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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

The course wants to trace historically the evolution of the communicative sphere from the end of the nineteenth century to the beginning of the 2000s, paying particular attention to the interaction with the political sphere and analyzing in a comparative key the role played by the mass media for the purpose of building consensus. At the end of the course the student:
- has mastered the methods of analyzing the history of communication and journalism;
- knows in depth the evolution of the mass media and political communication from the end of the 19th century to today;
- will be able to analyze the repercussions that the development of the media system has produced on the methods of winning political consensus;
- can apply the knowledge acquired to the analysis of election campaigns and contemporary communication processes;
- is able to analyze the transformations that the mass media have generated in the mechanisms of political legitimacy in the contemporary age.


Have a good knowledge of the history of the 20th century

Course programme

The course examines the history of the relationship between mass media and politics, with the following subdivision:

- Newspapers, pamphlets and electoral speeches
- The poster's campaign
- The Radio
- The Cinema
- The Television
- The Web, the blogs and the social networks

Didactic methods

The teacher uses powerpoints. The explanation of historical facts and dynamics uses also the vision of audiovisual documents, original or fiction, in order to promote discussion with students. Part of the materials used during the lesson are made available to the teacher, on a specially created personal page. The lessons are recorded and available on the FAD platform.

Learning assessment procedures

The exam is oral. The exam consists of two questiona taken from the textbook

Reference texts

A) handbook:
A. Baravelli, Storia dei media, politica e contemporaneità, Volta la carta, Ferrara, 2021

WARNING: this program is valid until november 2022