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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

At the end of the training, the student: identifies the specificity of sociology of education in understanding educational processes; applies this knowledge to critically problematize the complex relationship between education and society; identifies the organizational structures of contemporary school and formulates assessments on different answers to the question of inclusiveness; recognizes the cogency of the equality-inequality dilemma in educational processes and thereupon considers COVID-19 effects on the Italian education system


Knowledge of basic theoretical and methodological approaches of general sociology and general pedagogy is desirable, in order to facilitate the learning process

Course programme

Sociology of education as a science of institutions and training processes
Topics in the study of education/society relationship
Sociology as a specific way of observing education
Socialization and education
Socialization models
Inequalities and differences in educational processes

The school’s own functions
Education as an asset and the "weaker brackets" issue.
COVID-19 impact on the Italian school-education system and inconsistencies brought out by the crisis.

Didactic methods

According to COVID-19 emergency-related provisions, teaching will be provided from remote. Over the period envisaged in the academic calendar, lectures will be uploaded and made available to students on University of Ferrara’s dedicated online platform, at the beginning of each week. Through the working week scheduled for frontal teaching, conversely, online meetings will be held at the students’ request, in order to supply clarification/insights concerning the aforesaid lectures.

Learning assessment procedures

Learning test will consist of an oral exam for each student. Only where the number of students is elevated, a written test with open questions will be provided.
Interview will focus on checking knowledge level and understanding of course contents, besides the capability of interpretation and critical argumentation.
For attending students:
Interview will focus on all topics debated in video-lessons, according to reference the parts of text-books
For non-attending students:
Interview will focus on all topics debated in video-lessons, according to both reference texts

Reference texts


• Besozzi E., Società, cultura, educazione, Carocci Editore, Roma, 2017.
Parte prima: intera,
Parte seconda: parr. 4., 4.1, 4.2, 5., 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.7.
Parte terza: parr. 7., 7.1, 7.2, 7.3)

• Migliorati L., Un sociologo nella Zona Rossa. Rischio, paura, morte e creatività ai tempi di Covid-19, Franco Angeli, Open Acess, Milano, 2020
Capitolo 3
Capitolo 4
Capitolo 5


• Besozzi E., Società, cultura, educazione, Carocci Editore, Roma, 2017.

• Migliorati L., Un sociologo nella Zona Rossa. Rischio, paura, morte e creatività ai tempi di Covid-19, Franco Angeli, Open Acess, Milano, 2020