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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

The student will acquire knowledge of the main etiopathogenetic mechanisms of diseases (causes, progression modalities, concurrent factors), of structural alterations and of control mechanisms at the various levels of integration.
He will also acquire knowledge of the most used laboratory measurements and the parameters associated with them in order to have indications for diagnosis and monitoring of the main pathologies. He will acquire elements of diagnostics of blood coagulation, tumors, allergies, autoimmune systemic diseases, haematological and hepatic pathologies and of transfusion medicine.


It is necessary to have knowledges of Biology, Microbiology and genetics, Biochemistry and molecular Biology, Anatomy and Histology, Laboratory Medicine and Clinical Biochemistry, and of Physiology.

Course programme

-Health and disease. Etiology and pathogenesis of diseases. Homeostasis and defence response.
-Cellular Pathology: adaptive responses, degeneration and necrosis. The apoptosis process.
-Response to damage. Acute and chronic inflammation: mediators involved (histamine, nitric oxide, lipid mediators, cytokines, peptides) and their signalling mechanisms. The leukocyte diapedesis.
- Pathologies of erythrocytes
-Hepatic diseases (steatosis, hepatitis, cirrhosis).
-Thyroid diseases.
-Tumours: nomenclature and classification, benign and malignant tumours, molecular oncology (growth control, oncogenes and tumour suppressors), etiology and pathogenesis of tumours, neoplastic phenotype.

- Organization and operation of the clinical pathology laboratory.
- Pre-analytical and analytical variability markers, methods for correct collection and conservation of biological samples.
- CBC, leukocyte formula
- Inflammatory markers
- Markers of cellular damage and cellular necrosis.
- Pathophysiology of haemostasis and related markers
- Markers of allergic diseases
- Markers of main systemic autoimmune diseases
- Main tumour markers.
- Coombs test and main transfusion medicine test.

Didactic methods

Different teaching methods may be used to optimize learning
- frontal lesson
- tutorial approach and demonstrations
- cooperative learning and brainstorming

Learning assessment procedures

Multiple choice written test. 16 closed-ended questions each with 4 possible answers, of which only 1 correct. Time allowed 16 minutes (1 question / 1 minute).
2 points for each correct answer, 0 points for each answer not given, -0.1 points for each wrong answer. Positive evaluation for a score equal to or greater than 18/30. In the case of 16/16 correct answers, honors are given.
It is not allowed to consult texts or use electronic devices (PCs, smart phones, smart watches, calculators, etc.).

Reference texts

- Antonozzi I, Gulletta E – Medicina di Laboratorio. Logica e Patologia clinica – Piccin
- G.M Pontieri- Elementi di Patologia Generale e Fisiopatologia Generale- Piccin
- Kumar V., Abbas AK., Aster JC. Robbins- Fondamenti di Patologia e di Fisiopatologia- Edra
- Rubin E., Reisner HM - Rubin l’essenziale, Patologia Generale- Piccin