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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

In general:
to ensuring greater awareness of historical events of the 19th and 20th centuries, with particular attention to political events, economic factors and cultural dynamics.

- to increase the aknowledge of the basis of historical method
- to increase the aknowledge of the most significant historical interpretations
- to increase the aknowledge of historical language
- to increase the develop of a personal and well reflected point of view on some important historical issues in contemporaneity;


Have a sufficient knowledge of historical events of 19 and of the 20 century

Course programme

The most important problems of the modern history (the birth and the success of liberalism, the socialism and the fascism, the great European national states, the colonial empire crisis, the great migrations, the First World War, the post-war economic and political processes of reconstruction, the decolonization stages and the start of the EU training process, the main events in Italian political history). The second part of the course will be devoted to the study of the Shoah and italian antisemitism.

Didactic methods

The teacher uses powerpoints. The explanation of historical facts and dynamics uses also the vision of audiovisual documents, original or fiction, in order to promote discussion with students. Part of the materials used during the lesson are made available to the teacher, on a specially created personal page. The lessons are recorded and available on the FAD platform.

Learning assessment procedures

In the exam session following the course the exams will be written (test with 21 multiple choice questions, worth 1 point for verified answer and 0 points for wrong answer, 2 open questions, with value between 0 and 5, and 1 question on the second book). In subsequent sessions, the exam will be oral. In this case the exam is due to two questions on general topics, taken from the study of the manual and a question on the monographic program. The evaluation takes into account the knowledge of the historical contents, the ability of analog analysis and relationships, the lexical property.

Reference texts

All the students must study:

A) the handbook: Andrea Baravelli, Il labirinto di Clio. Dalla Restaurazione al mondo globalizzato, Volta la carta edizioni, Ferrara, 2021.

B) A. Baravelli: Snodi e questioni. Dibattito pubblico, storia contemporanea ed elogio della complessità, Volta la carta edizioni, Ferrara, 2021

WARNING: this program is valid until november 2022