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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Comunicazione pubblica e sociale
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

The purpose of the course is to provide theoretical and practical knowledge related to the role that videos can play in the knowledge society. At the end of the course, students should be able to:
1. know the paradigms underlying audiovisual communication: from mass media to social media;
2. learn about the evolution of audiovisual technologies;
3. to know the paradigms and theories of direction and editing;
4. know the principles for the design and production of videos in the various application fields;
5. know the logic of writing an audiovisual documentary text;
6. know how to use editing or video-editing software (basic level);
7. know how to make audio-video recordings (basic level);
8. knowing how to make sound recordings;
9. know how to write a text for an audiovisual;
10. knowing how to create an audiovisual for social media based on specific communication objectives.


Knowledge related to the basic concepts of: communication, media, media languages.

Course programme

The course analyzes the issue of digital audiovisual communication with particular attention to media production practices, an important aspect for anyone wishing to operate in the content industry sector.
The main contents of the course are as follows:
1. introduction to audiovisual media: from cinema to social media;
2. forms and taxonomies of direction and editing;
3. cognitive theory of multimedia learning;
4. how to design an audiovisual for the various application areas;
5. methods and techniques of audiovisual design: pre-production, production, post production;
6. technological aspects: between cinema, television, video, web;
7. regulatory aspects: from copyright to creative commons licenses;
8. online databases and audiovisual resources.

To better contextualize the topics addressed, the theoretical part will be flanked by a workshop focused on video writing and production practices.

Didactic methods

The course includes the integration of teaching activities in the classroom and in a digital environment (collaborative Blackboard for the use of streaming lessons and Moodle for online activities), in a logic of integration and complementarity between the two environments, classroom and virtual classroom .
Specifically, the course includes:
1. lectures in the classroom consisting of the transmission of information, moments of analysis and collective discussion, presentation of software and research projects. The lessons will be streamed (with collaborated Blackboard platform) and made available for asynchronous use within the Moodle environment;
2. self-training study of any videolessons, videos, open educational resources, moocs, scientific articles and essays, inserted on the moodle platform;
3. forum in moodle environment on course contents and laboratory activities;
4. individual and small group workshop activities aimed at writing texts and creating video artifacts. These activities will be carried out in the classroom, independently by the students, online;
5. self-test.

The moodle environment will also be used to enter all useful information (under: "Announcements on educational activities").

Learning assessment procedures

Learning will be monitored during the course, through activities to be carried out in the classroom and in the Moodle environment (forums, tests, exercises, production of artefacts, etc.). The achievement of the learning outcomes will be verified:
1. (in terms of knowledge) at the end of the course, through a written test, consisting of closed-ended questions and open-ended questions;
2. (in terms of skills and competences) - through the work carried out in the laboratory activities.

The grade will be determined by the sum of the scores obtained in the written test at the end of the course (it will weigh for 60%) and in the laboratory work (it will weigh for 40%). Those who will not be able to carry out the practical activity within the time frame of the teaching period will have to carry out an activity, agreed with the teacher, independently. This activity must be delivered (within moodle) at least 10 days before the date of the written test.

Evaluation criteria
For the written test, the following will be taken into account: the correctness of the answers and their adherence to the topics covered in class and the contents of the study materials (texts indicated in the bibliography, documents included in the Moodle platform), the ability to synthesize and clarity of presentation, of the critical disposition and properties of language.
For group work, the following will be taken into account: the internal consistency of the product, compliance with the objectives, the relevance of the media language adopted, the practical application of the theoretical principles addressed in class, the completeness of the project and its applicability in the reference contexts , respect for the sources used, aesthetic result.

Reference texts

Ganino, G. (2022). Manuale di didattica della produzione audiovisiva: teorie, design, strumenti tecnologici. Volta la Carta: Ferrara.
Essays and scientific articles that will be included in the Moodle platform under the heading "study materials".