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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

Knowledge and understanding: Knowing and understanding the theoretical and methodological frameworks of teaching and special education;

Applying knowledge and understanding: Knowing and applying the most effective educational and teaching methods for school and social inclusion;

Making judgements: Reaching a critical thinking on inclusive educational design, based on scientific information;

Communication skills: Being able to elaborate tables for identification of educational needs in different types of difficulties and disabilities and share in working group;

Learning skills: Being able to design educational and teaching inclusive programs.


Basic knowledge in psychopedagogical and didactic fields; Knowledge Internet use to access information; Knowledge English language (A2 level European Framework).

Course programme

The course is aimed to the acquisition of the theoretical-epistemological framework of teaching and special education, with references about the disability culture and the achievement of inclusion through metodologies of teaching. Theoretical and methodological applications about special-pedagogical debate will be presented, reviewing the issues relating to disability educational and teaching more traditionally known.

Didactic methods

Direct and dialogic instruction with online resource integration and use of accessible materials; teaching seminars with lectures about case studies; audio-visual projection for case studies. The slides of the course will be made available on the teacher's page.

Learning assessment procedures

The assessment will be done through:
a final interview in oral form, the assessment of knowledge of the theoretical and methodological aspects of the discipline. Evaluation criteria will be the property of the specific lexicon of the discipline, the argumentative competence and the effectiveness of the examples.

Reference texts

The student will have to study 3 books:

- T. Zappaterra, Special needs a scuola. Pedagogia e didattica inclusiva per alunni con disabilità, Edizioni ETS, Pisa 2010 (mandatory for everybody);

- E. Guerin, T. Zappaterra, L’insegnamento della lingua inglese e i disturbi specifici dell’apprendimento, Guerini e Associati, Milano 2019 (mandatory for everybody)

- a book chosen from the following:

M. Pavone, M.A. Galanti (a cura di), Didattiche da scoprire. Linguaggi, diversità, inclusione, Mondadori, Milano 2020

A. Mangiatordi, Costruire inclusione. Progettazione Universale e risorse digitali per la didattica, Guerini e Associati, Milano 2019

M. A. Galanti, B. Sales B., Disturbi del neurosviluppo e reti di cura. Prospettive neuropsichiatriche e pedagogiche in dialogo, ETS, Pisa 2017

L. Trisciuzzi, T. Zappaterra T., La dislessia. Una didattica speciale per le difficoltà nella lettura, Guerini e Associati, Milano 2014 (Nuova edizione ampliata)

L. Trisciuzzi, T. Zappaterra, L. Bichi, Tenersi per mano. Disabilità e formazione del sé nell'autobiografia, FUP, Firenze 2006.

V. Boffo, S. Falconi, T. Zappaterra (a cura di), Per una formazione al lavoro. Le sfide della disabilità adulta, FUP, Firenze 2012 (Open access)

S. Besio, T. Zappaterra (Eds.), Children's play. Multifaceted Aspects, Edizioni ETS, Pisa 2018.

M. Westling Allodi, T. Zappaterra (Eds.), Users’ Needs Report on Play for Children with Disabilities. Parents’ and Children’s Views, De Gruyter, Warsaw/Berlin 2019 (open access)