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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

This course will introduce to the Communication Ethics' basic concepts and to its contemporary debates.
It aims to help students to:
- To acquire knowledge about Communication Ethics (history, debates, theories).
- To recognize and evaluate the main problematic issues.
- To discuss the main interpretative categories of the subject area.
- To interact critically with the teacher.



Course programme

This course will present the main communication models and discuss the most significant ethical implications. Alongside these more general reflections, part of the lessons will be reserved for the analysis of ethical and deontological problems relating to the practical applications of communication ethics in the media, public relations, business, marketing, and advertising, and in the social, intercultural, political, economic, environmental, biomedical spheres

Didactic methods

Standard lectures with the use of slides, documents etc.

Learning assessment procedures

The written exam will be structured with Multiple Choices and/or True/False sentences and/or Open Questions on the overall program.

For any questions, explanations and clarifications on the topics / texts in the exam program, it is advisable to contact the teacher by e-mail, at least one week before the exam date.

Reference texts

Current syllabus is valid until February 2023.

1) A. Fabris, "Etica della comunicazione", Roma, Carocci, 2014.
2) A. Fabris (a cura di), "Guida alle etiche della comunicazione", terza edizione, Pisa, ETS, 2021.
3) G. Manetti, A. Fabris, "Comunicazione", Brescia, Morcelliana, 2019, solo relativamente alle seguenti parti: cap.1 (pp. 15-44) e cap. 11 (pp. 267-292).