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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

Knowledges: knowledge of an outline of early modern history, since mid-15th century through Napoleon's age, with a focus on a special subject.
Skills: be able to identify and interpret main themes of the modern history, understanding origins and development of present wordwide society.


The student is supposed to have a very general knowledge of early modern history through high school syllabus, but in the lectures this is non taken for granted.

Course programme

GENERAL MODERN HISTORY (50 hours of lectures)
Methodological themes: history of historiography; cronology; interpretative paradigms.
Themes end contets: The Renaissance and Italian Wars; European worldwide expansion; The Reformation and religious change in Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries; The wars of religion; The making of nation states; Cultural changes in the 18th century; Tha age of revolutions. Napoleon''s rise and fall.
SPECIAL SUBJECT (10 hours of lectures)
Jews in modern Italy.
Text analysis.

Didactic methods

Lectures, sometimes with aid of audiovisuals.
The method of delivering the lectures will be indicated later in relation to the COVID-19 emergency situation.
All lessons will be recorded and uploaded to a specific classroom.

Learning assessment procedures

Check of aware of the content of the textbook and of skill to analyze the book regarding special subject.
Written examination - General history: 16 questions multiple choice about early modern history - Special subject (oral too): 2 questions about book in bibliography.

Reference texts

General history: Aurelio Musi, Un vivaio di storia. L’Europa nel mondo moderno, Milano, Biblion, 2020
Special subject: Marina Caffiero, Storia degli ebrei nell’Italia moderna, Roma, Carocci, 2014