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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

Learning of basic Pathology: etiology, inflammatory reactions, alterations of cell proliferation and differentiation, tumours.
Learning of genetic disorders, intracellular accumulations and degenerative connective tissue processes. Learning of main immune-pathologic diseases: hypersensitivity reactions and autoimmune diseases.
Helping students to understand the most important aspects of Internal Medicine, with a particular focus on cardiovascular diseases and sex/gender-related differences.
The main goal of the course consists in providing knowledge of General Pharmacology related to Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics and to assess the basic elements for understanding the mechanisms of drug action. The pharmacological effects of some of the most important drugs in the pain therapy e.g. NSAIDs and opioids will be evaluated with the indication in specific clinical cases.
The main knowledge acquired will be:
- general concepts of pharmacokinetics
- general concepts of pharmacodynamics
- evaluation of the drug effects in the pain therapy.
The main skills that are the ability to apply knowledge acquired will be:
- assessment of pharmacokinetic factors determining drug effects, drug mechanisms and toxicity to better clarify the pharmacological effect of the drugs
- evaluation of the basis of the drug effects in the pain therapy for NSAIDs and opioids with the indication in selected clinical cases.


Modulo: 014863/2 - PATOLOGIA GENERALE (mutua dall'attività formativa PATOLOGIA GENERALE - 015187/1 del CdS ORTOTTICA ED ASSISTENZA OFTALMOLOGICA (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Ortottista ed assistente di oftalmologia) - 1059)
Basic knowledge of chemistry, biochemistry, physiology, anatomy, biology and general pathology are requested.

Modulo: 53157 - PROBLEMI PRIORITARI DI SALUTE DI TIPO SISTEMICO (mutua dall'attività formativa MEDICINA INTERNA - 23329 del CdS ORTOTTICA ED ASSISTENZA OFTALMOLOGICA (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Ortottista ed assistente di oftalmologia) - 1059)
Basic knowledge of chemistry, biochemistry, physiology, anatomy, biology and general pathology are requested.

Modulo: 53158 - FARMACOLOGIA IN RIABILITAZIONE (mutua dall'attività formativa FARMACOLOGIA - 015310/1 del CdS ORTOTTICA ED ASSISTENZA OFTALMOLOGICA (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Ortottista ed assistente di oftalmologia) - 1059)
Basic knowledge of chemistry, biochemistry, physiology, anatomy, biology and general pathology are requested.

Course programme

Modulo: 014863/2 - PATOLOGIA GENERALE (mutua dall'attività formativa PATOLOGIA GENERALE - 015187/1 del CdS ORTOTTICA ED ASSISTENZA OFTALMOLOGICA (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Ortottista ed assistente di oftalmologia) - 1059)
Introduction to General Pathology. Cell homeostasis. Cell death: necrosis and apoptosis. Acute inflammation. Formation of exudate. Mediators of inflammation. Characteristics of exudates. Types of inflammatory reactions. Regeneration and repair. Chronic inflammation: general information. Interstitial and granulomatous inflammation. Systemic effects of inflammation. Febrile hyperthermia. Alterations of tissue homeostasis: hypertrophy, hyperplasia, hypotrophy, metaplasia, and dysplasia. Neoplasm: general information. Neoplasms benign and malignant. The molecular basis of cancer. Growth and tumor progression. Local invasiveness and metastasis. Effects of the tumor on the host. Cancer epidemiology. Carcinogens. Diagnosis of tumors. Immunopathology: hypersensitivity reactions. General characteristics of autoimmune diseases. Examples of autoimmune diseases: Hashimoto's thyroiditis, Graves' disease, Type I diabetes mellitus, myasthenia gravis, multiple sclerosis, Sjogren's syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory myopathies, scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus.

Modulo: 53157 - PROBLEMI PRIORITARI DI SALUTE DI TIPO SISTEMICO (mutua dall'attività formativa MEDICINA INTERNA - 23329 del CdS ORTOTTICA ED ASSISTENZA OFTALMOLOGICA (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Ortottista ed assistente di oftalmologia) - 1059)
Pathogenesis, diagnosis, and pills of therapy of arterial hypertension, angina, acute myocardial infarction, Takotsubo syndrome, heart failure. Sex/gender related differences of risk factors and cardiovascular diseases.

Modulo: 53158 - FARMACOLOGIA IN RIABILITAZIONE (mutua dall'attività formativa FARMACOLOGIA - 015310/1 del CdS ORTOTTICA ED ASSISTENZA OFTALMOLOGICA (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Ortottista ed assistente di oftalmologia) - 1059)
The course forecast frontal lectures where the following topics will be illustrated:
- General principles of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics;
- Drug-receptor interaction;
- Agonists, antagonists and allosteric modulators;
- Therapeutic index and drug toxicity;
- Main drugs primarily used in the pain therapy e.g. NSAIDs and opioids.

Didactic methods

Modulo: 014863/2 - PATOLOGIA GENERALE (mutua dall'attività formativa PATOLOGIA GENERALE - 015187/1 del CdS ORTOTTICA ED ASSISTENZA OFTALMOLOGICA (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Ortottista ed assistente di oftalmologia) - 1059)
Frontal lectures on the course’s topics through power point presentation (frontal class or videorecorded classroom).

Modulo: 53157 - PROBLEMI PRIORITARI DI SALUTE DI TIPO SISTEMICO (mutua dall'attività formativa MEDICINA INTERNA - 23329 del CdS ORTOTTICA ED ASSISTENZA OFTALMOLOGICA (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Ortottista ed assistente di oftalmologia) - 1059)
Frontal lectures on the course’s topics through power point presentation (frontal class).

Modulo: 53158 - FARMACOLOGIA IN RIABILITAZIONE (mutua dall'attività formativa FARMACOLOGIA - 015310/1 del CdS ORTOTTICA ED ASSISTENZA OFTALMOLOGICA (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Ortottista ed assistente di oftalmologia) - 1059)
Frontal lectures through power point presentation.

Learning assessment procedures

The final grade of the integrated course is given by the weighted average of the scores of the partial tests, each compared to the corresponding training credits.

Reference texts

Modulo: 014863/2 - PATOLOGIA GENERALE (mutua dall'attività formativa PATOLOGIA GENERALE - 015187/1 del CdS ORTOTTICA ED ASSISTENZA OFTALMOLOGICA (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Ortottista ed assistente di oftalmologia) - 1059)
For voluntary more-in-depth study:
Pontieri, Patologia e Fisiopatologia generale per Corsi di Laurea in Professioni Sanitarie, Piccin Editore

Modulo: 53157 - PROBLEMI PRIORITARI DI SALUTE DI TIPO SISTEMICO (mutua dall'attività formativa MEDICINA INTERNA - 23329 del CdS ORTOTTICA ED ASSISTENZA OFTALMOLOGICA (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Ortottista ed assistente di oftalmologia) - 1059)
All the didactic material is provided to the students, and it is sufficient to pass the exam. For voluntary more-in-depth study:
Rugarli C, Trattato Italiano di Medicina Interna, Ed. Masson
Harrison: Principles of Internal Medicine, McGraw-Hill ed.
Amoroso A, Rossi Fanelli F, Afeltra A, Basili S, Manfredini R, Sasso FC: Semeiotica Medica e Metodologia Clinica, Antonio Delfino Ed.

Modulo: 53158 - FARMACOLOGIA IN RIABILITAZIONE (mutua dall'attività formativa FARMACOLOGIA - 015310/1 del CdS ORTOTTICA ED ASSISTENZA OFTALMOLOGICA (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Ortottista ed assistente di oftalmologia) - 1059)
- Rossi F., Cuomo V., Riccardi G., Farmacologia. Principi di base e applicazioni terapeutiche, Ed. Minerva Medica.
- Panus PC, Katzung B, Jobst EE., et al., Farmacologia in riabilitazione, Edi-Ermes.