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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

1) Knowledge and understanding about the following topics: key-concepts of adult education (continuing education, lifelong learning, adulthood, responsibilities of adults etc.); main steps of historical evolution of adult education, in terms of ideas, training policies, formal, non-formal and informal practices; current national and international scientific debate concerning the issues addressed; contemporary "challenges" (disability, literacy, aging, free time, etc.) and "vulnerabilities" of the contemporary adult (about parenting, care work, addiction, gender issues, prison experience etc.);
2) Applying knowledge and understanding about the following skills: extension of theory of Science of Education and of its research subject; tools for the identification, interpretation and planning, in educational perspective, of training activities in adulthood; critical conceptualization of identity of adult as a complex and developmental identity; recognition of professional contexts for adult education;
3) Making judgments about the following activities: analysis of various sources (literature, laws, periodicals, films, television programs, websites etc.) where critically recognizing concepts, trends, social representations of adult identity and of educational processes and training;
4) Communication skills about the following skills: using specialist lexicon of adult education; using logic argumentation of contents; precise and comprehensive reference to information sources; explication of the historical-cultural context of authors and subjects;
5) Learning skills about the following fields: disciplinary interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approach to subjects of knowledge; methodological rigour in using and making information; autonomous research of documentary sources; orientation and identification of reference points in the subject field; recognition of training, self-training and continuing training settings.


The basic prerequisites consist of general knowledge of theory and history of education; if they are lacking or incomplete, they will be acquired and/or consolidated partially during the class.

Course programme

The class addresses the crucial issues of the Adult Education field. They concern the meaning of education in adulthood, its epistemological basis, its fundamental concepts, its purposes and some burning issues in the current historical period: they are real "challenges" and "vulnerabilities" involving - in educational perspective - the connection between school and social educational context, the world of work, the management of the spare time, the old age, the relationship between adulthood and disability, parenting, care work, addiction, gender issues, prison experience and so on. In this perspective, the class explores the identity of the contemporary adult, the notion of "adultescentness", the theme of "crisis" and the "sense of responsibility" of the adult. The conceptual framework and the specific lexicon of this field of research and educational practice are very important, together with a historical and theoretical overview of education in adulthood (by periods and/or scholars and paradigmatic writings, from ancient times to today), which taking into consideration also significant legislative measures at national and international level. In this overview, it is expected the study of theories and of practical proposals by E.C. Lindeman (1885-1953), considered the "father" of adult education in the United States, and an analysis of his essay "The Meaning of Adult Education" (1926) that, even today, presents relevant and current aspects.

Didactic methods

The contents will be exposed by lectures, integrated with: a) supporting slides that summarize, exemplify and organize the discussed topics; b) presentation and critical analysis of documents (laws, essays and articles, video etc.); c) conferences-debates by scholars, experts and educators in the field of adult education. Opportunities for interaction, discussion and comparison will always be possible during the lectures.
All students will avail themeself of n. 12 short lectures, lasting about 30 minutes each, specially videotaped by the teacher. For non-attending students and for working students it is a didactic support aimed at setting up an overall framework of the Course and for a better understanding of the topics covered; for attending students it is an opportunity to review and reinforce some of the main contents of the Course.

Learning assessment procedures

The exam consists in a written test; it can be taken only and exclusively in the official period of examination, after regular online registration. Additional exam sessions and oral examinations will not be set for supplementing or replacing the written test. The evaluation is made known to students through specific online procedures.
Alternative ways of examination will only be provided in the cases reported by the "Disability and DSA Service" of the University.

Reference texts

The syllabus consists of this list of books:

Attending students:
- content of lectures
- E. Marescotti, Adultescenza e dintorni. Il valore dell'adultità, il senso dell'educazione, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2020 (total)
- E. Marescotti, Il significato dell’educazione degli adulti di Eduard C. Lindeman. Un classico dalle molteplici sfaccettature, Roma, Anicia, 2013 (total)
- M. Cornacchia, S. Tramma (a cura di), Vulnerabilità in età adulta. Uno sguardo pedagogico, Roma, Carocci, 2019 (chapters: 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 e 12).

Non attending students:
- E. Marescotti, Adultescenza e dintorni. Il valore dell'adultità, il senso dell'educazione, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2020 (total)
- E. Marescotti, Il significato dell’educazione degli adulti di Eduard C. Lindeman. Un classico dalle molteplici sfaccettature, Roma, Anicia, 2013 (total)
- M. Cornacchia, S. Tramma (a cura di), Vulnerabilità in età adulta. Uno sguardo pedagogico, Roma, Carocci, 2019 (total).
- E. Marescotti , Cultura della sostenibilità e green skills: considerazioni pedagogiche sui nessi tra formazione professionale del docente e dimensione esistenziale adulta, in “Annali online della Didattica e della Formazione Docente”, 23, 2022, pp. 128-144 (pdf in open access:
- E. Marescotti , Scacco all’adultità ai tempi del Covid-19? Emergenze educative implicite ed esplicite, in “Ricerche Pedagogiche”, n. 220-221/2021, pp. 131-149 (pdf in open access:
- E. Marescotti, La formazione genitoriale come dimensione dell’Educazione degli adulti: E. C. Lindeman e il movimento della parent education, in “Annali online di Didattica e della Formazione Docente”, Vol. 10, n. 15-16/2018, pp. 588-603 (pdf in open access:

The syllabus of the academic year 2022/2023 is valid from the examination session in January/February 2023 until the examination session in January/February 2024.