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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Annualità Singola

Training objectives

The main objectives of the course are to develop profound theoretical and functional language skills to improve comprehension and analysis of written and oral material.

Final objective: level C1 of the European Framework.
Preparation for the certificate C1 of the Goethe Institute.


Level B2+ of the European Framework

Course programme

Lectures (2 modules):

1. Language and image
Series of lectures focusing on language teaching (the different ways of using pictures and other ways of visualization; text and illustration; language access through pictures and other forms of visualization; ways and strategies of visualization in functional texts, …)

2. The language of advertising
Introduction to the theory of advertising (market and communication, different types of advertising language, intercultural aspects); Commercials as a field of linguistic research; pragmatic, lexical, syntactical and rhetorical analyses; Individual research, presentation of a paper.

Advanced language study ("lettorato"):
a) Translation workshop
Theoretical introduction: the concept of equivalence, types of texts, pragmatic dimension, translation
Exercises: translating German and Italian texts, reflecting structural differences, developing translation strategies.
b) Written and oral competence at level C1:
Analysis of different types of texts and styles of language, b) Analysis of complex syntax structures and text linguistics, c) Oral competence and advanced listening comprehension.

Those who cannot attend class will receive a special program in order to be able to work at home. It will be verified at the end of the year (oral exam).

Didactic methods

Interactive method, student presentations, practical exercises, guided and autonomous research, written paper.

Learning assessment procedures

Lectures (professor):
The students will hand in a "Portfolio" containing a set of tasks agreed upon with the professor; non-attending students (less than 70%) will have special tasks. The “Portfolio”, delivered in both paper and electronic formats, will be discussed in an oral exam.

Advanced language study "lettorato":
Written and oral exam.

Those who cannot attend class will receive a special program in order to be able to work at home. It will be verified at the end of the year (oral exam).

Reference texts

The final numbers indicate the location in the library.)
• Janich, N.: Werbesprache. Ein Arbeitsbuch. (Tübingen: 2003) – 60 4G 743
• Sowinski, B. Werbung. Grundlagen der Medienkommunikation, 5. (Tübingen: 1998) – 60 2A 43
• Dispensa (via email) con capitoli scelti da, per es.:
o Greule, A.: Spot-Texte analysieren. Der Beitrag der Sprachwissenschaft zur Untersuchung der Hörfunkwerbung. In: Reimann, S. (Hrsg.): Mehrmedialität in der werblichen Kommunikation. Synchrone und diachrone Untersuchungen von Werbestrategien. (Tübingen.: 2008: 89-96).
o Kaunzner, U.A.: Vom „Leiden“ der Pause am Lampenfieber. Sprechen im Hörfunk. In: Reimann, S. (Hrsg.): Mehrmedialität in der werblichen Kommunikation. Synchrone und diachrone Untersuchungen von Werbestrategien. (Tübingen: 2008: 75-88).
o Reimann, S. (Hrsg.): Faszination Hörfunkwerbung - im Wandel : Das Historische Werbefunkarchiv der Universität Regensburg. (Regensburg: 2006)
o Reimann, S. (Hrsg.): Werbung hören. Beiträge zur Interdisziplinären Erforschung der Werbung im Hörfunk. (Medien. Forschung und Wissenschaft, Bd. 17). (Berlin: 2008)
o Reimann, S.: Mehrmedialität in der werblichen Kommunikation. Synchrone und diachrone Untersuchungen von Werbestrategien. (Tübingen.: 2008)
During the first lesson students will get indications about which books to buy. The final numbers indicate the location in the library.

Language course "LETTORATO":
During the first lesson students will get indications about which books to buy.
• Anne Buscha, G. Linthout, Das Oberstufenbuch, Schubert-Verlag
• DUDEN. Deutsches Universalwörterbuch A-Z. Herausgegeben vom wissenschaflichen rat der Dudenredaktion. 7., überarbeitete und erweiterte Ausgabe 2011.
• DUDEN. Das Herkunftswörterbuch. Etymologie der deutschen Sprache. Herausgegeben von der Dudenredation, Verlag Bibiographisches Institut, 2006
• Gaby Grammenou, Hörtraining für die Mittelstufe, Karabatos-Verlag 2008
Texts (Translation workshop) – via mail:
• Cinato Lucia, Mediazione linguistica tedesco-italiana, Hoepli
• Koller Werner, Einführung in die Übersetzungstheorie, Wiebelsheim: Quelle & Meyer, 20047
• Kußmaul Paul, Verstehen und Übersetzen, Tübingen: Narr, 2007
• Lipka Ute, Due lingue a confronto nella traduzione, Roma: Euromana, 1992
• Stolze Radegundies, Übersetzungstheorien, Tübingen: Narr, 2008
Reader with selected texts