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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Comunicazione pubblica e sociale
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

The course aims to provide students with the tools to analyze the main issues related to the city and the territory. In particular, it aims to study the urban context as a complex reality involving with socio-economic, political, environmental, and urban planning issues. These issues will be explored through a dialogue between theory and case studies. The course also aims to develop a capacity for critical analysis of social and urban phenomena and change, and to express it through the strengthening of argumentative dialectics.


Students should have a basic knowledge of the major theories and authors of classical and contemporary sociology.

Course programme

The course is seminar-based, and will cover some of the following topics: urban space, its evolution and sociological analysis; urban governance, inclusion, participation, conflict and urban socio-environmental movements; environmental sustainability; local welfare.

Didactic methods

The course makes use of participative and interactive teaching using a variety of tools: frontal lectures, documentaries as didactic tools, readings of texts and related didactic activities, group and plenary discussions, and seminars with external speakers to explore specific topics in depth. For non-attenders, recordings of some lectures (from the current and/or previous academic year) will be provided. The course will rely on the Classroom platform (code: dke3un2 .

Learning assessment procedures

The learning assessment is based on the drafting of a scientific essay of maximum of 9,000 characters, if written individually, and 14,000 characters if written in couple. The scientific essay must explore one of the topics addressed during the course, selecting at least one monograph (preferably two) among the key texts for the course, and undertaking research work involving additional scientific literature selected by the student. The essay may also be written in pairs (maximum 14,000 characters). Scientific essays should be submitted by the dates (and time) of the exams.

Reference texts

In order to write the scientific essay, the student should choose at least one book (preferably two) for one of the three following themes, to combine with additional readings selected by the student as part of the literature review undertaken for the essay:
1) urban governance, inclusion, participation and conflict;
2) local welfare: housing and health; 3) environmental sustainability.
The texts will be discussed during class.

Reference texts:

1) Theme 1: urban governance, inclusion, participation and conflict:
Asara, V. (2020) Democrazia senza crescita: L’ecologia politica del movimento degli Indignados. Aracne Edizioni.

Paltrinieri, R., G. Allegrini (2020) Partecipazione, processi di immaginazione civica e sfera pubblica. I Laboratori di Quartiere e il Bilancio Partecipativo a Bologna. Franco Angeli.

Scandurra, G. (2017) Bologna che cambia. Quattro studi etnografici su una città. Edizioni junion- Bambini srl.

2) Local welfare:
Gainsforth, S. (2022) Abitare stanca. Una casa: un racconto politico. Effequ Sas.

Mugnano, S. (2017) Non solo housing. Qualità dell’abitare in Italia nel nuovo millennio. Franco Angeli.

Polizzi, E., C. Tajani, T. Vitale (2013) Programmare i territori del welfare. Attori, meccanismi ed effetti. Carocci Editore.


3) environmental sustainability:
Krähmer, K., S. Cristiano (2022) Città oltre la crescita. Un dibattito internazionale per trasformazioni urbane ecologiche e sociali. Castelvecchi.

Osti, G. (2016) Storage and scarcity. New practices for food, energy and water. Routledge.

Santambrogio, A. (2020) Ecologia sociale. La società dopo la pandemia. Mondadori Università.