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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

To provide knowledge about drawing up and formulation of diets for young, adult and old subjects in physiological state.


Basic knowledge about subjects of first and second year of course

Course programme

Drawing up and formulation of normocaloric, low caloric and high caloric diets for subjects of different age and sex, in physiological state: nutritional anamnesis; assessment of the nutritional antropometry; valuation of body constitution, body morphology and degree of obesity; calculation of body mass index; desirable physiologic weight; basal metabolic rate and daily energy expenditure with working activities and non-occupational activities; calculation of daily protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamin and mineral rations; energy distribution of meals; weekly menu; nutrients and energy of diet; determination of PCal%, FCal%, CHOCal%; comparison with LARN.
Drawing up and formulation of normocaloric, low caloric and high caloric diets for young children: anamnesis, assessment of the nutritional status, setting of a weekly menu, calculation of nutrient and energy of the diet, comparison with LARN. Nutritional needs of the child. Preparation of food to supplement or replace breast milk, weaning foods, formulas for children with food allergies and intolerances and nutritional education in childhood.

Didactic methods

The training activities are organized as follows:
•lectures throughout the program
•theoretical and practical activities
•practical activities in the ward or clinic.

Learning assessment procedures

The exam consists of verifying the level of achievement of learning outcomes above.
The exam is divided in 2 parts that take place on different days:
•a practical test with setting and preparation of a diet with written report, that takes account of all the topics covered in the course, raffled by a student between 3 proposals. The test is intended to evaluate the understanding of the topics of the base and has the character of selection (the student who does not show sufficient knowledge of the topics not admitted to the oral test). To pass the test you must acquire at least 8 points out of 15. The expected time for the test is 120 minutes. It is not allowed to consult texts or use smartphones,…;
•an oral test, about 1 hour, with discussion of the practical and the topics discussed in the course. During the test is not valued so much the ability to repeat the topics covered in class, as the ability to link and compare different aspects discussed during the course. To overcome the test you must acquire at least 10 points out of 18. The final grade is the sum of the two scores. To pass the exam you must obtain a minimum score of 18 on 33. If one of the two trials are lacking or if the total score is less than 18, you must repeat all and 2 trials.
The final mark takes account not only of preparation demonstrated, the actual total amount of hours and the application demonstrated during the practical activity (report of the company tutors).

Reference texts

LARN (1996), Livelli di assunzione e giornalieri raccomandati di energia e nutrienti per la popolazione italiana EDRA, Roma, Italia.
LARN (2014), Livelli di assunzione di riferimento di nutrienti ed energia per la popolazione italiana, IV Revisione, SICS, Milano, Italia.
INRAN (2000), Tabelle di composizione degli alimenti, EDRA, Milano.
Teaching materials provided by the teacher.
•For more details:
Riccardi G, Pacioni D, Rivellese AA (2013), Manuale di nutrizione applicata, III edizione, Idelson-Gnocchi, Napoli, Italia.