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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

The objectives of the course are the acquisition of a broad overview of the main biochemical and cellular methodologies used in different research field. The acquired knowledge includes methods used to produce and purify proteins; analytical techniques used to analyze the amino acid composition, concentration, protein identification, molecular interactions studies, the different cell cultures, culture methods, observation and cell analysis, the radioisotopes and their major applications in molecular and cell biology.


Basic Knowledges of chemistry, biochemistry and molecular biology are required.
No prerequisites.

Course programme

-Cell cultures: cell isolation from tissues and growth in culture (2 hours)
-Basic principles for working with cells and tissues: how to observe and analize cells and molecules (microscopy techniques, treatment and analysis of immortalized cell cultures or primary cultures: life cycle and apoptosis analysis; biomolecular analysis) (hours: 6).

-Cancer molecular biology and applied technologies (hours: 4).
-Methods for the protein purification: protein separation (extraction from biological source, fractionation of protein mixtures, chromatography techniques); protein analysis (electrophoresis, quantitative and immunochemical assays) (hours: 10).
-Proteomics: Peptide Mass Fingerprinting (PMF): from the 2Dgel analysis to the protein identification (hours: 4).
-Mass Spectrometry (MS): protein identification and proteome analysis; study of proteins as biomarkers in diagnostics and therapy (cancer and inflammation markers) (hours: 6).
-Biochemical methods for quantification and molecular interactions analysis (SPR, ELISA e Luminex) (hours: 4).
-Radioisotopes: EMSA and RIA (hours: 2).
-Transcriptomics: technologies and applications (gene expression analysis, from classic and digital PCR to the use of microarrays) (4 hours)
-Genomics: technologies and applications (gene sequencing, diagnosis of genetic diseases and hints on genome editing) (6 hours).
The hours for the specific issues are indicative.

Didactic methods

The course consists of recorded lectures and pdf files, weekly uploaded in "Classroom".

Learning assessment procedures

Written exam, with both multiple choice and open choice questions.

Reference texts

-Metodologie Biochimiche, Maria Carmela Bonaccorsi, Roberto Contestabile, Martino Di Salvo. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana. Distribuzione esclusiva Zanichelli.
-Biochimica Applicata, ¿Monica Stoppini, Vittorio Bellotti. Edises.
-Biologia molecolare della cellula, Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter, Zanichelli Editore.