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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

General objectives.
TRANSVERSAL SKILLS: Building a knowledge that helps us to understand the emotional dynamics in order to develop proposals, programs and formative projects for the school, for the ONG organizations, for international cooperation.
KNOWLEDGE:To this end, we will not forget to provide the lexical coordinates and epistemological framework of the discipline, in order to critically self-orient in a theoretical-procedural sense within the proposed thematic horizon.
In this course, we will study the cognitive role and, more generally, the educational one of emotions, sensitivity, spirituality, aesthetics ..., in short, all that mental world which, traditionally, is conceived as separate from the logic.
SKILL: The course aims to build -along with the students- a highly specialized expertise, about the capacity of educational intervention, starting from the application of the most innovative methods, by comparing different epistemologies and cognitive approaches. In the first meetings -of introductory character- will discuss the general coordinates of the discipline, its role in the world of the formation, the new frontiers of educational research in relation to the specificity of the proposed themes. Next, we will present case analysis (Mobbing and Bullying), auto-narrations (Life Stories, Autobiographies), laboratories (analysis of relational dynamics in groups), empirical research (collection of evidences according to the criteria of ethnographic research), simulations of relevant situations and of poetic sources for the analysis of the relationship between sensitivity and rationality in the educational processes.


Knowledge of basic conceptual and linguistic instruments of educational knowledge.

Course programme

Creativity requires the ability to use different cognitive approaches.
Knowledge also relates to emotions and, with them, to intuitions. The one and the other are somehow related to the nervous system such as experience, education, culture, rationality. Emotions play a prolonged cognitive role in time if they change in sentiment, they sediment into the memory and attain the conscience. Which means that only with a clear perception of a sense of self-awareness the subject achieves the awareness of his feelings and of their formative function. Emotions help us to elaborate a first assessment of what happens to us, an evaluation that gradually becomes more complex when the emotion (fear, joy, sympathy, anger ....) Arrives at the feeling, that is, assumes a less ephemeral, more lasting and when in turn the sentiment is sustained by reflection. Therefore, knowing the formative and \ or regressive potential of emotions is important both to facilitate the optimization processes of learning and teaching, and to prepare programs of harm reduction in cases of moral harassment, cultural marginalization and social exclusion.
It is especially important for a creative learning .

Didactic methods

After the first meetings of introductory character, the lessons will be predominantly workshops involving the testing of technical and operational strategies. During the course, there will be moments of self-evaluation in the execution of specific exercises aimed to progressively asses the level of skills acquired. Streaming of the lessons for Students who works or who cannot attend them, available through Se@ services

Learning assessment procedures

The exam involves the preparation of a written elaborate. Since this is a test that has a creative and planning character, during the writing of the elaborate, students can consult their textbooks.
It will assess the ability of critical, propositive and creative orientation within the themes covered during the course.

Reference texts

Study program and books for the exam:
*A. Gramigna, Talento e Formazione, Milano, UNICOPLI, 2020.
*L. Covatta, Agorà e società educante, Ferrara, Volta la carta, 2020.
*A. Gramigna, Come nascono le storie. Pedagogia narrativa per i più piccoli, Milano, UNICOPLI, 2021.
*Yolanda Estrada Ramos, Pedagogia delle emozioni, Ferrara, Volta la carta, 2020.

Anita Gramigna, a cura di, Dipidendenza da internet, Stili cognitivi e nuove criticità nell'apprendimento,Roma, Aracne,

Il programma è valido solo fino agli appelli di Gennaio-Febbraio 2022

N.B.: For studente who do not atend classes:
Anita Gramigna, a cura di, Dipedendenza da internet, Stili cognitivi e nuove criticità nell'apprendimento,Roma, Aracne,
Il programma è valido solo fino agli appelli di Gennaio-Febbraio 2021
N.B. This program is valid only for the academic year 2020-2021 (January- febbraio 2022).