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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

Acquisition of: contents and methods of ethnographic research applied to education; knowledge and ability to understand the epistemological relationship between formation and methodology.
Transversal competences: ability to apply the ethnographic method in salient situations from an educational point of view; ability to transfer the acquired knowledge to different contexts; ability to communicate in situations involving cultural differences.


Basic knowledge of pedagogic lexicon

Course programme

Procedures and analysis of field research; mythology and its instructional implications; hermeneutic praxis applied to ethnographic research; the concepts of interculturality, mixed race, syncretism, integration, cultural difference, marginality and minority.

Didactic methods

After a first phase of in-presence dialogical and interactive lectures on the class’s topics and a qualitative approach, individual and group laboratories are conducted on the strategies of analysis and application of the research methods. Laboratories include a predisposition grid for structured and semi-structured interviews, data gathering, participant observation, cataloguing the data, structuring a research project and verification and evaluation of its structure. A conference-debate with experts on these topics is scheduled. Lessons will also be recorded and made available on the platform FAD.Se@.

Learning assessment procedures

A written argumentative essay on a matter discussed during classes, along with the required bibliography, will be done. A topic chosen by the student is not allowed. The duration of the test, after reading and commenting on the topic, is one hour. Ongoing evaluation tests are not expected. Evaluation indicators are the following: critical autonomy, lexicon, contents and methods mastery.

Reference texts

The study of the following texts is compulsory. Optional texts don’t exist.
M. De Conti, a cura di, Principi e metodologie della ricerca qualitativa in pedagogia, Ferrara, Volta la carta, 2018.

Per i non frequentanti:
G. Ramon Valarezo, L’educazione nei miti e nei riti delle comunità indigene del nord dell’Ecuador, Ferrara, Volta la carta, 2016.