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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Comunicazione della cultura e delle arti
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

The Laboratory of Visual Anthropology aims to introduce firstly qualitative research in anthropology and secondly anthropological theories and interpretations in studying visual art and communication.

Acquired knowledge will be: analytical tools to understand the complexity of visual/cultural processes from an anthropological point of view.

The main skills (ie the ability to apply the knowledge acquired) will be: analyze, from the perspective of ethnographic research, some well-known theories in the field of visual anthropology; develop an experimental research study for a specific environment, in visual studies as well.



Course programme

The 30-hour Laboratory is divided in lectures, exercise and presentations of ethnographic research discussed with students.

The contents of the course are the following:
Brief history, theory and method of cultural anthropology: (4 hours);
Visual Anthropology (6 hours).
Field research (6 hours).
Presentation of ethnographic research (7 hours)
Indoors and outdoors exercises (7 hours)

Didactic methods

The course is organized as follows:
Lectures (14 hours)
Presentation of field research through audiovisual materials (6 hours)
Discussion (exercises, 10 hours)

The lessons will all be face to face and will be recorded and uploaded to the platform

Learning assessment procedures

The aim of the examination is to test the achievement of the previously mentioned educational goals.

The exam is written:

Research Project about a specific urban environment for those present in the class

Open question based on exam texts for those not attending the class

Reference texts

Hans Belting (2009),"Immagine medium corpo. Un nuovo approccio all'iconologia" in A. Pinotti, A. Somaini (a cura di), Teorie dell’immagine. Il dibattito contemporaneo, Milano, Raffaello Cortina, 73-98;
Tom Davies (2013). A Visual Geography of Chernobyl: Double Exposure. International Labor and Working-Class History, 84, 116-139;
Harper Douglas (1989), "Interpretive ethnography: From 'authentic voice' to 'interpretive eye'', Visual Studies, 4(2), 33-42;
Harper Douglas, (2002), "Talking about pictures: a case for photo elicitation", Visual Studies, 17(1), 13-25
Clara Gallini (1988), "Immagini da cerimonia. Album e videocassette da matrimonio", in Belfagor, 43(6), 675-91;
Christian Lallier (2011), "L'observation filmante: Une catégorie de l'enquête ethnographique", L'Homme, 2 (198-199), 105-13;
Lorenzo Navone, Cristina Oddone (2016), "Tra cura e pena: indagini attraverso il laboratorio video-etnografico su alcuni possibili esiti del percorso migratorio", Mondi Migranti, 59-78;
Gian Piero Piretto (2010), Gli occhi di Stalin. La cultura visuale sovietica nell'era staliniana, Raffaele Cortina (introduzione e pagine scelte),
Alan Radley (2010), "What people do with pictures", Visual Studies, 25(3), 268-279;
Isabelle Schoepfer (2014), "Capturing neighbourhood images through photography", Visual Etnography, 7(3.1), 7-34

Students not attending classe have to learn
"Camera etnografica", di Francesco Marano, Franco Angeli, 2016
Francesco Faeta, "Strategie dell'occhio. Saggi di etnografia visiva", Franco Angeli 2011
Cecilia Pennacini
"Filmare le culture. Un'introduzione all'antropologia visiva", Carocci, 2005

and ten lessons of Anthropology on the web, in addition.