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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Comunicazione della cultura e delle arti
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

The goal of these lessons is to describe the transition whereby personal collections of objects become part of institutions open to the public, where they are conserved, displayed and critically promoted, in the attempt to ‘convey’, not just «the connection between one work of art and another, but between the work and the world, sociality, economy, religion, politics, and everything else» (R. Longhi, "Proposte per una critica dell’arte", «Paragone», I, 1950, p. 16).

In addition to the information and knowledge which form the basis of the competence required, the course will try to provide guidelines to the educational activity and to those new dimensions of museums, which put visitors from all walks of life into contact with the objects. The students, at the end of the course, will have become familiar with the basic elements which will enable them to be suitable, that is to say qualified, after the further studies and specialisation required by law, to work professionally in the world of museums.




Course programme

Treasures from Medieval churches and early private and Renaissance collections. Transition to public collections. Changes in the so-called «system of art and culture» as a consequence of new ways of experiencing cultural products.. Key issues in Italian law on protection and conservation.

Didactic methods


Teacher-led lessons on subjects included in the syllabus. Reading and analysis of sources and critical literature. Analysis of texts included in the syllabus. Trips to museums.

Learning assessment procedures

The final test will consist of an oral exam which will assess the knowledge and understanding of the subjects discussed during the course and of the reference texts. Critical skills and the ability to discuss the problems will be assessed.

Reference texts

J. VON SCHLOSSER, Raccolte d’arte e di meraviglie del tardo Rinascimento, trad. it., Firenze, Sansoni, 1974 (comprese le figure).

F. HASKELL, La dispersione e la conservazione del patrimonio artistico, in Storia dell’arte italiana, coordinamento editoriale di G. Bollati, P. Fossati, parte III, a cura di F. Zeri, vol. III [= vol. X]. Conservazione, falso, restauro, Torino, Einaudi, 1981, pp. 5-35 (comprese le figure).

A. EMILIANI, Musei e museologia, in Storia d'Italia, a cura di R. Romano, C. Vivanti, V. I documenti, Torino, Einaudi, 1973, pp. 1615-1655.

M. V. MARINI CLARELLI, Che cos'è un museo, Roma, Carocci, 2005.