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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

Know: The course aims to offer an essential framework of European music between the second half of the 15th and the end of the 16th centuries, and to examine its relations with the contemporary cultural-historical context.
Know-how: At the end of the course, the students will be able to aurally recognize the main musical forms of the Renaissance and to identify them correctly from the chronological and stylistic point of view.


Not required.

Course programme

The course is divided into two parts.
In the first, of an introductory nature, we will focus on the different meanings of the concept of "Renaissance music" (and on the alternative definitions resulting from the modern musicological debate), favoring the "internal" meaning based on the characteristics of musical notation, which restricts the chronological delimitation to ca. 1450-1600. The role of writing in the transmission of musical thought will therefore be dealt with in general, highlighting in elementary terms, and without requiring previous technical-musical knowledge, the peculiarities of the period tackled.
In the second part, broader, the main musical forms of the Renaissance will be examined in a diachronic perspective and considered in relation to their functional and social contexts, through the analytic listening of significant pieces.

Didactic methods

1) Lectures.
2) Guided listening.

All lessons will be recorded and stored on the FAD-Se@ platform, as an additional service addressed to both attending and non-attending students.

Learning assessment procedures

The exam will be held in oral form and will be divided into three questions, concerning respectively:
1) the historical-cultural and historical-musical context;
2) a piece chosen by the student among those analyzed in the course;
3) a piece chosen by the teacher among those analyzed in the course.

Reference texts

"Musica e società. Dall'Alto Medioevo al 1640", ed. Paolo Fabbri and Maria Chiara Bertieri, Lucca, Libreria Musicale Italiana 2019: chapters 3, 4, 5, 6 (pp. 273-294) and 7, with the relevant listenings.

At the beginning of the course, if necessary the teacher will also indicate some supplementary readings.