Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

During the three years the general aim of this course is to acquire deep knowledge about the professional identity and the methodological competencies required today to the professional educator by the world of the socio-health system and by the society. Moreover, reaching an autonomous self-interpretation as regard as the competencies of the other professions, in order to work together to improve the biopsychosocial wellness of the person.
During the second year, continuing with the program developed during the first year, the specific aims are as follows:
-Deepening the knowledge of the professional deontology and the awareness of the personal professional identity of the educator, through a better self-awareness, regarding the attitudes of “congruence”, “unconditional positive regard” and “empathy”.
-Acquiring methodologies and techniques in order to manage the relationship of professional help, with particular attention to the colloquium for help and the effective communication.
-Developing the capacity of steady self-assessment regarding the knowledge proposed and the competences experimented in the lab.
The students are expected to have acquired skills in:
-identification of data on the patient and his/her behavior by means of descriptive method.
- organization of data collected during observation.
-use of observation profile as a tool for the construction of an education program and verification of goals achieved.
This profile is to be used as a basic tool to get to know the patient and his/her relations with the environment, level of development, abilities and limitations, in order to plan education programs and choose the most appropriate relational and operative strategies


Knowledge of psychology of development and aspects of psychopathology

Course programme

The changing in the person in the socio-health field as well as in the interventional approaches.
Relation and helping relationship; the social network.
An overview on planning and educative personalized planning;
An overview on the professional criteria to find collaboration and necessary help (comparison between mono- o pluriprofessional colleagues, supervision, specific updating,…);
Deepening and developing of concepts and competencies regarding “congruence”, “unconditional positive regard” and “empathy” applied to the professional educator;
The colloquium of help; types, objectives, right and incorrect attitudes, techniques and its variabilities (time, space, contest,….); self-assessment tools for the efficiency of the colloquim of help.
The students will acquire the competencies to:
- Detection of data on the person and his behaviors on the environment through the descriptive method.
- Systematization of the observed data under an observing profile.
- Using of the observing profile as tool to build an educative project and assessment of the reached goals.
This profile has to be intended as a starting tool who lets know the person, the relationships with environment, the levels of development, the capacity and the limits, in order to design an educational intervention and to choose the more adequate relational and operative strategies.

Didactic methods

The course includes, in parallel with theoretical inputs (8 hours) an experiential activity and the reworking of the classroom experience and field observation (45 hours).
The student is required to be available to engage himself in a learning process that leads to a personal involvement, in a constant training and in a growth and research path. Will be proposed exercises (simulations of reality, analysis of the interview texts, group work, role playing) in order to promote the students' active learning, both on the cognitive level, but also on the behavioral, emotional and relational level.
Theory will be accompanied by practical examples.
-Acquisition of descriptive method will be carried out in several hours of practical training through analysis of video films. Will be identified cases followed during the apprenticeship and functional observation moments to gather information.
-cases and observation, data collection will be the focus of training. Organized methods of data collected during observation through descriptions and indirect observation.
-group work to compare data and guide the educator towards a shared approach in planning.

Learning assessment procedures

PART 1: written and/or oral test
Objective evaluation
The teaching objective evaluation is done with a written test consisting of 3 answers on 4 open questions.
The questions are centred on the contents of the texts for the exam, theoretical lessons and the material delivered by the professor. In the evaluation will be appreciated the links that the student will make between the theoretical aspects and activations experienced in the "Training Experiential Workshop".
Admission to the objective test, above, occurs only after the delivery (to the teachers of the laboratory) of a final individual written self-assessment related to the activities of the Laboratory of Experiential Education.
The self-assessment activities are regularly carried out in the course of all laboratory activities:
The self-assessment activities are regularly carried out in the course of all laboratory activities:
- individual self-assessment
- self-assessment between equal
- moments of autobiographical writing
- Stimulus of reflections on the experience
This is performed not just for didactical motives but also for the specific professionalising character which has the self-assessment processes in the field of the "professional education".
Other assessments methods will be eventually agreed with the professor.
Written exam: the examination will take place in small groups and will focus on the knowledge acquired during the course on the process of acquisition of data and information relating to the person, towards the construction of an educational project.
We will request the analysis of an observational profile for the identification:
• the residual abilities and skills - 4 points
• the areas of weakness - 4 points
• relational and operational strategies - 12 points
• attainment targets - 8 points
• partnerships to be activated in the network planning - 2 points
The final grade is a weighted average of the marks obtained in each tests.

Reference texts

Per l’esame:
1. Mucchielli R., Apprendere il counseling - Manuale di autoformazione al colloquio d’aiuto, Erickson, Trento, 2007 (presentazione: La relazione d’aiuto nel counseling e nel lavoro sociale; cap.1: definizione e prospettive del colloquio d’aiuto; cap.3: Atteggiamenti corretti e scorretti nella conduzione del colloquio)
2. Bertolini P., Caronia L., Ragazzi difficili, pedagogia interpretativa e linee di intervento, La Nuova Italia, Firenze, 1993 (cap. VI: Conoscere e comprendere, paragrafi 1,2,3 pp. 85-94;)
3. Rogers C.R., Potere personale, Astrolabio, Roma 1978 (pp. 11-33 La politica delle professioni di aiuto)
4. Dallari M., Tra obbedienza e disobbedienza. Autonomia e responsabilità come obiettivi educativi, in: Barnao C., Fortin D., Accoglienza e autorità nella relazione educativa, Erickson, Trento 2009 (cap.9:)
5. Bastianoni P., Taurino A., La relazione educativa in comunità per minori: dalla disfunzionalità familiare alla “terapeuticità” degli interventi, in: Codispoti O., Bastianoni P. e Taurino A., Dinamiche relazionali e interventi clinici, Carocci, Roma 2008.
5. Crisafulli, Molteni, Paoletti, Scarpa, Sambugaro, Giuliodoro, Il core competence dell’educatore professionale, Unicopli, Milano 2010 (cap. 6: Vitillo M., L’educatore professionale e l’ANEP).
6. Zucconi A., Howell P., “La Promozione della Salute - Un approccio globale per il benessere della persona e della società”, La meridiana, Molfetta 2005 (cap.12: Facilitare il cambiamento; La promozione della salute e l’individuo, pp. 215-235)
7. Fortin D., Educazione professionale. Contesto ed esperienze generative, coll. “I fiori del sale”, Ed. Università di Trento 2020 (Presentazione, pp.17-19; Cap. 3, pp. 49-65; Conclusioni, pp. 143-155)
8. Dispense e materiali consegnati a lezione dal docente (scaricabili da:
Letture consigliate anche in vista dell’elaborato di tesi:
1. Rogers C.R., La terapia centrata sul Cliente, Martinelli, Firenze, 1970
3. Gordon T., Genitori Efficaci, La Meridiana, Bari 1994
4. Carkhuff R., L’arte di aiutare, Erickson, Trento 1987
5. Demetrio D., Educatori di professione, La Nuova Italia, Firenze 1990
6. Demetrio D., La relazione è anche una virtù ?, in: “Animazione Sociale”, Novembre 2004, pp.12-18
7. Rosenberg M.B., Le parole sono finestre, oppure muri, Esserci, Reggio Emilia, 2003
8. Maida S., Nuzzo A., Reati A., Il colloquio nella pratica educativa, Carocci, Roma, 2006
9. Folgheraiter F., La logica sociale dell’aiuto, Erickson, Trento, 2007 (capitolo 1: società e servizi, in: )
10. Marmocchi P, Dall’Aglio C., Tannini M., Educare le life skills. Come promuovere le abilità psico-sociali e affettive secondo l’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità, Erickson, Trento 2004
11. Crisafulli F. (a cura di), E.P. Educatore Professionale. Manuale per i corsi di laurea e per la formazione permanente dell’Educatore professionale, Maggioli, Sant’Arcangelo di Romagna 2016
Slides e materiale fornito dal docente
Venuti P. (2001) L’osservazione del comportamento. Roma: Carrocci
Maida S., Molteni L., Nuzzo A., (2009) Educazione e osservazione- teorie, metodologie e tecniche. Roma: Carrocci Faber
Corbetta P. (1999, 2014: I° o II° edizione) Metodologia e tecnica della ricerca sociale (solo i capitoli sull’osservazione partecipante e sull’intervista). Milano: Il Mulino (testo opzionale)