatomical terminology and position. Descriptive sections and planes. Movements. Body regions and cavities. Muscle-skeletal system, cardiovascular system.
BACK: Vertebral column, muscles of the back, spinal cord and meninges, spinal nerves, dermatomes.
THORAX: Thoracic wall, Diafragm, Lungs, pleurae, trachea and bronchi. Mediastinum, Heart, Pericardium and great vessels. Heart morphogenesis, anatomical radiology of heart. Fetal circulation. Thorax vessels. Esophagus. Breasts.
ABDOMEN: Bony pelvis. Muscles of anterolateral and posterior abdomen wall. Surface anatomy. Vascular supply of abdominal wall. Inguinal region and canal. Testis, fascial coverings, descent of testes. Spermatic cord.
Peritoneum. Abdominal cavity morphogenesis. Compartments of the abdominal cavity, ligaments, meso, epiploon. Abdominal viscera: Stomach, small and large intestinum, appendix, liver, biliary ducts and gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, ureters, suprarenal glands. Arterial supply and venous drainage of abdomen, portal vein and portal-systemic anastomoses. Retro-peritoneal compartment. Limphatyc drainage.
NECK: superficial intermediate and deep muscles, triangles and contents, fascia, arterious and venous vessels and plexus, nerves and plexus, viscera (endocrine, alimentary, respiratory layer).
HEAD: oral region, tongue, soft palate, temporo-mandibular joint, nasal cavities, paranasal sinuses, salivary glands, chewing muscles, pharynx, vessels and nerves of these regions.

Didactic methods

Desk (frontal) lessons, clinical cases discussion, clinical cases description by problem solving method, student tutoring for preparation of clinical cases to be discussed in the classroom, practice on fresh or formalin-fixed anatomical pieces.

Learning assessment procedures

Oral exam either with clincal cases discussion and description of anatomical pieces. The final outcome will depend also on the practice sessions.

Reference texts

K. Moore, A.F. Dalley, Anatomia Umana, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana
F.H. Netter, Atlante di Anatomia Umana, iCasa Editrice Masson
Susan Strandin, Anatomia del Gray, Elsevier Masson