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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

The course aims to bring the student to reflect on some basic teaching notions and introduce him to the knowledge of teaching tools and strategies. An improvement of the oral expression in French is also expected.
At the end of the course, the student will have acquired not only theoretical notions, but also skills and competences in the development of the teaching units, so as to be able to face any professional paths in the didactic field with critical awareness and methodological ability.


B2/C1 level of French.

Course programme

The course includes lectures in which to reflect on the theoretical aspects of the French language teaching. In this first part, we will also reflect on teaching methodologies and methods as well as on some of its tools such as translation, grammar, vocabulary, literature and pedagogy. The seminar lessons will deal with the plan and development of a teaching unit considering the various aspects connected to it.

Didactic methods

The course adopts the following teaching methods: frontal lessons and seminar lessons. The lectures are based on teaching theory, while the seminar lessons concern the plan and development of a didactic teaching unit. The active participation of students is expected.

The materials distributed during the course will be made available on Classroom, the platform to which all students must register.

Learning assessment procedures

Attending students
The exam consists of the plan and development of a teaching unit and respectively an oral presentation in the classroom lasting 15 minutes in the form of a lesson, and which requires the active participation of all students; a written test; an oral interview.

On the oral presentation of the teaching unit, other details will be given during the course.
The written test, to be submitted within the deadlines that will be set towards the end of the course, concerns the plan and development of the teaching unit (more information will be given during the course).
The oral interview aims to verify the capacity for critical and personal reflection in the light of the topics proposed during the course.
The ongoing assessment of the student during the course will also be included in the final evaluation. The importance of active participation during the lessons is therefore reiterated.

The final grade (30-point scale) will be awarded according to the following criteria:
- written teaching unit: 40%;
- presentation/discussion on the teaching unit: 40%;
- oral interview and active participation during the course: 20%.

Non-attending students have to contact the professor.

The exam will be held entirely in French.

Reference texts

Exam program for attending students:
- Jean Pierre CUQ, Isabelle GRUCA, Cours de didactique du français langue étrangère et seconde, Grenoble, Presses universitaires de Grenoble, 2020 (the pages will be indicated during the course)
- Juan SUN, Pour une approche sociolinguistique en didactique du français langue étrangère - l’argot français contemporain en classe, «Synergies Chine», n° 13, 2018, p. 131-142

Part of the scheduled material and other lesson material will be available on the Classroom platform.