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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

The course intends to deepen the Greek and Latin theatrical culture, and considers the ancient theater not as literary but as a performance. The student will then become acquainted with the contexts of representation, the main forms of performance and the fortune of Greek theater, particularly through a case study, Aristophanes' Clouds.


Elementary knowledge of Greek culture

Course programme

The first part of the course will be dedicated to the Athenian and Roman theater festivals; The second part will deal with the forms of Greek comedy; The third will analyze the case of Aristophanes' Clouds.

Didactic methods

The teaching methods used will be essentially two:
1. Frontal lessons with reading of texts and documents
2. Seminars with students
A visit to the National Archaeological Museum of Ferrara is planned to inspect the Greek vases that point to tragic myths and theatrical representations

Learning assessment procedures

Oral exams with oral questions during lessons; Brief student reports on specific topics; Final oral exam. Infrared tests have value for self-evaluation; The outcome will be considered if the tests are positive. These tests are not binding for access to the exam.
The final exam will start from the general part with a topic chosen by the student; then there will be a teacher's question on the egalitarian part and two on the specific part.

Reference texts

For the general part, consider:
a. Storia del teatro. Le idee e le forme dello spettacolo dall'antichità a oggi, a cura di L. Allegri, Roma, Carocci 2017, ISBN 9788843088218. Si studino i capitoli: 1 (Il teatro antico) e 9 (Strutture e modelli della drammaturgia)
b. For the specific part, read the Clouds edition of Aristophanes with Greek text and translation.
Other useful information will be provided during the lesson