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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Comunicazione della cultura e delle arti
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

Through meaningful musical samples, the lessons have the goal to explain chronologically some crucial aspects and historical problems of the history of European music 1500-1770, and offer the relevants specific knowledges in style and technique of the main musical facts (except the theatrical ones, that will be analyzed in a different set of lessons of Musical Dramaturgy).
In a specific way, the items to investigate will concern the links between music and literature/narrativity.



Course programme


The musical production as a carrefour of different experiences.
- Manuscripts and prints. Musical printing and Ottaviano Petrucci.
- Court and Church in early ‘500: 1. Chanson and Frottola. 2. Liturgical stratigraphy: plain chant, poliphony, organ, instrumental ensembles. 3. The Flemish style. 4. The Luteran Church.
- Sacred and secular music in the second half of ‘500: 1. The Council of Trent. 2. The Madrigal.
- Old and New music in late ‘500 and early ‘600: 1. The sacred production. The secular production.
- Problems of historiography: music and its history.

- Vocal music
- Keyboard music

- Cantata
- Oratorio
- Music fon instruments

- Instrumental repertoire: architectures and styles
- Matters of functionality: music and ritual
- Liturgical music and sacred music
- The Catholic world and Protestant countries
- Places and uses of music: Church, Court, Chamber, Academy, Theater
- Professionalism and amateurism
- Domestic consumption and public entertainment.

The course is organized in one term and occurs in the first semester of lectures (September-December 2022).
To sit the examination is essential to know not only the bibliography but also - through attentive listening - of the musical pieces proposed and provided by the teacher. The latter will be made available for consultation on the WEB site:, through Classroom (course codex: j3pa3rq).
Students who have to obtain 12 CFU will prepare the whole program; students who have to obtain 6 CFU will have to prepare only on the works of the period 1660-1790.

Didactic methods

Public lectures with audovisual exemplification.
After a first week of classes devoted to general elements, the course proceeds by examining the individual compositions on the program . Their respective specificities , both historical-stylistic and musical-compositional, are illustrated in the classroom on the basis of the texts - score and, in case, literary text - shown, screened and listened.

Learning assessment procedures

Oral exam.
It is aimed to ascertain on the one hand the acquisition of the historical-biographical notions (of authors, contextual situations, artistic currents, etc.), on the other hand the concrete understanding of the musical devices present in the examined works (through key-questions as "how is that work musically realized?" , "how is it structurally conceived", "what is its overall effect?", etc.).
Normally, the teacher asks at first instance that the student speaks of a topic of his/her choice, bordered and not too general. Then he goes on to ask for a second argument, with equal width and depth . A further question of a third argument, but of more limited and punctual type, usually ends the exam.

Reference texts

1. Musica e società. Dall'Alto Medioevo al 1640, ed. PAOLO FABBRI e MARIA CHIARA BERTIERI, Milano, McGraw-Hill Education 2012 (or 2a ed.: Lucca, LIM, 2019): chapters capitoli IV (pp. 125-178), V (179-227) e VII (300-368, except for section 7).

2. Musica e società. Dal 1640 al 1830, ed. PAOLO FABBRI – ALESSANDRO ROCCATAGLIATI – PAOLO RUSSO, Milano, McGraw-Hill Education 2013 (or 2a ed.: Lucca, LIM, 2019): chapters 1 (sections 1, 7, 8), 2 (sections 1, 3), 3 (sections 1, 7, 8, 9), 4 (sections 9, 10).

3. Breve lessico musicale, ed. FABRIZIO DELLA SETA, Roma, Carocci 2009.

Musical hearings (on line or on Google Drive).