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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Annualità Singola

Training objectives

The student has an in-depth knowledge of the linguistic and discursive aspects of the French language, from both a synchronic and diachronic perspective, including its applications to textual analysis and translation. Through practical exercises, his skills progress towards level C2 of the Common European Framework of Reference.


Advanced knowledge of French (level C1-C2)

Course programme

The lessons held by the titular teacher will be divided into two parts: the first lessons will introduce students to the "stylistique française", meant as a linguistic approach for the analysis of literary and not-literary texts. The second part of the course will be devoted to the linguistic and communicational analysis of political texts, with a special focus on those that were produced during the Covid-19 pandemic. The main objective will be to shed light on the strategies deployed in such texts.
Students who do not attend classes are required to study the suggested texts (see bibliography below). However, recordings will be made available as a didactic support, at the end of the course.

Didactic methods

Lessons held by the titular teacher (first and second semester) and lessons held by mother tongue teachers (second semester), entirely in French. Lessons will be highly interactive.
All course
materials and information will be uploaded on Google Classroom (access
code: mzmmavv).
At the end of the course, recordings will be provided to help not-attending students.

Learning assessment procedures

Oral exam in French. Students will be required to give an oral presentation (10-15 minutes) on a chosen text, that they will analyse from a stylistical perspective. They will also answer some questions about the topics that were dealt with during the course. The oral presentations may be given during the lessons.

Reference texts

Suggested texts: - Georges Molinié, La stylistique, Paris, PUF (ultima edizione); - R. Kerzazi-Lasri, La métaphore dans le commentaire politique, L'Harmattan, 2003; - B. Pennec, Les mots de la Covid-19. Étude linguistique d'un corpus français et britannique, Artois Presses Université, 2021.
Further materials will be provided by the teacher during the course.