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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

Knowledge and understanding
Know the theoretical and regulatory foundations of educational planning and of quality assessment in childcare services (0-3 years).
Understand the meaning of the concept of "quality" in educational services.
Know and understand the historical evolution of services for children in relation to cultural, social and economic changes.
Know the different types of services for children according to the current legislation.
Understand the role that the early childhood educator is called to perform, also in relation to other professionals and families.
Understand the meaning and functions of evaluation, recognizing it as as integral part of educational planning.

Applying knowledge and understanding
Know how to use the theory in the contexts of educational services for children.
Know how to design early childhood educational activities.
Know how to evaluate with a view to continuous improvement of the quality of services.

Making judgements
Know how to reflect on the concepts of education, planning, evaluation, linking theoretical knowledge and practical experience.
Develop critical thinking on educational design.

Communication skills
Know how to effectively convey the function of early childhood education services and the role of the educator.
Know how to describe the quality of a service and its specificities to the families and all the stakeholders.

Learning skills
Know how to identify and develop the skills crucial for the profession of educator for childhood.
Know how to maintain a reflective attitude in educational practice.


Basic pedagogical and didactic knowledge.

Course programme

During the course the following topics will be covered:
• The concept of quality in educational services.
• Historical evolution of early childhood services.
• Current legislation on educational services for children.
• Different types of services for children.
• The figure of the educator for children.
• The planning and evaluation as an integral part of planning.
• The design of early childhood education units.

Didactic methods

Dialogic lessons; case studies and analysis of educational projects; testimonials from professionals; video projections.
Each meeting includes a part of frontal lesson and a space for discussion.
Lessons will be delivered in person. Theoretical lessons will be recorded for non-attending students.
Teaching materials and slides will be made available in the Google Classroom of the course (access code: vntau2s).

Learning assessment procedures

The final assessment is based on three components:

1. participation in discussion forums (from 0 to 5 points)
During the semester, in the google Classroom the teacher will propose some ideas for discussion starting from the topics covered in class. Each student will be invited to contribute their reflections and experiences to at least two discussion forums.

2. final written exam: test with 30 multiple choice questions (from 0 to 15 points)
The final written test concerns the contents of the lessons and of the books.
Multiple choice questions: each correct question is worth 0.5 points; wrong answers are worth 0 points.
To pass the written exam, it is necessary to obtain a score equal to or higher than 10/15. Those who do not pass the written test must re-take it.

3. individual or group work (from 0 to 10 points)
Design of an educational unit for early childhood.
The student, individually or in a group of 2-4 people, must submit their proposal for an educational unit for children (0-3 years old) and send it to the teacher within ten days before the chosen exam session.
The teacher will assign a score from 0 to 10 to each individual or group work.
The evaluation criteria are as follows: internal coherence of the project; mastery of the language of the discipline; completeness of the project and its applicability in the reference contexts; critical re-elaboration of study topics and materials.

Reference texts

E. Restiglian, Progettare al nido. Teorie e pratiche educative. Roma: Carocci, 2012.
E. Restiglian, Valutazione della qualità nei servizi per l'infanzia. Sistemi e strumenti. Roma: Carocci, 2020.